In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Let's go through the mess Donald Trump has created:

1: Trump has ceded the leadership of the Free World to Germany and Russia

2: Trump told the world not to trust this country because our intelligence agencies can't be trusted. They lie.

3: How far will intelligence agencies, who daily, put their lives on the line, continue to do the best job they can protecting this nation while being called liars and other names by their boss?

4: Europe and Japan signed a trade deal covering 30% of the global economy and 40% of total world trade while leaving the US completely out of it.

5: Trump kowtowed to Vladimir Putin while the rest of the world knows Russia interfered with American elections and interfered with elections in many other countries including France and other European countries.

6: Our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, are working out a new trade agreement that leaves out the US.

7: The US is left out of any climate change deals meaning we will be left out of trade agreements base on climate change technology.

8. The US was looked at being less than serious when Trump left his daughter to be his replacement at high level meetings.

Now right away ignorant right wingers will scream "Where are the links?"

Well, this has been reported on and in the news every single day of the meeting. Beside, you guys don't believe what the media says anyway. So as far as the drooling idiots are concerned, none of it ever happened. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

I'm going to address one of your ignorant statements, which is number 4. You're not worth the effort on any more. Oh, and I have a link. My bold.

The 18th round of negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Japan took place in Tokyo in April 2017. Both sides work to conclude the negotiations in 2017.

A Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) of the EU-Japan FTA was carried out for the European Commission and was published in 2016.

The EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement negotiations were officially launched on 25 March 2013, after the release of an impact assessment of the future Free Trade Agreement in July 2012.

A Strategic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Japan is being negotiated in parallel with the Free Trade Agreement.

Japan - Trade - European Commission

Now all you need is for an adult to explain that the deal has been in the works for 5 years, and Trump has been in office less than 7 months. Then you can go back to your safe space and play dough.

Actually it's been four years. And talks stalled until 7 months ago when Trump was elected.

Japan and Europe counter Trump with colossal trade deal

Talks over the deal have stretched over more than four years, in part because Japan was more focused on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country trade deal that included the United States. But after Trump’s election last year, negotiations between Japan and Europe accelerated, as the countries saw that the United States might take a new posture on trade, said Goodman.



With EU Deal, Japan Sends Powerful Message on Free Trade

The new pact could also strengthen the push for a TPP without its biggest economy. Representatives of the 11 nations remaining in the Asia-Pacific trade grouping are set to meet Wednesday in Hakone, Japan to discuss how to proceed without U.S. participation, which would reduce the economic size of the pact from 40 percent of global GDP to less than 15 percent.


That's gonna

Thanks Trump

In other words, you lied when you initially reported it
What the f*ck is wrong with you. It's right there in black and white. The negotiation started four years ago but the Japanese held back wanting to include the US. Once Trump was elected, the negotiations raced forward leaving the US OUT of the agreements. It's because of Trump the US will have to pay more and take a hit for any US goods entering their market.


Hilarious. Obama front and center on the world stage. The leader of the free world.

Trump pushed off to the side. Disrespected, disliked and despised. And look at that. They're laughing at Putin's Russian Poodle.
No you fool! he just didn't want to stand next to that black guy!
I'm sure he didn't. Republicans are racist after all. And proud of it.
so are what else is new?....
I'm not racist, but at least you admit Republicans are. And I thought you were dishonest about everything. Guess I was wrong about one thing.

Does it matter that "folks weren't happy"?

Not a bit.
You dumbasses wouldn't have shut up about it if Obama's daughter had done the same thing during his presidency.
Repubicans have two reasons for everything. Rules don't apply to Republicans. And white people have special whites, er, rights.
What Trump and his legions of Trumpbots don't understand is this:

Being a businessman is like going around your neighborhood, finding a bunch of people and organizing a baseball game.

Being a diplomat is like living in a neighborhood dominated by violent drug gangs and trying to run those gangs out without getting yourself or a bunch of other people killed.

Trump was out of his league at the G-20. So much so that he was blatantly ignored. He thinks he's the best baseball team leader, but the rest of the G-20 is just trying to figure out how everyone's going to survive now that the drug gang is in full control and the neighborhood cop just isn't there anymore.
Let's go through the mess Donald Trump has created:

1: Trump has ceded the leadership of the Free World to Germany and Russia

2: Trump told the world not to trust this country because our intelligence agencies can't be trusted. They lie.

