In Obama's Fundamentally Transformed America

A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”

I hate to agree with the idiot but it's right. Since the couple is no longer in business they can say what ever they want, the passage you posted would only apply if they were still in business. At this point nothing they say will in any way effect any accommodation.
"The idiot?"

Really? Is that all you have left - being a fucking ass wipe?

Poor baby, I was being as PC and I can be, even used a gender neutral term. As for the rest, I just call it like I see it. You have a great night, ya hear.
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”
Now that I have read this single sentence, how about YOU find a grown up to read you the myriad of actual links that have already been provided that show you not only where this particular statement is but also how it applies.

Specifically, how it does NOT apply to the people in question.

Then you can go back and look at your 'progtard' insult and try and actually establish anything I have placed anywhere in this website that shows I am a progressive. Or admit you were being a moron - whatever.

It's a fucking gag order. I don't know how much clearer it can be. Not my problem is you can't read

It is a gag order, that can only bind a business.
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”

I hate to agree with the idiot but it's right. Since the couple is no longer in business they can say what ever they want, the passage you posted would only apply if they were still in business. At this point nothing they say will in any way effect any accommodation.
"The idiot?"

Really? Is that all you have left - being a fucking ass wipe?

Poor baby, I was being as PC and I can be, even used a gender neutral term. As for the rest, I just call it like I see it. You have a great night, ya hear.
So says the board moron.

Just calling it as it is dear.
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”
Now that I have read this single sentence, how about YOU find a grown up to read you the myriad of actual links that have already been provided that show you not only where this particular statement is but also how it applies.

Specifically, how it does NOT apply to the people in question.

Then you can go back and look at your 'progtard' insult and try and actually establish anything I have placed anywhere in this website that shows I am a progressive. Or admit you were being a moron - whatever.

It's a fucking gag order. I don't know how much clearer it can be. Not my problem is you can't read
Yes, it actually is your problem because you have failed to understand what you are reading. You are correct - it could not be more clear that is for sure. Unfortunately, even though it is crystal clear you STILL do not understand it.
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them

In fairness the 'Christian' baker was allowed to stay here and murder someone, if he wanted to.
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”

I hate to agree with the idiot but it's right. Since the couple is no longer in business they can say what ever they want, the passage you posted would only apply if they were still in business. At this point nothing they say will in any way effect any accommodation.
"The idiot?"

Really? Is that all you have left - being a fucking ass wipe?

Poor baby, I was being as PC and I can be, even used a gender neutral term. As for the rest, I just call it like I see it. You have a great night, ya hear.
So says the board moron.

Just calling it as it is dear.

If that's the best ya got, I think you need to brush up on your alinskei dogma.
A Christian baker is fined and gagged for refusing to bake a certain cake, while an Illegal Alien is free to stay here and murder a young woman.

Poor folk who won't do a single fucking thing to help themselves can now live in the same, or even better neighborhood than the middle income people paying to support them
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”
Now that I have read this single sentence, how about YOU find a grown up to read you the myriad of actual links that have already been provided that show you not only where this particular statement is but also how it applies.

Specifically, how it does NOT apply to the people in question.

Then you can go back and look at your 'progtard' insult and try and actually establish anything I have placed anywhere in this website that shows I am a progressive. Or admit you were being a moron - whatever.

It's a fucking gag order. I don't know how much clearer it can be. Not my problem is you can't read
Yes, it actually is your problem because you have failed to understand what you are reading. You are correct - it could not be more clear that is for sure. Unfortunately, even though it is crystal clear you STILL do not understand it.

OK, I'll bite. What makes you think its not a gag order. If you tell be because Rdean said so you're on my ignore list
Yeah, surely America became more socialist. Liberals impose their worldview on everyone. No one can hide from their agenda. Everything they don't like is called 'hate speech'. Truly, we are living in terrible times.
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”
Now that I have read this single sentence, how about YOU find a grown up to read you the myriad of actual links that have already been provided that show you not only where this particular statement is but also how it applies.

Specifically, how it does NOT apply to the people in question.

