In Other News, Hitler Won WW2.

Hmhmm. ...

Viel verlieren den Verstand deshalb nicht, weil sie keinen haben.
Arthur Schopenhauer
A lot of people don't lose their minds because they don't have any.

What do you say could be your worst problem?

... Take your time ... When god made time he made a lot ...

So it looks like you're German. Historically during the planning stages of the Holocaust, German psychologists calmly interviewed mentally ill "enemies to the state" before escorting them to mini-gas chambers one by one. Hitler/Bismarck had the same dispassionate, cerebral way of telling me the Civil Rights Movement was intended to destroy me. Being German is not the issue. The Catholic Church is the issue. The majority of Gentiles are adherents to the Catholic Church or one of its spinoff religions. Catholics can create a whole syndrome of serious issues in one's life. It's hard to choose just one. I'd say the Catholic Church is my biggest problem.
So it looks like you're German. Historically during the planning stages of the Holocaust, German psychologists calmly interviewed mentally ill "enemies to the state" before escorting them to mini-gas chambers one by one. Hitler/Bismarck had the same dispassionate, cerebral way of telling me the Civil Rights Movement was intended to destroy me. Being German is not the issue. The Catholic Church is the issue. The majority of Gentiles are adherents to the Catholic Church or one of its spinoff religions. Catholics can create a whole syndrome of serious issues in one's life. It's hard to choose just one. I'd say the Catholic Church is my biggest problem.
Cooler heads have prevailed thus far and Northern Europe has gradually hogged up a larger and larger share of the world's resources. They're even leaving Southern Europe in the dust. Germany is located in the Northern part of the European mainland. I'm pretty sure. This process quietly unfolded under everybody's noses, without spectacle or fanfare.
Cooler heads have prevailed thus far and Northern Europe has gradually hogged up a larger and larger share of the world's resources. They're even leaving Southern Europe in the dust. Germany is located in the Northern part of the European mainland. I'm pretty sure. This process quietly unfolded under everybody's noses, without spectacle or fanfare.
Technological innovation tends to favor Northern Europe too. The Industrial Revolution halted the overt, legal slave trade which weakened Southern Europe's economy. However blacks haven't become richer for it. Western civilization merely devised alternative means of exploiting us, with increasing sophistication and complexity most blacks can't understand. All in all, the economic hierarchy based on not only race but also precise longitudinal position on the globe is consistent. It's really shaping up. LOL.

The wise Chinese have developed a habit of saving money. This pessimistic determination to conserve resources is sensible because they're not actually white. It's working out.
Technological innovation tends to favor Northern Europe too. The Industrial Revolution halted the overt, legal slave trade which weakened Southern Europe's economy. However blacks haven't become richer for it. Western civilization merely devised alternative means of exploiting us, with increasing sophistication and complexity most blacks can't understand. All in all, the economic hierarchy based on not only race but also precise longitudinal position on the globe is consistent. It's really shaping up. LOL.

The wise Chinese have developed a habit of saving money. This pessimistic determination to conserve resources is sensible because they're not actually white. It's working out.
To answer a simple question I cannot afford a dog. It's not because financial resources are totally unattainable for me. They may be realistically out of reach for the NEXT single black American female, but they're not out off limits for me as an individual. It's simply because I'm a bit on the lazy side. I feel guilty about this because there are other severely oppressed people who are a lot like me in important respects. I could rescue them with money but I don't have any.
To answer a simple question I cannot afford a dog. It's not because financial resources are totally unattainable for me. They may be realistically out of reach for the NEXT single black American female, but they're not out off limits for me as an individual. It's simply because I'm a bit on the lazy side. I feel guilty about this because there are other severely oppressed people who are a lot like me in important respects. I could rescue them with money but I don't have any.
Hitler bequeathed his entire $52 billion fortune to the German state. He sacrificed every dime for the people and issues which were important to HIM. I'm much the same way except for laziness I have no money TO rescue those who matter to me. Hitler was actually superior to me in this regard.
I'm also highly suspicious of the Emmett Till murder which supposedly prompted the Civil Rights Movement. Afterwards Till's mother announced her intention to become a teacher. Likewise in the propaganda film Imitation of Life, a white female character recommended that the main character attend teacher's college. The insinuation is that her sexual proclivities are inherently immoral but becoming a teacher may mitigate her lack of respectability. It's a case of people who want you sexually assaulted suggesting tactics you might use to become less deserving of being sexually assaulted. None of these tactics will work if course because their original intent was to sexually assault you, but it'd be their lucky day if they could make it appear that you asked for it. And Dr. King established that my innate sexual proclivities do not meet the standards of morality necessary to merit civil rights protection. And the mother of his posthumous mascot enrolled in teacher's college.
Technological innovation tends to favor Northern Europe too. The Industrial Revolution halted the overt, legal slave trade which weakened Southern Europe's economy. However blacks haven't become richer for it. Western civilization merely devised alternative means of exploiting us, with increasing sophistication and complexity most blacks can't understand. All in all, the economic hierarchy based on not only race but also precise longitudinal position on the globe is consistent. It's really shaping up. LOL.