3: How far will intelligence agencies, who daily, put their lives on the line, continue to do the best job they can protecting this nation while being called liars and other names by their boss?

4: Europe and Japan signed a trade deal covering 30% of the global economy and 40% of total world trade while leaving the US completely out of it.

5: Trump kowtowed to Vladimir Putin while the rest of the world knows Russia interfered with American elections and interfered with elections in many other countries including France and other European countries.

6: Our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, are working out a new trade agreement that leaves out the US.

7: The US is left out of any climate change deals meaning we will be left out of trade agreements base on climate change technology.

8. The US was looked at being less than serious when Trump left his daughter to be his replacement at high level meetings.

Now right away ignorant right wingers will scream "Where are the links?"

Well, this has been reported on and in the news every single day of the meeting. Beside, you guys don't believe what the media says anyway. So as far as the drooling idiots are concerned, none of it ever happened. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

re election in 4 years. sit on that and spin around you Islamic lib
Let's go through the mess Donald Trump has created:

1: Trump has ceded the leadership of the Free World to Germany and Russia

2: Trump told the world not to trust this country because our intelligence agencies can't be trusted. They lie.

3: How far will intelligence agencies, who daily, put their lives on the line, continue to do the best job they can protecting this nation while being called liars and other names by their boss?

4: Europe and Japan signed a trade deal covering 30% of the global economy and 40% of total world trade while leaving the US completely out of it.

5: Trump kowtowed to Vladimir Putin while the rest of the world knows Russia interfered with American elections and interfered with elections in many other countries including France and other European countries.

6: Our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, are working out a new trade agreement that leaves out the US.

7: The US is left out of any climate change deals meaning we will be left out of trade agreements base on climate change technology.

8. The US was looked at being less than serious when Trump left his daughter to be his replacement at high level meetings.

Now right away ignorant right wingers will scream "Where are the links?"

Well, this has been reported on and in the news every single day of the meeting. Beside, you guys don't believe what the media says anyway. So as far as the drooling idiots are concerned, none of it ever happened. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

The sad thing is that you filthy ass Moon Bat shitheads actually believe that list. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much for your stupidity.

Your reaction if this had been the headline?

World in crisis after Michelle Obama briefly sits in for POTUS at G-20 - Hot Air

Pretty much the same. I voted for Obama. I refused to vote for Hillary. If it had been anyone I would have shrugged and said whatever. The reason? Trump was not alone in stepping out.

But since there are far too many who hate Trump and blow everything out of proportion we have this. If anything it shows that there is no honesty in the opposition to Trump.

It was investment and migration for Africa. Make up your fucking minds. Trump is evil and enriching himself as president. Trump is evil because he didn't sit through a briefing on enriching himself as president.
Let's go through the mess Donald Trump has created:

1: Trump has ceded the leadership of the Free World to Germany and Russia

2: Trump told the world not to trust this country because our intelligence agencies can't be trusted. They lie.

3: How far will intelligence agencies, who daily, put their lives on the line, continue to do the best job they can protecting this nation while being called liars and other names by their boss?

4: Europe and Japan signed a trade deal covering 30% of the global economy and 40% of total world trade while leaving the US completely out of it.

5: Trump kowtowed to Vladimir Putin while the rest of the world knows Russia interfered with American elections and interfered with elections in many other countries including France and other European countries.

6: Our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, are working out a new trade agreement that leaves out the US.

7: The US is left out of any climate change deals meaning we will be left out of trade agreements base on climate change technology.

8. The US was looked at being less than serious when Trump left his daughter to be his replacement at high level meetings.

Now right away ignorant right wingers will scream "Where are the links?"

Well, this has been reported on and in the news every single day of the meeting. Beside, you guys don't believe what the media says anyway. So as far as the drooling idiots are concerned, none of it ever happened. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

I'm going to address one of your ignorant statements, which is number 4. You're not worth the effort on any more. Oh, and I have a link. My bold.

The 18th round of negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Japan took place in Tokyo in April 2017. Both sides work to conclude the negotiations in 2017.

A Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) of the EU-Japan FTA was carried out for the European Commission and was published in 2016.

The EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement negotiations were officially launched on 25 March 2013, after the release of an impact assessment of the future Free Trade Agreement in July 2012.

