In Other News, Hitler Won WW2.

Also, Bismarck was originally an enemy to the Catholic Church, and for this reason he was deposed as Chancellor. Hitler/Bismarck is the invisible hand which has been instigating this mostly petty but ferocious violence against female members of the Catholic Church. As far as I know he himself is now a Catholic. Or he otherwise belongs to some faction of the New Babylon. I won't even BEGIN to try to figure him out. He did provide me with insights into the Civil Rights Movement which impelled me to scrutinize it more closely.
And Dr. Martin Luther King was an agent of the "neon God" described in Simon & Garfunkel's song the Sound of Silence. This is where great minds all think alike. The Jews think Dr. King was a phony; Hitler thinks he was a phony. These accusations check out. He was a phony.
Also, Bismarck was originally an enemy to the Catholic Church, and for this reason he was deposed as Chancellor. Hitler/Bismarck is the invisible hand which has been instigating this mostly petty but ferocious violence against female members of the Catholic Church. As far as I know he himself is now a Catholic. Or he otherwise belongs to some faction of the New Babylon. I won't even BEGIN to try to figure him out. He did provide me with insights into the Civil Rights Movement which impelled me to scrutinize it more closely.
The Bible also specifically states that the beast from the sea "waged war against the saints, and overcame them." The Civil Rights Movement's anthem was literally We Shall Overcome.
The Bible also specifically states that the beast from the sea "waged war against the saints, and overcame them." The Civil Rights Movement's anthem was literally We Shall Overcome.
I wrote a college Economics class essay about the Civil Rights Movement. I was pro-Dr. King because I didn't know any better. If Bismarck found something wrong with the Civil Rights Movement I thought it must be unintentional. I really had to sleep on it before it dawned on me that Dr. King was sent to DESTROY me. A Bismarckian education really is a time-released formula. I can see how he originally sneaked up on the Jews and they never anticipated his brutality.
I wrote a college Economics class essay about the Civil Rights Movement. I was pro-Dr. King because I didn't know any better. If Bismarck found something wrong with the Civil Rights Movement I thought it must be unintentional. I really had to sleep on it before it dawned on me that Dr. King was sent to DESTROY me. A Bismarckian education really is a time-released formula. I can see how he originally sneaked up on the Jews and they never anticipated his brutality.I
I wrote a college Economics class essay about the Civil Rights Movement. I was pro-Dr. King because I didn't know any better. If Bismarck found something wrong with the Civil Rights Movement I thought it must be unintentional. I really had to sleep on it before it dawned on me that Dr. King was sent to DESTROY me. A Bismarckian education really is a time-released formula. I can see how he originally sneaked up on the Jews and they never anticipated his brutality.
I hate to be impolitic by physically attacking people. Especially if I can't actually overpower them. But if someone intends you violence anyway, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
I hate to be impolitic by physically attacking people. Especially if I can't actually overpower them. But if someone intends you violence anyway, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
It's evident to anyone who's qualified to invade Western Europe that their high-class ladies are stupid vaginas who asked for it.


when the Prussian Bismarck had been a vampire and you are his descendent - how did you become alive?

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I wrote a college Economics class essay about the Civil Rights Movement. I was pro-Dr. King because I didn't know any better. If Bismarck found something wrong with the Civil Rights Movement I thought it must be unintentional. I really had to sleep on it before it dawned on me that Dr. King was sent to DESTROY me. A Bismarckian education really is a time-released formula. I can see how he originally sneaked up on the Jews and they never anticipated his brutality.
Yeah if someone means you violence anyway, definitely


when the Prussian Bismarck had been a vampire and you are his descendent - how did you become alive?

Bismarck is a human being like everybody else. He has human DNA and can contribute his genes to offspring. He's genetically altered but in ways which don't interfere with his normal organic functions.

I'm not sure how much of this vampirism is heritable and how much is unique to Bismarck the individual. My grandpa, his great-grandson was a regular US soldier in WW2. Ironically the Germans suddenly fired upon his whole platoon. All other 16 platoon members were instantly killed but my grandpa escaped unscathed. He wasn't injured in the slightest.

