In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US



Hilarious. Obama front and center on the world stage. The leader of the free world.

Trump pushed off to the side. Disrespected, disliked and despised. And look at that. They're laughing at Putin's Russian Poodle.
No you fool! he just didn't want to stand next to that black guy!
I'm sure he didn't. Republicans are racist after all. And proud of it.
Sats the ignorant snowflake whose party's leaked personal emails showed they are a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites...

Interesting how liberals always accuse others of doing what they are doing and of being what they are.
The amount of damage he has done in 6months is just stunning.

The question is this - Did he set out to completely discredit the US on the world stage? Or is he as spectacularly incompetent as he appears?

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Hilarious. Obama front and center on the world stage. The leader of the free world.

Trump pushed off to the side. Disrespected, disliked and despised. And look at that. They're laughing at Putin's Russian Poodle.
No you fool! he just didn't want to stand next to that black guy!
I'm sure he didn't. Republicans are racist after all. And proud of it.
Sats the ignorant snowflake whose party's leaked personal emails showed they are a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites...

Interesting how liberals always accuse others of doing what they are doing and of being what they are.
Republicans have been saying Democrats are anti American for years.

Now we know why the deflection. They are traitors to the country and have now been exposed.
Only for idiot morons and Traitors to the United States. Which are you? Both?

Says the moron who spams the threads with the same garbage over and over because you can't think for yourself.

W/o Huffpo, CNN, etc you're lost
Deflection. Undermining the American free press. That's what Russian agents do. They hate this country and want it brought down. True Americans must defeat them.
Libs your hatred and rage is misdirected, the American people in 30 states chose Trump for president, you were rejected get over it.
Only for idiot morons and Traitors to the United States. Which are you? Both?

Says the moron who spams the threads with the same garbage over and over because you can't think for yourself.

W/o Huffpo, CNN, etc you're lost
Deflection. Undermining the American free press. That's what Russian agents do. They hate this country and want it brought down. True Americans must defeat them.

You quoted an Australian journalist moron
Only for idiot morons and Traitors to the United States. Which are you? Both?

Says the moron who spams the threads with the same garbage over and over because you can't think for yourself.

W/o Huffpo, CNN, etc you're lost
Deflection. Undermining the American free press. That's what Russian agents do. They hate this country and want it brought down. True Americans must defeat them.

You quoted an Australian journalist moron
Gee, how did I mess that? What gave it away? The word "Australian" in the title?

Australian journalist demolishes Trump at G20: 'biggest threat to the west'
Journalist? Lol they've lost all credibility
Only for idiot morons and Traitors to the United States. Which are you? Both?

Says the moron who spams the threads with the same garbage over and over because you can't think for yourself.

W/o Huffpo, CNN, etc you're lost
Deflection. Undermining the American free press. That's what Russian agents do. They hate this country and want it brought down. True Americans must defeat them.

You quoted an Australian journalist moron
Gee, how did I mess that? What gave it away? The word "Australian" in the title?

Australian journalist demolishes Trump at G20: 'biggest threat to the west'

You miss much. That comes from being a partisan hack
Let's go through the mess Donald Trump has created:

1: Trump has ceded the leadership of the Free World to Germany and Russia

2: Trump told the world not to trust this country because our intelligence agencies can't be trusted. They lie.

3: How far will intelligence agencies, who daily, put their lives on the line, continue to do the best job they can protecting this nation while being called liars and other names by their boss?

4: Europe and Japan signed a trade deal covering 30% of the global economy and 40% of total world trade while leaving the US completely out of it.

5: Trump kowtowed to Vladimir Putin while the rest of the world knows Russia interfered with American elections and interfered with elections in many other countries including France and other European countries.

6: Our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, are working out a new trade agreement that leaves out the US.

7: The US is left out of any climate change deals meaning we will be left out of trade agreements base on climate change technology.

8. The US was looked at being less than serious when Trump left his daughter to be his replacement at high level meetings.

Now right away ignorant right wingers will scream "Where are the links?"

Well, this has been reported on and in the news every single day of the meeting. Beside, you guys don't believe what the media says anyway. So as far as the drooling idiots are concerned, none of it ever happened. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism... dipshit
Well, this has been reported on and in the news every single day of the meeting. Beside, you guys don't believe what the media says anyway. So as far as the drooling idiots are concerned, none of it ever happened. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

Doesn't mean you don't need links. It's a matter of board policy, not what the right wingers or left wingers want or believe or whatever.
So let's go through Trump's list of successes:

1: Trump has ceded the leadership of the Free World to Germany and Russia

2: Trump told the world not to trust this country because our intelligence agencies can't be trusted. They lie.

3: How far will intelligence agencies, who daily, put their lives on the line, continue to do the best job they can protecting this nation while being called liars and other names by their boss?

4: Europe and Japan signed a trade deal covering 30% of the global economy and 40% of total world trade while leaving the US completely out of it.

5: Trump kowtowed to Vladimir Putin while the rest of the world knows Russia interfered with American elections and interfered with elections in many other countries including France and other European countries.

6: Our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, are working out a new trade agreement that leaves out the US.

7: The US is left out of any climate change deals meaning we will be left out of trade agreements base on climate change technology.

8. The US was looked at being less than serious when Trump left his daughter to be his replacement at high level meetings.

If anyone can prove different, go for. Show us what you've got.
Why reply to a pile of crap? We will let you clowns circle jerk each other with your fantasies. If you want to be delusional idiots, it's a free country.
Imagine for a moment, it's a year ago and President Obama has Malia sit in at the G20 meeting for him.

The rest of the world is saying that the US is now a banana Republic dictatorship. THEY see it.

Republicans in Congress, is there anything, ANYTHING, that will cause you to say 'this is unConstitutional and we have to stop it'? So now according to Republicans anyone that is elected president is free to install their entire family into all the sensitive positions in the government even though not a single one of them was elected and none has any experience at all?

This man is Kim Jong Un and the Republicans in Congress are his enablers.
Malia is a pot smoking little whore who wears shirts with no pants. Ivanka is a business woman.

Malia got a political job at the embassy in Spain. Then she fucked it up by smoking pot and letting the ambassador's pigeons go. Ivanka is respected wherever she goes.

Ivanka is her father's prostitute. Trump's family is a crime family of people that don't know how to do anything. They are the losers of the population.

How quickly cons throw the Constitution in the trash and follow their dear leader as willing North Korean wannabes. You people are the sheep of the population.
Let's go through the mess Donald Trump has created:

1: Trump has ceded the leadership of the Free World to Germany and Russia

2: Trump told the world not to trust this country because our intelligence agencies can't be trusted. They lie.

3: How far will intelligence agencies, who daily, put their lives on the line, continue to do the best job they can protecting this nation while being called liars and other names by their boss?

4: Europe and Japan signed a trade deal covering 30% of the global economy and 40% of total world trade while leaving the US completely out of it.

5: Trump kowtowed to Vladimir Putin while the rest of the world knows Russia interfered with American elections and interfered with elections in many other countries including France and other European countries.

6: Our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, are working out a new trade agreement that leaves out the US.

7: The US is left out of any climate change deals meaning we will be left out of trade agreements base on climate change technology.

8. The US was looked at being less than serious when Trump left his daughter to be his replacement at high level meetings.

Now right away ignorant right wingers will scream "Where are the links?"

Well, this has been reported on and in the news every single day of the meeting. Beside, you guys don't believe what the media says anyway. So as far as the drooling idiots are concerned, none of it ever happened. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

Walk through each point with specific evidence to support your conclusions.
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