The wise Chinese have developed a habit of saving money. This pessimistic determination to conserve resources is sensible because they're not actually white. It's working out.
To answer a simple question I cannot afford a dog. It's not because financial resources are totally unattainable for me. They may be realistically out of reach for the NEXT single black American female, but they're not out off limits for me as an individual. It's simply because I'm a bit on the lazy side. I feel guilty about this because there are other severely oppressed people who are a lot like me in important respects. I could rescue them with money but I don't have any.
Hitler is strange because on 2 separate occasions, he made the most overtly, brazenly white supremacist parties in a war lose. First it was the Russo-Japanese War and then it was WW2. Regardless of the underlying motives for this Manifest Destiny talk, the mouthiest white supremacists lost. And in one of those instances the most vocal racist was him.
Hitler is strange because on 2 separate occasions, he made the most overtly, brazenly white supremacist parties in a war lose. First it was the Russo-Japanese War and then it was WW2. Regardless of the underlying motives for this Manifest Destiny talk, the mouthiest white supremacists lost. And in one of those instances the most vocal racist was him.
I too believe that inferior peoples should win wars. Which doesn't necessarily mean that superior peoples should LOSE wars. Such people have the option to DECIDE that inferior peoples should win wars.
I too believe that inferior peoples should win wars. Which doesn't necessarily mean that superior peoples should LOSE wars. Such people have the option to DECIDE that inferior peoples should win wars.
Hitler/Bismarck is an evil person who associates with other evil people. But after these knaves get their comeuppance, he's the first to tell everyone that they deserved it. Especially if they're female. So if these Catholic women end up getting beaten and raped on the street based largely on intelligence which HE provided, he'd spit on them.
Hitler/Bismarck is an evil person who associates with other evil people. But after these knaves get their comeuppance, he's the first to tell everyone that they deserved it. Especially if they're female. So if these Catholic women end up getting beaten and raped on the street based largely on intelligence which HE provided, he'd spit on them.
It's interesting to note that the IQ gap between blacks and whites has narrowed since 1964 as blacks have more equal educational opportunities. However the wealth gap hasn't narrowed at all it's actually widened. Civil rights policies were really intended to maximize whites' pre-existing economic advantages. Especially the most important ones including real estate ownership. Jobs are secondary. Therefore this recent upcrop of new scholarly blacks are largely destitute because their enhanced intellect was never intended to translate to enhanced wealth. As they say it takes money to make money. And it's not what you know it's who you know.
It's interesting to note that the IQ gap between blacks and whites has narrowed since 1964 as blacks have more equal educational opportunities. However the wealth gap hasn't narrowed at all it's actually widened. Civil rights policies were really intended to maximize whites' pre-existing economic advantages. Especially the most important ones including real estate ownership. Jobs are secondary. Therefore this recent upcrop of new scholarly blacks are largely destitute because their enhanced intellect was never intended to translate to enhanced wealth. As they say it takes money to make money. And it's not what you know it's who you know.
Also, during the Holocaust the Germans exterminated the Jews although the Jews actually had higher average IQs. In fact, the most intelligent Jews had the highest mortality rate. It's the same deal where intelligence doesn't necessarily correlate with power. In either event power wins.
... Germans exterminated the Jews although the Jews actually had higher average IQs ...

What's nonsense. Jews had been Germans like all others. German Jews had had a better education on reason of the history of the Jews. Jews did not beat children for example. And Jews often took care to travel with "light lugagge" = professional knowledge for example. No one is able to steal knowledge.

Here a typical example how some German Jews came into a concentration camp:

An old married couple got the order from the state to be at xx o'clock a the place yy. Reason for: They will be arrested because they are criminal Jews. In the annex of this order was a list what to do in a suitcase for their stay in a concentration camp. At xx o'clock they had been in yy place with their suitcases and the Nazis came with a truck with a cargo of many other Jews and brought them into a concentration camp where they had been murdered.

You should take serios expressions like "the banality of the evil" and "industrialized mass-murder".
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It's interesting to note that the IQ gap between blacks and whites has narrowed since 1964 as blacks have more equal educational opportunities. However the wealth gap hasn't narrowed at all it's actually widened. Civil rights policies were really intended to maximize whites' pre-existing economic advantages. Especially the most important ones including real estate ownership. Jobs are secondary. Therefore this recent upcrop of new scholarly blacks are largely destitute because their enhanced intellect was never intended to translate to enhanced wealth. As they say it takes money to make money. And it's not what you know it's who you know.
I also think my dad slyly and ruthlessly set me up to wage war against the Catholic Church. Again he's an affluent white man. I'm ostensibly all-black and since I wasn't raised in his household, I'm also considerably poorer. And I've BEEN poorer since before I could make independent financial decisions.