It's possible that Hitler painstakingly killed every member of his platoon EXCEPT him because he was his grandchild. And inevitably he was raised to obey him to some degree, regardless of his official citizenship or allegiance. It's also possible that my grandpa's vampire DNA was dormant until a life-threatening challenge arose, at which point it up and rescued him. It's extremely unlikely that he survived this attack purely by luck.
Bismarck is a human being like everybody else. He has human DNA and can contribute his genes to offspring. He's genetically altered but in ways which don't interfere with his normal organic functions.

What was the "unnormal" organic funcion of this very loyal servant of the king of Prussia who made in France this Prussian king to the Prussian emperor over Germany after the North of Germany had been made from him to "colonies" of Prussia (no joke) and he had tricked the king of France to declare war on Germany so the South of Germany had not had any other chance than to support this stupid Prussians?

I'm not sure how much of this vampirism is heritable and how much is unique to Bismarck the individual.

Vampirism is nothing else than nonsense. Vampires do not exist and never existed. But what this aburde ideas make with you is perhaps dangerous for you. It exist in Germany only myths - for example in case of duke Waldstein - that people exist who are not vulnerable in war. Hitler for example created such a myth artificially about the own person.

My grandpa, his great-grandson was a regular US soldier in WW2.

A great-grandson from Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen killed Prussians? ... Whatever ...

Ironically the Germans suddenly fired upon his whole platoon. All other 16 platoon members were instantly killed but my grandpa escaped unscathed. He wasn't injured in the slightest.

Hmm. Such things happen. This makes no one to a so called "Wiedergänger" (revenant).

It's possible that Hitler painstakingly killed every member of his platoon EXCEPT him because he was his grandchild.

All catholic nobels of Germany had been against the Nazis. Unfortunatlely not so the "younger" nobels. Indeed existed also the nobles of the house Hohenzoll who sympathized with this criminals. Not nice - but reality.

And inevitably he was raised to obey him to some degree, regardless of his official citizenship or allegiance.

My god. Is it possible your father had been an US-Nazi on his own and you are a victim now of his absurde fantasy stories? Ever made a genetic test to try to find out who are really your biological ancestors? And even if you would have biologically a Prussian ancestor in the 4th generation: 1/2*1/2*1/2*1/2 is the part of the genes you had from this ancestor. If this little part of genes had been a "Bram-Stoker-Vampire" - a bloodthirsty living undead - what do you see when you take a look into a mirror? Is 1/16th part of your body invisible?

It's also possible that my grandpa's vampire DNA was dormant until a life-threatening challenge arose, at which point it up and rescued him. It's extremely unlikely that he survived this attack purely by luck.

We Germans are somehow also like the Irish. We love good stories - but normally we do not believe in them. Who is dead is dead. Who lives lives. One day we all will live again in god - that is our belief. But only god knows. And only love is able to overbridge all times, spaces and universes to find each other in god. If you get no message of love then forget all this nonsense. No dark power saves souls and also dark fantasies do not do so. Do not confuse entertainment with reality. Try to find what's true and beautiful. Do not be shy to try to see darkness - but do not lose your soul in dark, wrong fantasies. We are not creatures of darkness - no one is - darkness kills. We are creatures full of light living in light - this makes it not easy to see contrasts but "light" is our normality. So when you have the feeling your light has to shine now lighter than light then be extremely carefully. What you see is not reality. What you see is a deception.
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I made a mistake:

The correct name of the ruling dynasty of the royal Prussians at the time of their loyal servant Bismarck had been "Hohenzollern". And you should perhaps also know that their title "King of Prussia" (In German: "King in Prussia") is a Polish title and the title "emperor" of the Prussians had been a Napoleonic French absurdity´while their colonial ideas had been British nonsense.