Then you can go back and look at your 'progtard' insult and try and actually establish anything I have placed anywhere in this website that shows I am a progressive. Or admit you were being a moron - whatever.

It's a fucking gag order. I don't know how much clearer it can be. Not my problem is you can't read
Yes, it actually is your problem because you have failed to understand what you are reading. You are correct - it could not be more clear that is for sure. Unfortunately, even though it is crystal clear you STILL do not understand it.

OK, I'll bite. What makes you think its not a gag order. If you tell be because Rdean said so you're on my ignore list

Do you even know what the order said?
The fact is that the bakers were not gagged no matter how many times this lie is passed around.

Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”
Now that I have read this single sentence, how about YOU find a grown up to read you the myriad of actual links that have already been provided that show you not only where this particular statement is but also how it applies.

Specifically, how it does NOT apply to the people in question.

Then you can go back and look at your 'progtard' insult and try and actually establish anything I have placed anywhere in this website that shows I am a progressive. Or admit you were being a moron - whatever.

It's a fucking gag order. I don't know how much clearer it can be. Not my problem is you can't read
Yes, it actually is your problem because you have failed to understand what you are reading. You are correct - it could not be more clear that is for sure. Unfortunately, even though it is crystal clear you STILL do not understand it.

OK, I'll bite. What makes you think its not a gag order. If you tell be because Rdean said so you're on my ignore list
First, what makes you think that I follow or agree with RDean? I have an extensive posting history here - I would think that you have a memory past the last few moments that should give you an inkling of where I stand on some issues... anyway -

Because the order itself applies to businesses advertising discriminatory practices. Essentially, it states that hanging a sign on the door or placing an ad in the paper that reads no gays allowed or gays will not be served is illegal.

The full (original) ruling is here: Cakes FO.pdf

page 24 outlines the applicable section. Further, the cease and desist order is specifically targeted at the fact that sweetcakes had closed down BUT CONTINUED TO OPERATED on the net while continuing to broadcast on the net, CNN and other outlets that they were open, continuing business AND would still be practicing the cited discriminatory acts that they were fined for in the first place. THAT is what they are ordered to cease and desist. If they wish to be vocal against gay agenda's then they are allowed to under the first amendment and the natural right of free speech. However, according to current local law, they are not allowed to advertise discriminatory actions that the business is performing.

Now, we can discuss the MERITS of that protection, I disagree with the idea that gay's should be a protected class under public accommodation laws and I think even the ruling flushes out my reasoning (the defendants 'hardships' read as a laughable dramatization) BUT the idea that they are under a 'gag order' is blatantly false. They can and have exercised their free right of speech all they want. What they cannot do is go out there as representatives of a business and declare that they are going to openly break the law.

Of note is the idea that sweetcakes is NOT closed - they are still operating the company:
Home - Sweet Cakes

Further, not a single action has been taken against the company in response to the many appearances that they have done AFTER the order.
Find a grown up to read this to you ProgTard

"“cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”
Now that I have read this single sentence, how about YOU find a grown up to read you the myriad of actual links that have already been provided that show you not only where this particular statement is but also how it applies.

Specifically, how it does NOT apply to the people in question.

Then you can go back and look at your 'progtard' insult and try and actually establish anything I have placed anywhere in this website that shows I am a progressive. Or admit you were being a moron - whatever.

It's a fucking gag order. I don't know how much clearer it can be. Not my problem is you can't read
Yes, it actually is your problem because you have failed to understand what you are reading. You are correct - it could not be more clear that is for sure. Unfortunately, even though it is crystal clear you STILL do not understand it.

OK, I'll bite. What makes you think its not a gag order. If you tell be because Rdean said so you're on my ignore list
First, what makes you think that I follow or agree with RDean? I have an extensive posting history here - I would think that you have a memory past the last few moments that should give you an inkling of where I stand on some issues... anyway -

Because the order itself applies to businesses advertising discriminatory practices. Essentially, it states that hanging a sign on the door or placing an ad in the paper that reads no gays allowed or gays will not be served is illegal.

