In Other News, Hitler Won WW2.

Okay and his current identity is facially identical to both Bismarck and Hitler. I am psychotically obsessed with him, obviously. This is reflected in the hundreds if not thousands of messages I posted on his videos. Btw I forgot to mention that in one of his interviews he is seen making one of his eyes suddenly grow to twice its original size. Just one eye. Then it shrinks back down to normal. This is clearly humanly impossible. Because he's not fully human. He has paranormal DNA because he's one head of the beast from the sea. He only looks human.

And speaking of buy, sell or trade, the Mona Lisa has a perfect Euro symbol obscurely painted in one of her eyes. It's only visible under a high-tech microscope. This was supposedly painted 5 centuries before the Euro was established.
For the most part, the people who worship the beast don't KNOW they're doing so. They think Hitler's party is coming to get them. No, Hitler has already gotten them. His value system has been polished to a high shine and made presentable to the p.c. American public. His values are barely distinguishable from those of the beast's other heads.
For the most part, the people who worship the beast don't KNOW they're doing so. They think Hitler's party is coming to get them. No, Hitler has already gotten them. His value system has been polished to a high shine and made presentable to the p.c. American public. His values are barely distinguishable from those of the beast's other heads.
The most commendable beast heads/New Babylonians are the ones who are on suicide missions. Because they ain't SHIT.
For the most part, the people who worship the beast don't KNOW they're doing so. They think Hitler's party is coming to get them. No, Hitler has already gotten them. His value system has been polished to a high shine and made presentable to the p.c. American public. His values are barely distinguishable from those of the beast's other heads.
Sometimes these commendable suicide missions involve randomly killing individual persons who don't deserve it. But then the Bible promises a great earthquake which'll dismantle the New Babylon's security altogether. Earthquakes also kill people indiscriminately. C'est la vie. These people will be back anyhow.

You quoted what I said but you gave no answer at all - was this your intention (=I read it but "no comment") or was this a mistake?

And why do you give answers to your own comments?
I guess I found your "answer":

I only skimmed over these essays but I enjoyed the quip about Hitler's life shortening methods. Hitler's a la carte discrimination is also evident in his graciousness towards his indigenous African guest who drank out of his finger bowl. It's called divide and conquer. The black guest was probably a puppet delegate of some sort, but that doesn't mean he was made to FEEL like a vassal. And for that matter Dr. Martin Luther King Jr made black Americans FEEL like we finally had rights. But then reality hit hard and we must forensically deduce his ulterior motives. Reality hits some of us harder than others. Racism is typically weighted against the most highly educated blacks. I was eligible for MENSA membership in my generation. Which is also why I can scientifically dissect Dr. King's ulterior motives.

Only because you replace the name "Bismarck" with "Hitler" - what's just simle stupid nonsense - becomes nothing true what you say. And it is also not possible to reduce a complex text to one or two words. Do you use alcohol or drugs? Do you suffer a psychological problem and/or sickness?
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I guess I found your "answer":

Only because you replace the name "Bismarck" with "Hitler" - what's just simle stupid nonsense - becomes nothing true what you say. And it is also not possible to reduce a complex text to one or two words. Do you use alcohol or drugs? Do you suffer a psychological problem and/or sickness?
I am absolutely sick in the head. Mental illness is very common amongst oppressed peoples. I have detailed the reasons why I am severely oppressed in America.

And on principle, the Civil Rights Movement hinged on the notion that oppressed people could somehow curry the sympathy of their oppressors to not only diminish their violence but also provide defense to their subjugates. Nope. A lewd and violent policy was inserted right into the Civil Rights Movement, but it was in fact these very oppressors who orchestrated the whole affair. They did so sneakily and against a small percentage of the black population, so as to maintain the illusion that King's violence-begets-violence theory had merit.

King's insistence on reciprocity in race relations is a philosophical theory with no ironclad scientific evidence. If you have no practical means of defense against your enemies, with ironclad scientific efficacy, you're f**ked.
I am absolutely sick in the head.

Aha. Exists any possibility to change this?

Mental illness is very common amongst oppressed peoples. I have detailed the reasons why I am severely oppressed in America.