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What was the "unnormal" organic funcion of this very loyal servant of the king of Prussia who made in France this Prussian king to the Prussian emperor over Germany after the North of Germany had been made from him to "colonies" of Prussia (no joke) and he had tricked the king of France to declare war on Germany so the South of Germany had not had any other chance than to support this stupid Prussians?

Vampirism is nothing else than nonsense. Vampires do not exist and never existed. But what this aburde ideas make with you is perhaps dangerous for you. It exist in Germany only myths - for example in case of duke Waldstein - that people exist who are not vulnerable in war. Hitler for example created such a myth artificially about the own person.

A great-grandson from Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen killed Prussians? ... Whatever ...

Hmm. Such things happen. This makes no one to a so called "Wiedergänger" (revenant).

All catholic nobels of Germany had been against the Nazis. Unfortunatlely not so the "younger" nobels. Indeed existed also the nobles of the house Hohenzoll who sympathized with this criminals. Not nice - but reality.

My god. Is it possible your father had been an US-Nazi on his own and you are a victim now of his absurde fantasy stories? Ever made a genetic test to try to find out who are really your biological ancestors? And even if you would have biologically a Prussian ancestor in the 4th generation: 1/2*1/2*1/2*1/2 is the part of the genes you had from this ancestor. If this little part of genes had been a "Bram-Stoker-Vampire" - a bloodthirsty living undead - what do you see when you take a look into a mirror? Is 1/16th part of your body invisible?

We Germans are somehow also like the Irish. We love good stories - but normally we do not believe in them. Who is dead is dead. Who lives lives. One day we all will live again in god - that is our belief. But only god knows. And only love is able to overbridge all times, spaces and universes to find each other in god. If you get no message of love then forget all this nonsense. No dark power saves souls and also dark fantasies do not do so. Do not confuse entertainment with reality. Try to find what's true and beautiful. Do not be shy to try to see darkness - but do not lose your soul in dark, wrong fantasies. We are not creatures of darkness - no one is - darkness kills. We are creatures full of light living in light - this makes it not easy to see contrasts but "light" is our normality. So when you have the feeling your light has to shine now lighter than light then be extremely carefully. What you see is not reality. What you see is a deception.
Can you scientifically PROVE that vampires are non-existent? No you can't. It may be "common knowledge" that vampirism is a myth, but that still doesn't prove anything. It was once common knowledge that the Earth was flat, and similarly only the elites/aristocracy knew the scientific facts of the matter.

Hitler claimed to possess a serum which could extend a person's lifespan to several millennia. I reckon he did. And the latest rendition of Bismarck is an obscure but respected performing artist. He has appeared in a gritty art house film about vampires, and he wrote a song about his own immortality and his history of faking his own death.
Can you scientifically PROVE that vampires are non-existent? No you can't. It may be "common knowledge" that vampirism is a myth, but that still doesn't prove anything. It was once common knowledge that the Earth was flat, and similarly only the elites/aristocracy knew the scientific facts of the matter.

Hitler claimed to possess a serum which could extend a person's lifespan to several millennia. I reckon he did. And the latest rendition of Bismarck is an obscure but respected performing artist. He has appeared in a gritty art house film about vampires, and he wrote a song about his own immortality and his history of faking his own death.
Also, this obscure German singer-songwriter whom I suspect of being Bismarck has vvip connections in the German government. He somehow acquired this clout when he was a startup garage band singer with neither money nor title nor credentials. He does lie about his biography but these lies are mere formalities. He's not actually trying to fool you when the whole German government corroborates my theory by investing in him this inexplicable power.
Hitler claimed to possess a serum which could extend a person's lifespan to several millennia. ...

The pragmatist Hitler said a lot of things when a day was long. In the afternoon the oppoiste of this what he said in the morning. What he said had effects - that's all. With any form of truth had nothing to do what he said.

