In Other News, Hitler Won WW2.

Otay, AI-Bot-a-Roni.
Hitler isn't mean enough to initiate a policy geared toward dogging me out. Especially unprovoked. He's one head of the beast from the sea discussed in the Biblical chapter Revelations, so he's pretty mean. But he's not THAT sadistic. I have identified the Antichrist and I know he inserted that particular stipulation into the Civil Rights Movement.
Hitler isn't mean enough to initiate a policy geared toward dogging me out. Especially unprovoked. He's one head of the beast from the sea discussed in the Biblical chapter Revelations, so he's pretty mean. But he's not THAT sadistic. I have identified the Antichrist and I know he inserted that particular stipulation into the Civil Rights Movement.
Oh HAi saltydancin.
Where did the OP get the idea that Nazi's were rightwingers?

Muslims are rightwingers. Nazis were socialists.

We've been conditioned to believe that fascism was a right-wing creation when in fact leftists are regular practitioners of fascism.
right--left ----is meaningless
Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle have some nasty coochies. F**K those stuck-up hoes.
That's what's wrong with the world today. Society's ethical standards were invented by stuck-up hoes who passed them off as religion. And the male counterparts of these stuck-up hoes. This concept is represented in the Mona Lisa, the cognizant image of the beast from the sea. She's a bit androgynous they say.
Come back when sober .

On reflection , but not until your treatment has been completed. .