You are opressed in the USA? ... one moment ... oh ... oppressed and opressed are totally different words. Interesting. Who tries to enslave you? How? Or are you "only" highly stressed? In this case it could be a good idea to reduce your stress.

And on principle, the Civil Rights Movement hinged on the notion that oppressed people could somehow curry the sympathy of their oppressors to not only diminish their violence but also provide defense to their subjugates. Nope. A lewd and violent policy was inserted right into the Civil Rights Movement, but it was in fact these very oppressors who orchestrated the whole affair. They did so sneakily and against a small percentage of the black population, so as to maintain the illusion that King's violence-begets-violence theory had merit.

Actio est reactio is nothing new. High "positive" energies need high "negative" energies if someone likes to be calm. This doesn't mean something or someone has to explode.

King's insistence on reciprocity in race relations is a philosophical theory with no ironclad scientific evidence. If you have no practical means of defense against your enemies, with ironclad scientific efficacy, you're f**ked.

Who needs a scientific theory for what in the own life? Would it not be better first to try to find out what's your real problem before you try to see identic vampires in totally different people like Otto von Bismarck and Adolf Hitler - only because you do not understand them? What has Germany to do with whatever of your problems? What has "King" - I guess you think about Martin Luther King in this context - to do with any of your problems?
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Aha. Exists any possibility to change this?

You are opressed in the USA? ... one moment ... oh ... oppressed and opressed are totally different words. Interesting. Who tries to enslave you? How? Or are you "only" highly stressed? In this case it could be a good idea to reduce your stress.

Actio est reactio is nothing new. High "positive" energies need high "negative" energies if someone likes to be calm. This doesn't mean something or someone has to explode.

Who needs a scientific theory for what in the own life? Would it not be better first to try to find out what's your real problem before you try to see identic vampires in totally different people like Otto von Bismarck and Adolf Hitler - only because you do not understand them? What has Germany to do with whatever of your problems? What has "King" - I guess you think about Martin Luther King in this context - to do with any of your problems?
Otto von Bismarck's wife was identical to Hitler's supposed mother. She was a vampire too I guess. He himself is a master of disguise. If you analyze his features you can see a resemblance between his different identities, but his overall facial appearance is unrecognizable. However his female associates aren't important enough to examine so closely, so they don't bother to obscure their looks. These 2 women were one and the same. Plain as day.
Otto von Bismarck's wife was identical to Hitler's supposed mother. She was a vampire too I guess. He himself is a master of disguise. If you analyze his features you can see a resemblance between his different identities, but his overall facial appearance is unrecognizable. However his female associates aren't important enough to examine so closely, so they don't bother to obscure their looks. These 2 women were one and the same. Plain as day.
And the Civil Rights Movement was a Trojan Horse for the all-out Nazification of American race relations. Over time racism has become progressively more covert yet more intensely violent. It's like that Shakespeare sonnet about how his feelings are more profound though less in showing.
Otto von Bismarck's wife was identical to Hitler's supposed mother. She was a vampire too I guess. He himself is a master of disguise. If you analyze his features you can see a resemblance between his different identities, but his overall facial appearance is unrecognizable. However his female associates aren't important enough to examine so closely, so they don't bother to obscure their looks. These 2 women were one and the same. Plain as day.
The Civil Rights Movement emphatically followed through on America's history of enslaving unassimilable biracial people. Particularly those with black mothers. That was the law. This arrangement was contrary to both spiritual principles and nature to begin with, so Dr. King was assigned to roll with it and level it up all the more.
The Civil Rights Movement emphatically followed through on America's history of enslaving unassimilable biracial people. Particularly those with black mothers. That was the law. This arrangement was contrary to both spiritual principles and nature to begin with, so Dr. King was assigned to roll with it and level it up all the more.
Plus there's the simple matter that drinking water is necessary to survive. I once attended a day care whose Director was a middle-class white woman. Blacks were a slight majority amongst the pupils. One time the Director forced us kids to participate in a lengthy outdoor sporting event in 100 degree heat. She provided no water before, during or after the event. That's a classic concentration camp tactic. Shortly thereafter, one of my white classmates streamlined the racial motive for this torture by snatching my juice at lunchtime.