One time he took me to a fairly upscale suburban diner where all but 2 patrons were white. As soon as we walked in, the entire test fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Because in addition to the curious racial, age and gender aspects of our relationship, he was also much better-dressed than I was. So it was also obvious that he was doing nothing to insulate me from the violent persecution I was bound to endure because of society's intolerance. He really backed me into a corner where I'd have to combat society because there was no retreat. Which is good and bad because there are other helpless people in my position. Perhaps SOMEONE has a moral duty to rescue ALL of these people in one shot.
Where did the OP get the idea that Nazi's were rightwingers?

Muslims are rightwingers. Nazis were socialists.

We've been conditioned to believe that fascism was a right-wing creation when in fact leftists are regular practitioners of fascism.
Fascism and communism are just two flavors of the same ice cream of centralized and power-hungry collectivism.

The Left then pleasures themselves into a masturbatory frenzy on the notion that, although Hitler did not own industry directly as he basically told them what to do anyway, the state did not control industry directly the way communist did in order to distance themselves from Nazism and their own ideology.

Overview: the Catholic Church is very famously an abusive organization. However when we myopically zero in on factors such our legal rights, we lose sight of the big picture. Blacks are genetically predisposed to succumb to this shortcoming. These civil rights aren't worth a hill of beans for much the same reason sharecropping was a ripoff: because the unstated financial exploitation accompanying these laws exceeds the stated benefits. However these losses are aggregated as opposed to individualized as with the sharecropping system, which makes them even HARDER for left-brained people like myself to detect. However it is more true to the concept of racism, which most importantly entails the oppression of one while ethnic group by another.

Of all people Adolf Hitler had to set me straight. He's much, much older than I am, and more intelligent besides. Plus whites tend to be more brain hemispherically balanced, so he has a better idea of how my legal rights tie into the big picture of why I'm doomed in America. He's also a man which is an additional right brain strengthener. After he dropped a hint as to
my ruined prospects, it still took a Bachelor's degree in Economics plus an additional decade of mulling everything over to put all the puzzle pieces together.

Bismarck was originally an enemy to the Catholic Church. He sent me counterintelligence about the Catholic Church in the same way the Internet works. Coded and from different sources, which only makes sense once the recipient assembles and integrates the information.
Overview: the Catholic Church is very famously an abusive organization. However when we myopically zero in on factors such our legal rights, we lose sight of the big picture. Blacks are genetically predisposed to succumb to this shortcoming. These civil rights aren't worth a hill of beans for much the same reason sharecropping was a ripoff: because the unstated financial exploitation accompanying these laws exceeds the stated benefits. However these losses are aggregated as opposed to individualized as with the sharecropping system, which makes them even HARDER for left-brained people like myself to detect. However it is more true to the concept of racism, which most importantly entails the oppression of one while ethnic group by another.

Of all people Adolf Hitler had to set me straight. He's much, much older than I am, and more intelligent besides. Plus whites tend to be more brain hemispherically balanced, so he has a better idea of how my legal rights tie into the big picture of why I'm doomed in America. He's also a man which is an additional right brain strengthener. After he dropped a hint as to
my ruined prospects, it still took a Bachelor's degree in Economics plus an additional decade of mulling everything over to put all the puzzle pieces together.

Bismarck was originally an enemy to the Catholic Church. He sent me counterintelligence about the Catholic Church in the same way the Internet works. Coded and from different sources, which only makes sense once the recipient assembles and integrates the information.
My dad never lifted a finger to insulate me from the violent persecution his indelible influence on me was guaranteed to incur, because he could give a damn. He could honestly care less. He's the Devil like his father Adolf Hitler before him. The Devil is full of subtlety and he hates his children. Consciously or unconsciously, he probably brought me into this world in a manner which virtually GUARANTEED me destruction. But the outcome is that I have no choice but to rescue others like me as well. He actually has no control over the existence of these "others" so paradoxically he did them a small favor.
My dad never lifted a finger to insulate me from the violent persecution his indelible influence on me was guaranteed to incur, because he could give a damn. He could honestly care less. He's the Devil like his father Adolf Hitler before him. The Devil is full of subtlety and he hates his children. Consciously or unconsciously, he probably brought me into this world in a manner which virtually GUARANTEED me destruction. But the outcome is that I have no choice but to rescue others like me as well. He actually has no control over the existence of these "others" so paradoxically he did them a small favor.
I keep repeating myself, but Dr. King's eroticism clause is a heaping exception to his violence-begets-violence premise. To a small and partially invisible minority amongst the black population, it's automatically violent anyway. You can't presume that everyone with a black face is agreeable to this little ground rule of his. We may NOT be. Especially when he delegated our intimate proclivities in broad general terms, indicating that I am to be mainly attracted to representatives of the typical black male population. I ain't. No way, no how.

After all, the true ulterior purpose of the Civil Rights Movement was to rehash the slave system. It wouldn't be slavery unless it nullified your free will in certain important matters.
Overview: the Catholic Church is very famously an abusive organization.

What's true and wrong the same time. Indeed is the risk to be sexually abused from a clerics of the Holy Church about 25 up to 36 times lower than it is in case of any married man. But it is 1000 times more terrible when a clerics is doing so.

... Of all people Adolf Hitler had to set me straight. He's much, much older than I am, and more intelligent besides. ...

And this means what in your view to the world?

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