What has our world now to do with Hitler? Nothing or nothing? Our world has only to do with stupid ideas about Hitler and Nazis. Concrete: In the moment for example I think about whether it could be a good idea to give Elon Musk a house ban for Germany because this extremist supports political extremists in Germany. I also thought once about to give the Islamist Erdogan a house ban in Germany when he had been mayor of Istanbul and brought with every visit only hate on Germans to the Turkish people who live here in Germany. Still I think this had been better. We could perhaps live in a better world now. I see in Elon Musk as well an enemy of Germany as I see in him an enemy of Twitter. I fear this man - who is as rich as stupid - has not only a Napoleonic complex . I fear this man thinks he is "Q" ... ah sorry "X". And also Donald Trump should get a house ban in Germany. ¿Why support German right wing extremists as well Putin and Donald Trump?
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If by "winning", it is meant that how the Nazis functioned continues, yes, human sickness was not cured by the barbarity of WWII. The barbarity was and is on all sides, far "right" and far "left".
If by "winning", it is meant that how the Nazis functioned continues, yes, human sickness was not cured by the barbarity of WWII. The barbarity was and is on all sides, far "right" and far "left".
The main purpose of WW2 was to recruit Asian nations into African imperialism. The specific allegiance of any given Western nation to the Allied or Axis forces was secondary and overhyped.
The main purpose of WW2 was to recruit Asian nations into African imperialism. The specific allegiance of any given Western nation to the Allied or Axis forces was secondary and overhyped.
However unlike Americans, the Germans really did hate Jews to a genocidal degree. There were major differences between WW2 factions but they converged on the issue of racism. Against blacks. When America enacted the racist GI Bill, this was a setup to establish the Fourth Reich in America. I mentioned that Martin Luther King was a wolf in sheep's clothing who reiterated the inscription emblazoned on the gates of Auschwitz: "Work Will Set You Free".
However unlike Americans, the Germans really did hate Jews to a genocidal degree. There were major differences between WW2 factions but they converged on the issue of racism. Against blacks. When America enacted the racist GI Bill, this was a setup to establish the Fourth Reich in America. I mentioned that Martin Luther King was a wolf in sheep's clothing who reiterated the inscription emblazoned on the gates of Auschwitz: "Work Will Set You Free".
Hitler is indeed still alive and it is he who explained to me that the Civil Rights Movement was a scam. It overemphasized the importance of jobs to deflect attention away from its true purpose of robbing blacks blind in the real estate market. This turned out to be critical because in these 1% times, economic conditions overwhelmingly favor those who own the means of production. Real estate ownership of ANY kind counts towards being the bourgeoisie. Their proletariat employees are little better off than slaves. This blacks' employment rights are worthless, because anything times zero is zero.
Hitler is indeed still alive and it is he who explained to me that the Civil Rights Movement was a scam. It overemphasized the importance of jobs to deflect attention away from its true purpose of robbing blacks blind in the real estate market. This turned out to be critical because in these 1% times, economic conditions overwhelmingly favor those who own the means of production. Real estate ownership of ANY kind counts towards being the bourgeoisie. Their proletariat employees are little better off than slaves. This blacks' employment rights are worthless, because anything times zero is zero.
Amongst Holocaust concentration camp detainees, educated professionals had a much higher mortality rate than the working class. Likewise, the income disparity between blacks and whites widens at each ascending tier of the educational hierarchy. Blacks with advanced degrees also self-report experiencing significant racism at much higher rates than uneducated blacks do. That's because these equal education and employment rights were disingenuous anyhow. Their primary purpose was to feed into white Americans' sustained and escalating real estate boom. These education rights merely gave blacks enough rope to hang ourselves to this end. And educated blacks are typically treated accordingly. We are no longer required to achieve the desired white power outcome, but for decorum's sake America can't quite formally abolish these civil rights either. It's a dilemma.
Amongst Holocaust concentration camp detainees, educated professionals had a much higher mortality rate than the working class. Likewise, the income disparity between blacks and whites widens at each ascending tier of the educational hierarchy. Blacks with advanced degrees also self-report experiencing significant racism at much higher rates than uneducated blacks do. That's because these equal education and employment rights were disingenuous anyhow. Their primary purpose was to feed into white Americans' sustained and escalating real estate boom. These education rights merely gave blacks enough rope to hang ourselves to this end. And educated blacks are typically treated accordingly. We are no longer required to achieve the desired white power outcome, but for decorum's sake America can't quite formally abolish these civil rights either. It's a dilemma.
My paternal ancestors were notable Nazis or proto-Nazis. My American paternal great grandpa was a doctor, but his son my grandpa majored in Forestry in college. One thing he gleaned from the Third Reich is the supreme importance of rugged survivalism. The prestige of one's career is but icing on the cake. One may split hairs about such matters AFTER your rudimentary survival needs are nailed down, and not before. After so many doctors perished in concentration camps while farmers prospered, he determined that these priorities apply to everybody.
However unlike Americans, the Germans really did hate Jews to a genocidal degree. ...

It's totally stupid to say so. It existed no important problems between Germans who had been Jews and Germans who not had been Jews before "Hitler" came. Jews had been Germans like all others. That's why Hitler needed a marker for his racism.
... Against blacks. ...

For example sang the SA in the time of Hitler while marching in the streets songs like: "Make an end with the "Faulhaberei" [Faulhaber was catholic bishop in Munich] - Beat the blacks to a pulp" Blacks had been often an expression for clerics - in this case for the priests of bishop Faulhaber. In Germany lived [nearly] no Blacks.
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My paternal ancestors were notable Nazis or proto-Nazis. My American paternal great grandpa was a doctor, but his son my grandpa majored in Forestry in college. One thing he gleaned from the Third Reich is the supreme importance of rugged survivalism. ...

No one survived because of Hitler but many survived in spite of Hitler. The basic ideology of the Nazis had been a totally absurde form of not really existing Darwinism.
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Where did the OP get the idea that Nazi's were rightwingers?

Muslims are rightwingers. Nazis were socialists.

We've been conditioned to believe that fascism was a right-wing creation when in fact leftists are regular practitioners of fascism.
This is an obvious truth.
Left wing idealogues, who call themselves "intellectuals"... rigorously insist that Hitler/Mussolini were right wing.
In the exact same way they insist that slavery, and deep racism in America was a product of conservatives.

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