Hitler ist so ein guter Lügner, dass sogar das Gegenteil seiner Lügen auch nur wieder Lügen sind.
Johannes Fest (Vater von Joachim Fest)
Hitler is such a good liar that even the opposite of his lies are just lies again.
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Also, this obscure German singer-songwriter whom I suspect of being Bismarck has vvip connections in the German government. He somehow acquired this clout when he was a startup garage band singer with neither money nor title nor credentials. He does lie about his biography but these lies are mere formalities. He's not actually trying to fool you when the whole German government corroborates my theory by investing in him this inexplicable power.


The pragmatist Hitler said a lot of things when a day was long. In the afternoon the oppoiste of this what he said in the morning. What he said had effects - that's all. With any form of truth had nothing to do what he said.

Hitler ist so ein guter Lügner, dass sogar das Gegenteil seiner Lügen auch nur wieder Lügen sind.
Johannes Fest (Vater von Joachim Fest)
Hitler is such a good liar that even the opposite of his lies are just lies again.
Hitler had life-extending methods but he already had them long before this particular stint as Chancellor of Germany. He was Chancellor of Germany before by a different name. Hitler's apparent self-contradictions stemmed from his multiple identities and his vast network of conspirators. Bismarck once said, "be polite. Even when issuing a declaration of war, always observe the rules of politeness." When he came back as Hitler he was astoundingly rude. However he had already lured the Jews into his spider web through polite and reassuring methods elsewise. Such as the WW1 reparations which were publicized as penalties against Germany as a whole, but which in fact sucked the Jews dry while the German majority remained afloat. After all indigenous Germans owned the nation's raw natural resources. Cash is secondary. And the lack of fungible cash starved out the Jews.
Hitler had life-extending methods but he already had them long before this particular stint as Chancellor of Germany. He was Chancellor of Germany before by a different name. Hitler's apparent self-contradictions stemmed from his multiple identities and his vast network of conspirators. Bismarck once said, "be polite. Even when issuing a declaration of war, always observe the rules of politeness." When he came back as Hitler he was astoundingly rude. However he had already lured the Jews into his spider web through polite and reassuring methods elsewise. Such as the WW1 reparations which were publicized as penalties against Germany as a whole, but which in fact sucked the Jews dry while the German majority remained afloat. After all indigenous Germans owned the nation's raw natural resources. Cash is secondary. And the lack of fungible cash starved out the Jews.
Like Germany's WW1 reparations whose actual monetary value was counterintuitive, the Civil Rights Movement made the public fixate on racial issues which weren't really important. They too were secondary. And the net value of civil rights policies to blacks as a whole is negative. Plus if you deviate from Dr. King's requirement that your love for the oppressor is predominantly spiritual rather than carnal, the government may well take your purity too. Or they may exploit this policy's opposition to your innate nature and perform bizarre scientific experiments on you. Whatever is convenient.

Being Hitler's granddaughter, I'm inevitably proficient at performing degrading scientific experiments TOO. However all scientific practices require funding. Not passion. Money. I don't have any but I have relayed my expertise to those who may eventually utilize it.
Police in Brussels have stormed a conference attended by Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman after orders for the event to be shut down.
Local authorities ordered the controversial National Conservatism (NatCon) Conference to be closed to "guarantee public safety".

Ms Braverman, the former home secretary, and Mr Farage, the former Ukip leader, were among the political names advertised to speak at the event on Tuesday alongside right-wing Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orban.

Hitler was exactly the same way. Conforming is your only option to survive. A lawful and peaceful conference will be crushed if der Fueher does not approve
Hitler would beg to differ
Hitler would beg to differ
Have you ever noticed that Fuhrer is a homonym for furor? I'm pretty sure that's actually deliberate. Just as Bismarck is pronounced 'biz' and 'mark'. As in you can't buy, sell, or trade without the mark of the beast. Even the mark part has 2 meanings. And Stalin oversaw an incident at Russia's Nazinsky Island which was reminiscent of Nazi concentration camp experiences. And so on.

At this point I'm wholly convinced that Bismarck and Hitler were the same person. Also, the German King who bestowed his kingdom to Prince Bismarck bore a striking resemblance to Lenin. I'm uncertain whether they were the same person but they looked alike.

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