The full (original) ruling is here: Cakes FO.pdf

page 24 outlines the applicable section. Further, the cease and desist order is specifically targeted at the fact that sweetcakes had closed down BUT CONTINUED TO OPERATED on the net while continuing to broadcast on the net, CNN and other outlets that they were open, continuing business AND would still be practicing the cited discriminatory acts that they were fined for in the first place. THAT is what they are ordered to cease and desist. If they wish to be vocal against gay agenda's then they are allowed to under the first amendment and the natural right of free speech. However, according to current local law, they are not allowed to advertise discriminatory actions that the business is performing.

Now, we can discuss the MERITS of that protection, I disagree with the idea that gay's should be a protected class under public accommodation laws and I think even the ruling flushes out my reasoning (the defendants 'hardships' read as a laughable dramatization) BUT the idea that they are under a 'gag order' is blatantly false. They can and have exercised their free right of speech all they want. What they cannot do is go out there as representatives of a business and declare that they are going to openly break the law.

Of note is the idea that sweetcakes is NOT closed - they are still operating the company:
Home - Sweet Cakes

Further, not a single action has been taken against the company in response to the many appearances that they have done AFTER the order.

OK, I see where you're coming from, but it doesn't read as narrowly as you think
Now that I have read this single sentence, how about YOU find a grown up to read you the myriad of actual links that have already been provided that show you not only where this particular statement is but also how it applies.

Specifically, how it does NOT apply to the people in question.

Then you can go back and look at your 'progtard' insult and try and actually establish anything I have placed anywhere in this website that shows I am a progressive. Or admit you were being a moron - whatever.

It's a fucking gag order. I don't know how much clearer it can be. Not my problem is you can't read
Yes, it actually is your problem because you have failed to understand what you are reading. You are correct - it could not be more clear that is for sure. Unfortunately, even though it is crystal clear you STILL do not understand it.

OK, I'll bite. What makes you think its not a gag order. If you tell be because Rdean said so you're on my ignore list
First, what makes you think that I follow or agree with RDean? I have an extensive posting history here - I would think that you have a memory past the last few moments that should give you an inkling of where I stand on some issues... anyway -

Because the order itself applies to businesses advertising discriminatory practices. Essentially, it states that hanging a sign on the door or placing an ad in the paper that reads no gays allowed or gays will not be served is illegal.

The full (original) ruling is here: Cakes FO.pdf

page 24 outlines the applicable section. Further, the cease and desist order is specifically targeted at the fact that sweetcakes had closed down BUT CONTINUED TO OPERATED on the net while continuing to broadcast on the net, CNN and other outlets that they were open, continuing business AND would still be practicing the cited discriminatory acts that they were fined for in the first place. THAT is what they are ordered to cease and desist. If they wish to be vocal against gay agenda's then they are allowed to under the first amendment and the natural right of free speech. However, according to current local law, they are not allowed to advertise discriminatory actions that the business is performing.

Now, we can discuss the MERITS of that protection, I disagree with the idea that gay's should be a protected class under public accommodation laws and I think even the ruling flushes out my reasoning (the defendants 'hardships' read as a laughable dramatization) BUT the idea that they are under a 'gag order' is blatantly false. They can and have exercised their free right of speech all they want. What they cannot do is go out there as representatives of a business and declare that they are going to openly break the law.

Of note is the idea that sweetcakes is NOT closed - they are still operating the company:
Home - Sweet Cakes

Further, not a single action has been taken against the company in response to the many appearances that they have done AFTER the order.

OK, I see where you're coming from, but it doesn't read as narrowly as you think
I certainly understand that it reads more broad - the order is very poorly written. The truth is that they not only do not have the jurisdiction to limit their political speech but that it is unconstitutional. Bear that in mind when seeing how and why the cease and desist order was rendered. They were publicly stating that they would continue business AND continue to discriminate against gay couples.

That is illegal according to the public accommodation laws of the region. It is why, IMO, the order was rendered - not a gag order but an order to comply with the previous ruling.

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