The US also stole all the drinking water out of a Mexican lake and withheld drinking water from their protectorate Puerto Rico after a recent major hurricane. Now blacks and Latinos in my area are passionately fighting each other over drinking water. They have displaced blame for the drinking water shortage. I guess it's true what they say: get 'em by the balls, and their hearts and minds will follow. There's nothing they can do about mainstream America's exploits so they're SAVAGELY turning against each other instead.
Plus there's the simple matter that drinking water is necessary to survive. I once attended a day care whose Director was a middle-class white woman. Blacks were a slight majority amongst the pupils. One time the Director forced us kids to participate in a lengthy outdoor sporting event in 100 degree heat. She provided no water before, during or after the event. That's a classic concentration camp tactic. Shortly thereafter, one of my white classmates streamlined the racial motive for this torture by snatching my juice at lunchtime.

The US also stole all the drinking water out of a Mexican lake and withheld drinking water from their protectorate Puerto Rico after a recent major hurricane. Now blacks and Latinos in my area are passionately fighting each other over drinking water. They have displaced blame for the drinking water shortage. I guess it's true what they say: get 'em by the balls, and their hearts and minds will follow. There's nothing they can do about mainstream America's exploits so they're SAVAGELY turning against each other instead.
I have been rather bitchy about the Mexican water crisis. After the US stole all their goddam drinking water, I am annoyed that nobody planted foliage surrounding the dry lake to capture more rainfall to refill it. This negligence is killing both Mexicans and indirectly blacks alike. My mother would retort, "who was supposed to refill the lake? The government, or someone down the street who could give a rat's a**?" Well America's victory in the Mexican-American War is still lingering, so the Mexican government is out of the question. I don't see why a troupe of ordinary Mexican citizens can't just refill the lake. Or purchase a large parcel of land and dig a new one. It's harder for people to steal out of a privately owned lake.
Otto von Bismarck's wife was identical to Hitler's supposed mother.

Very clear: That's a totally unreal nonsense. Why do you try to tell me and others such an absolutelly weird nonsense?

She was a vampire too I guess.

Diaemus youngi or chiroderma saldini or even a diphylla ecaudata?

He himself is a master of disguise.

¿He? or ¿ET? ...

If you analyze his features you can see a resemblance between his different identities, but his overall facial appearance is unrecognizable. However his female associates aren't important enough to examine so closely, so they don't bother to obscure their looks. These 2 women were one and the same. Plain as day.

Only common element: ¿Both died relativelly young?


Wilhelmine Luise von Bismarck, geb. Mencken (1789-1838)


Klara Pölzl, verhel. Hitler, 1860-1907

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Very clear: That's a totally unreal nonsense. Why do you try to tell me and others such an absolutelly weird nonsense?

Diaemus youngi or chiroderma saldini or even a diphylla ecaudata?

¿He? or ¿ET? ...

Only common element: ¿Both died relativelly young?


Wilhelmine Luise von Bismarck, geb. Mencken (1789-1838)


Klara Pölzl, verhel. Hitler, 1860-1907

The portrait of Mrs. Bismarck is not a direct image. It's an artist's rendition which may only vaguely resemble her. In actual photos Princess/Chancelloress Wilhelmina von Bismarck looks exactly like Hitler's mom.

And it just occurred to me that there's no such title as Chancelloress. There are Queens, First Ladies etc. But to my knowledge a Chancellor's wife has no official corresponding title. Maybe they're called First Lady or something. The Chancellor title was created specifically for Otto von Bismarck. Germans typically believe that women and politics don't mix. They have had a female Chancellor, but if you are not actually in this role and you're just an ornament they prefer not to acknowledge you at all.
The portrait of Mrs. Bismarck is not a direct image. It's an artist's rendition which may only vaguely resemble her. In actual photos Princess/Chancelloress Wilhelmina von Bismarck looks exactly like Hitler's mom.