A Strategic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Japan is being negotiated in parallel with the Free Trade Agreement.

Japan - Trade - European Commission

Now all you need is for an adult to explain that the deal has been in the works for 5 years, and Trump has been in office less than 7 months. Then you can go back to your safe space and play dough.

Actually it's been four years. And talks stalled until 7 months ago when Trump was elected.

Japan and Europe counter Trump with colossal trade deal

Talks over the deal have stretched over more than four years, in part because Japan was more focused on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country trade deal that included the United States. But after Trump’s election last year, negotiations between Japan and Europe accelerated, as the countries saw that the United States might take a new posture on trade, said Goodman.



With EU Deal, Japan Sends Powerful Message on Free Trade

The new pact could also strengthen the push for a TPP without its biggest economy. Representatives of the 11 nations remaining in the Asia-Pacific trade grouping are set to meet Wednesday in Hakone, Japan to discuss how to proceed without U.S. participation, which would reduce the economic size of the pact from 40 percent of global GDP to less than 15 percent.


That's gonna

Thanks Trump

In other words, you lied when you initially reported it
What the f*ck is wrong with you. It's right there in black and white. The negotiation started four years ago but the Japanese held back wanting to include the US. Once Trump was elected, the negotiations raced forward leaving the US OUT of the agreements. It's because of Trump the US will have to pay more and take a hit for any US goods entering their market.
You are a sad little liberal with absolutely no idea what you post about, and how anything on earth works, unfortunately ALL liberals are just as foolish, incompetent and lacking in intellect as you. BOO HOOO BOOGER EATING HOO, HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. it is so funny to look at the crazy way you liberals make your little lists of fantasy, and lies and present them as some kind of proof when they are extremely flawed and ludicrous. Why don't you just go to Japan learn how to kill yourself honorably, and give the world a gift of not having to listen to another Psychotic liberal.
Let's go through the mess Donald Trump has created:

1: Trump has ceded the leadership of the Free World to Germany and Russia

2: Trump told the world not to trust this country because our intelligence agencies can't be trusted. They lie.

3: How far will intelligence agencies, who daily, put their lives on the line, continue to do the best job they can protecting this nation while being called liars and other names by their boss?

4: Europe and Japan signed a trade deal covering 30% of the global economy and 40% of total world trade while leaving the US completely out of it.

5: Trump kowtowed to Vladimir Putin while the rest of the world knows Russia interfered with American elections and interfered with elections in many other countries including France and other European countries.

6: Our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, are working out a new trade agreement that leaves out the US.

7: The US is left out of any climate change deals meaning we will be left out of trade agreements base on climate change technology.

8. The US was looked at being less than serious when Trump left his daughter to be his replacement at high level meetings.

Now right away ignorant right wingers will scream "Where are the links?"

Well, this has been reported on and in the news every single day of the meeting. Beside, you guys don't believe what the media says anyway. So as far as the drooling idiots are concerned, none of it ever happened. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

The sad thing is that you filthy ass Moon Bat shitheads actually believe that list. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much for your stupidity.

It's always amusing when lowlife trash call their better "moon bats"

But please. Keep foaming at the mouth.


Hilarious. Obama front and center on the world stage. The leader of the free world.

Trump pushed off to the side. Disrespected, disliked and despised. And look at that. They're laughing at Putin's Russian Poodle.
No you fool! he just didn't want to stand next to that black guy!
I'm sure he didn't. Republicans are racist after all. And proud of it.
so are what else is new?....
I'm not racist, but at least you admit Republicans are. And I thought you were dishonest about everything. Guess I was wrong about one thing.
sure you are mention skin color quite a bit for someone who isnt.....and its funny you,one of the most dishonest people in this forum calling me dishonest,do you know what a hypocrite is?....take a look in the mirror,yep, thats one....
Pretty much the same. I voted for Obama. I refused to vote for Hillary. If it had been anyone I would have shrugged and said whatever. The reason? Trump was not alone in stepping out.

But since there are far too many who hate Trump and blow everything out of proportion we have this. If anything it shows that there is no honesty in the opposition to Trump.

It was investment and migration for Africa. Make up your fucking minds. Trump is evil and enriching himself as president. Trump is evil because he didn't sit through a briefing on enriching himself as president.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

BTW, this journo is a conservative..
Let's go through the mess Donald Trump has created:

1: Trump has ceded the leadership of the Free World to Germany and Russia

2: Trump told the world not to trust this country because our intelligence agencies can't be trusted. They lie.

