In Obama's Fundamentally Transformed America

A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”
its called "civil rights" 57Frank :thup:
Map of sanctuary cities.

But remember, the PC Police are ALL about the LAW when it comes to "accommodation laws".


The maps missed Houston. It is another sanctuary city in Texas.
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.
You are the one lying. They were gagged. Not being able to speak about something is a gag order.
Why are you blaming Obama for the murder by the illegal when it was Obama's federal authorities who tried to detain the guy?

They what? They detained him? Was that a joke?

They should have pretended he was a Christian Tea Party baker and brought the full weight of the law down on him, then issued him a gag order
this is the Transformation Obama spoke of. and if you look at the IRS, the BLM sending 200 armed federal agents to a Citizens ranch, breaking down citizens doors and it being the Wrong address, having military training in States without any care and on and on...

this what YOU who voted for him Brought DOWN on us. Personally I think it's TOO late to Reign in federal Government now. makes me sick for OUR CHILDREN

But hey, you lib/dems go on wailing over Trump and something he said. Its easier than having to deal with what YOU BROUGT down into our lives

A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them

Great OP!

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Five Denver-area churches announced a coalition to give shelter to individuals they believe should be spared deportation if Congress were to pass an immigration overhaul, or if Mr. Obama acted to offer them a reprieve.

Churches in Chicago and Arizona have recently taken in undocumented immigrants, and congregations in other cities also are preparing to offer shelter, leaders say.

Oh how the idea of 'Christian' is soooo confusing to conservatives.

Some of them believe in Christ and 'love they neighbor' and 'what you do for the least of these my brothers you do also for me'.

Some of them want to carry shotguns and shoot people at the border.

So the question for the panel today is......which of these two groups ARE Christians and which of these two groups AREN'T Christians.

(hint: a trick question)
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”

I hate to agree with the idiot but it's right. Since the couple is no longer in business they can say what ever they want, the passage you posted would only apply if they were still in business. At this point nothing they say will in any way effect any accommodation.
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”
Now that I have read this single sentence, how about YOU find a grown up to read you the myriad of actual links that have already been provided that show you not only where this particular statement is but also how it applies.

Specifically, how it does NOT apply to the people in question.

Then you can go back and look at your 'progtard' insult and try and actually establish anything I have placed anywhere in this website that shows I am a progressive. Or admit you were being a moron - whatever.
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.
You are the one lying. They were gagged. Not being able to speak about something is a gag order.
That would be a gag order, yes. Of course it has already been established that such an order does not exist in any capacity. It has been linked to in this very thread for your intellectual enlightenment a few times. Do try and actually look into that.
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”

I hate to agree with the idiot but it's right. Since the couple is no longer in business they can say what ever they want, the passage you posted would only apply if they were still in business. At this point nothing they say will in any way effect any accommodation.
"The idiot?"

Really? Is that all you have left - being a fucking ass wipe?
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”
Now that I have read this single sentence, how about YOU find a grown up to read you the myriad of actual links that have already been provided that show you not only where this particular statement is but also how it applies.

Specifically, how it does NOT apply to the people in question.

Then you can go back and look at your 'progtard' insult and try and actually establish anything I have placed anywhere in this website that shows I am a progressive. Or admit you were being a moron - whatever.

It's a fucking gag order. I don't know how much clearer it can be. Not my problem is you can't read
Five Denver-area churches announced a coalition to give shelter to individuals they believe should be spared deportation if Congress were to pass an immigration overhaul, or if Mr. Obama acted to offer them a reprieve.

Churches in Chicago and Arizona have recently taken in undocumented immigrants, and congregations in other cities also are preparing to offer shelter, leaders say.

Oh how the idea of 'Christian' is soooo confusing to conservatives.

Some of them believe in Christ and 'love they neighbor' and 'what you do for the least of these my brothers you do also for me'.

Some of them want to carry shotguns and shoot people at the border.

So the question for the panel today is......which of these two groups ARE Christians and which of these two groups AREN'T Christians.

(hint: a trick question)

So did these churches happen to be hispanic churches??

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