And it just occurred to me that there's no such title as Chancelloress. There are Queens, First Ladies etc. But to my knowledge a Chancellor's wife has no official corresponding title. Maybe they're called First Lady or something. The Chancellor title was created specifically for Otto von Bismarck. Germans typically believe that women and politics don't mix. They have had a female Chancellor, but if you are not actually in this role and you're just an ornament they prefer not to acknowledge you at all.
It is also my belief that Prime Minister Angela Merkel was Bismarck's ornament. His views were her views. His policies were her policies. His words poured forth from her mouth. It just so happens that he wasn't officially Chancellor at the time so she got to sport the title.
It is also my belief that Prime Minister Angela Merkel was Bismarck's ornament. His views were her views. His policies were her policies. His words poured forth from her mouth. It just so happens that he wasn't officially Chancellor at the time so she got to sport the title.
I've also noticed that whites from relatively poor ethnic groups are indeed monumental suckers who think blacks' "civil rights" are sincere. They imaginatively assign monetary values to these cleverly phrased "rights" which are non-existent because they're not looking at the big picture. Yes income is a factor, but outgo can be an even bigger factor. Especially if these financial losses are compulsory or inevitable. It's the same principle for why sharecropping was a scam and a reiteration of slavery.

It doesn't matter how well-educated these people from poor white ethnic groups are either. Literally their ethnicity shapes their whole underlying world view. If their background is lower-class their world view is defective and ignorant so they assimilate information incorrectly. My dad identifies primarily as German-American. German-Americans are slightly underrepresented amongst American millionaires. He's a lawyer but he still has yet to figure out that the Civil Rights Movement was a big con job. (Bismarck himself was Austrian. Austrians are high-class. Most Americans can't distinguish between the 2 but the quality of their education is like night and day.)
I've also noticed that whites from relatively poor ethnic groups are indeed monumental suckers who think blacks' "civil rights" are sincere. They imaginatively assign monetary values to these cleverly phrased "rights" which are non-existent because they're not looking at the big picture. Yes income is a factor, but outgo can be an even bigger factor. Especially if these financial losses are compulsory or inevitable. It's the same principle for why sharecropping was a scam and a reiteration of slavery.

It doesn't matter how well-educated these people from poor white ethnic groups are either. Literally their ethnicity shapes their whole underlying world view. If their background is lower-class their world view is defective and ignorant so they assimilate information incorrectly. My dad identifies primarily as German-American. German-Americans are slightly underrepresented amongst American millionaires. He's a lawyer but he still has yet to figure out that the Civil Rights Movement was a big con job. (Bismarck himself was Austrian. Austrians are high-class. Most Americans can't distinguish between the 2 but the quality of their education is like night and day.)
In effect, Dr. King's stipulation on eroticism authorized the US government to make general decisions about whom blacks should mate with based on our racial phenotype and so forth, regardless of our actual wishes. Under these circumstances you're actually not dealing with human beings. For all intents and purposes you're dealing with wild animals. That's why cannibalism is one tactic to be used upon the New Babylon which birthed US race policies. It's important to treat these animals like animals lest their prerogatives once again infiltrate the trappings of civilization.
In effect, Dr. King's stipulation on eroticism authorized the US government to make general decisions about whom blacks should mate with based on our racial phenotype and so forth, regardless of our actual wishes. Under these circumstances you're actually not dealing with human beings. For all intents and purposes you're dealing with wild animals. That's why cannibalism is one tactic to be used upon the New Babylon which birthed US race policies. It's important to treat these animals like animals lest their prerogatives once again infiltrate the trappings of civilization.
And I'm no slouch in the kitchen either. I know the proper method of battering these New Babylonian women to prepare them for consumption.
... In actual photos Princess/Chancelloress Wilhelmina von Bismarck looks exactly like Hitler's mom ...

It's a totally stupid nonsense (on many reasons) to say so. One man alone is not able to be so stupid. So why do you say such a nonsense? What is your real intention?
... Germans typically believe that women and politics don't mix. ...

Four famous German women in politics: Queen Victoria (British Empire), Czaress Catherine II (Russia), Empress Maria-Theresia (Austria-Hungaria), Chancelloress Angela Merkel (Germany).

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