In Other News, Hitler Won WW2.

Hitler isn't mean enough to initiate a policy geared toward dogging me out. Especially unprovoked. He's one head of the beast from the sea discussed in the Biblical chapter Revelations, so he's pretty mean. But he's not THAT sadistic. I have identified the Antichrist and I know he inserted that particular stipulation into the Civil Rights Movement.

The Nazis had laughed a lot now. Such thoughts had been totally strange to them.
This is an obvious truth.
Left wing idealogues, who call themselves "intellectuals"... rigorously insist that Hitler/Mussolini were right wing.
In the exact same way they insist that slavery, and deep racism in America was a product of conservatives.

Slavery is American - not German - and Mussolini was no anti-Semite as far as I know. And nearly no one was less racist in all histories of mankind than had been Germans - exception "Hitler".
... "Work Will Set You Free". ...

This sentence which was written on all extermination camps was a camouflage. People who read it normally thought this are labor camps where criminals learn to work hard so they do not need to be criminals any longer. Reformatories. Indeed the Nazis used hard work and little food as a weapon of murder:"Work makes you free [from life]"
Slavery is American - not German - and Mussolini was no anti-Semite as far as I know. And nearly no one was less racist in all histories of mankind than had been Germans - exception "Hitler".

Germany partook of the Atlantic slave trade like pretty much all of Europe.
And despite many German history revisionist claiming otherwise, German people tended to be nationalistic prior to Hitler and after.
Also - it is easy to not be racist when 95%+ of your country is the same race.
It's totally stupid to say so. It existed no important problems between Germans who had been Jews and Germans who not had been Jews before "Hitler" came. Jews had been Germans like all others. That's why Hitler needed a marker for his racism.
The Jews were never regular Germans. They had always been marginalized. A Jewish guy attempted to assassinate Bismarck with 5 gunshots at point blank range. Bismarck survived because he was a vampire. I'm not a German Jewish history expert, so I can't discern whether Hitler avenged this previous attempt on his life, or whether the would-be assassin was merely reacting to genocidal plans already secretly in progress. I would guess that the gunman succeeded at forestalling the Holocaust, enabling a larger number of Jews to evacuate Germany beforehand. However he himself either committed suicide in prison or he was murdered which was framed as a suicide.
The Jews were never regular Germans. They had always been marginalized. A Jewish guy attempted to assassinate Bismarck with 5 gunshots at point blank range. Bismarck survived because he was a vampire. I'm not a German Jewish history expert, so I can't discern whether Hitler avenged this previous attempt on his life, or whether the would-be assassin was merely reacting to genocidal plans already secretly in progress. I would guess that the gunman succeeded at forestalling the Holocaust, enabling a larger number of Jews to evacuate Germany beforehand. However he himself either committed suicide in prison or he was murdered which was framed as a suicide.
People try to assassinate Bismarck/Hitler everywhere he goes. Someone made an attempt on Rasputin's life too. Also unsuccessful. Because he was a vampire. It's always the same. He was a vampire yesterday, he's a vampire today, and he's, he'll be a vampire tomorrow. He won't wake up one day and revert from vampirism. He'll still be a vampire.
The Jews were never regular Germans. ...

Wrong. In very most German countries existed the same laws for all Germans since about 1860. And in the same logic you had to say in the Middle Ages not any German had been a regular German because for all people and professions existed discriminating rules.
If you don't don't know, that is because you don't want to know.
Germany, officially, did not play a large or intricate part of the Atlantic slave trade.
However, several German merchants had slaves - in Germany. And even sold slaves to France.
So, while I get your denial based on the fact the German government played little to no role in the slave trade, it is a misbelief that Germany as a whole never did - because they did.
The Jews were never regular Germans. They had always been marginalized. A Jewish guy attempted to assassinate Bismarck with 5 gunshots at point blank range. Bismarck survived because he was a vampire.

What's wrong with you? Do you live in a psychiatric hospital or/and in another century?

I'm not a German Jewish history expert,

Hmmm ... ¿Who is? "Yiddish" for example was born in the region of the Rhine. This think most people. But it could also had been born in the region of the Danube - what's not impossible. But this changes nothing in the fact that Jews spoke Yiddish (=German) or standarrd German. In Germany under Hitler all Jews spoke standard German and not Yiddish. And who speaks [a] German [language] is traditionally a German. So all Jews - also the Yiddish speaking Jews in the East of Europe - had been Germans. For Germans the Holocaust is indeed no genocide - it is a fratricide.

so I can't discern whether Hitler avenged this previous attempt on his life, or whether the would-be assassin was merely reacting to genocidal plans already secretly in progress. I would guess that the gunman succeeded at forestalling the Holocaust, enabling a larger number of Jews to evacuate Germany beforehand. However he himself either committed suicide in prison or he was murdered which was framed as a suicide.