3: How far will intelligence agencies, who daily, put their lives on the line, continue to do the best job they can protecting this nation while being called liars and other names by their boss?

4: Europe and Japan signed a trade deal covering 30% of the global economy and 40% of total world trade while leaving the US completely out of it.

5: Trump kowtowed to Vladimir Putin while the rest of the world knows Russia interfered with American elections and interfered with elections in many other countries including France and other European countries.

6: Our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, are working out a new trade agreement that leaves out the US.

7: The US is left out of any climate change deals meaning we will be left out of trade agreements base on climate change technology.

8. The US was looked at being less than serious when Trump left his daughter to be his replacement at high level meetings.

Now right away ignorant right wingers will scream "Where are the links?"

Well, this has been reported on and in the news every single day of the meeting. Beside, you guys don't believe what the media says anyway. So as far as the drooling idiots are concerned, none of it ever happened. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

re election in 4 years. sit on that and spin around you Islamic lib
Islamic lib? It's your kind that let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. I think we deserve an explanation.

CIA Reportedly Disbands Bin Laden Unit


Hilarious. Obama front and center on the world stage. The leader of the free world.

Trump pushed off to the side. Disrespected, disliked and despised. And look at that. They're laughing at Putin's Russian Poodle.
No you fool! he just didn't want to stand next to that black guy!
I'm sure he didn't. Republicans are racist after all. And proud of it.
so are what else is new?....
I'm not racist, but at least you admit Republicans are. And I thought you were dishonest about everything. Guess I was wrong about one thing.
sure you are mention skin color quite a bit for someone who isnt.....and its funny you,one of the most dishonest people in this forum calling me dishonest,do you know what a hypocrite is?....take a look in the mirror,yep, thats one....
Don't get so upset just because you got "outed" as a racist. Everyone's known it for a long time.
No you fool! he just didn't want to stand next to that black guy!
I'm sure he didn't. Republicans are racist after all. And proud of it.
so are what else is new?....
I'm not racist, but at least you admit Republicans are. And I thought you were dishonest about everything. Guess I was wrong about one thing.
sure you are mention skin color quite a bit for someone who isnt.....and its funny you,one of the most dishonest people in this forum calling me dishonest,do you know what a hypocrite is?....take a look in the mirror,yep, thats one....
Don't get so upset just because you got "outed" as a racist. Everyone's known it for a long time.
ill leave the board for a month if you can show me mentioning some ones skin color to make a point,will you do the same after i show you doing that?.... endless sea of butthurt whining.....

It's going to be a long 4 years for snowflakes.... :p
See, this tired "sore loser" response you cons give only serves as evidence that you can't defend Trump.
I do not have to defend the man from continuous seditious lies and accusations that have no merit and that are unsubstantiated due to a lack of evidence.

Every time one of you sbowflakes open uour facist mouths to attack the elected President of the United States, all anyone hears is, "Blah, blah, blah...I hate Donald Trump, and I'm a subversive butt-hurt sore loser."
Don't get so upset just because you got "outed" as a racist. Everyone's known it for a long time.

My dear snowflake, the only ones who have been outted as RACISTS ... and SEXISTS, HOMOPHOBES, AND ANTI-SEMITES ... are DEMOCRATS ... by their own personal, hacked, leaked e-mails.

Even after, on live tv, Democrats called successful black conservative businessmen and women 'Mediocre Negroes'.

And then, like always, you snowflakes attempt to accuse others of doing what you do and accuse others of being who you are.

You sadly think that by doing so people will forget it was you Democrats who were the ones really outted initially / all along.

No amount of game-playing, however, will erase the Democratic Party 'sins' of the past...The KKK, segregation and violence, opposing Civil Rights, and 'economic slavery':

"We have to give them something...but not enough to make a difference. We'll have those ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years."

...but you keep trying to convince everyone that it is everyone else who are the racists...not the Democrats.


Does it matter that "folks weren't happy"?

Not a bit.
You dumbasses wouldn't have shut up about it if Obama's daughter had done the same thing during his presidency.

Obama's daughter held no high position in his administration.
Oh right because you would have totally been fine with such an appointment? No of course you wouldn't. You're a hypocrite.

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