He gave someone the order to kill him and this one did do so. Then they burned his body so that everyone would believe he was not dead.
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If you don't don't know, that is because you don't want to know.

That's no example. When you say Germany was envolved in slave trade to America then you have to show some facts which support this hypothese.

Germany, officially, did not play a large or intricate part of the Atlantic slave trade.

Aha. So why did you say Germany was envolved?

However, several German merchants had slaves - in Germany.

No. Slaves never existed in Germany. Serfdom is similar - but it is not slavery at all.

And even sold slaves to France.

Eh? What a nonsense. France was a colonial power. Why should the French buy not existing slaves in Germany?

So, while I get your denial based on the fact the German government played little to no role in the slave trade, it is a misbelief that Germany as a whole never did - because they did.

No. Germany did not trade with slaves. No idea why you say so.
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People try to assassinate Bismarck/Hitler everywhere he goes. Someone made an attempt on Rasputin's life too. Also unsuccessful. Because he was a vampire. It's always the same. He was a vampire yesterday, he's a vampire today, and he's, he'll be a vampire tomorrow. He won't wake up one day and revert from vampirism. He'll still be a vampire.
In addition to being a head of the diabolical beast from the sea, Hitler/Bismarck is also a mythical siren. Ergo he is the spokesman for the living image of the beast, who exacts capital punishment upon all of its non-worshippers. Each and every one, with military precision. It's always the same. One non-worshipper devises to wriggle out of its grasp and FAILS. The next attempt, FAILS. Et cetera.
The main purpose of WW2 was to recruit Asian nations into African imperialism. The specific allegiance of any given Western nation to the Allied or Axis forces was secondary and overhyped.
Could you expand on that "African Imperialism" idea?
Wrong. In very most German countries existed the same laws for all Germans since about 1860. And in the same logic you had to say in the Middle Ages not any German had been a regular German because for all people and professions existed discriminating rules.
The Jews may have enjoyed de jure equality to other Germans since 1864, but their oppressed status up til then yielded permanent consequences. Their economic conditions were drastically different from other Germans'. Their legal equality didn't make their de facto oppression evaporate into thin air. It probably just exacerbated it. Black Americans are in much the same boat.

Plus Germany's WW1 reparations paid to Allied nations were purportedly intended to penalize the nation as a whole. However in reality they had a disproportionate adverse impact on the Jews which facilitated the Holocaust. When Germany's currency rapidly declined in purchasing power, indigenous German farmers were still in pretty good shape. They had direct, hands-on access to food, and were less reliant on cash as a medium of exchange. The Jews owned a negligible proportion of the nation's arable land, so they were totally screwed. No matter how encouragingly phrased your legal rights are, you die without food. End of f**king story.
Could you expand on that "African Imperialism" idea?
Oh. The nations which once comprised the Roman Empire conspired to coerce Russia, China etc to participate in African colonialism. In the sense of taking Africa's natural resources. Also, the Chinese are one of the richest ethnic groups in America. These Chinese are standing on black people's backs as well.

Sadly, all of the international black soldiers who were conscripted to fight in WW2 were made to fight FOR slavery and colonialism. This really helped to implode the black race as well. I strongly suspect that Hitler/Bismarck is responsible for the gang-rapes and AIDS infections of indigenous children in South Africa. He did the same to my black American cousin. She had the misfortune to attract his attention by virtue of being his in-law. My cousin was also very bright and her mother was a doctor. I think these South African rape victims are being researched, singled out and targeted because of their scholastic aptitude. It's a very scummy and underhanded way of counteracting equal education/employment laws.
Oh. The nations which once comprised the Roman Empire conspired to coerce Russia, China etc to participate in African colonialism. In the sense of taking Africa's natural resources. Also, the Chinese are one of the richest ethnic groups in America. These Chinese are standing on black people's backs as well.

Sadly, all of the international black soldiers who were conscripted to fight in WW2 were made to fight FOR slavery and colonialism. This really helped to implode the black race as well. I strongly suspect that Hitler/Bismarck is responsible for the gang-rapes and AIDS infections of indigenous children in South Africa. He did the same to my black American cousin. She had the misfortune to attract his attention by virtue of being his in-law. My cousin was also very bright and her mother was a doctor. I think these South African rape victims are being researched, singled out and targeted because of their scholastic aptitude. It's a very scummy and underhanded way of counteracting equal education/employment laws.
I am still confused-----Rape is a biggie in South Africa? Who is "hitler/bismarck" in your assertion that it raped your cousin?
Are you suggesting that some interest group is promoting
rape in South Africa and in the USA?

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