In Other News, Hitler Won WW2.

Four famous German women in politics: Queen Victoria (British Empire), Czaress Catherine II (Russia), Empress Maria-Theresia (Austria-Hungaria), Chancelloress Angela Merkel (Germany).
P.S. Bismarck's current given name is Christian. Rasputin was a Biblical scholar and Hitler did a stint as a Catholic monk while he was on the lam. Merkel's father is a religious preacher and her given name obviously means Angel. All of it. It's like he handpicked her for the role because she reminded him of himself.

The Catholic Church is the New Babylon. Many nations are governed by the Catholic Church in most important respects. Even black Americans must adhere to Dr. King's perverse "spiritual" principles to earn our civil "rights". It's an understatement to say this hypocritically abolishes our religious freedom.
P.S. Bismarck's current given name is Christian. Rasputin was a Biblical scholar and Hitler did a stint as a Catholic monk while he was on the lam. Merkel's father is a religious preacher and her given name obviously means Angel. All of it. It's like he handpicked her for the role because she reminded him of himself.

The Catholic Church is the New Babylon. Many nations are governed by the Catholic Church in most important respects. Even black Americans must adhere to Dr. King's perverse "spiritual" principles to earn our civil "rights". It's an understatement to say this hypocritically abolishes our religious freedom.
Some of the spiritual "principles" Dr. King outlined for blacks are antithetical to our basic instincts to the point of violence. It impossible to consciously CHOOSE to adopt these principles. Instead he set us up to do things TO us.
Some of the spiritual "principles" Dr. King outlined for blacks are antithetical to our basic instincts to the point of violence. It impossible to consciously CHOOSE to adopt these principles. Instead he set us up to do things TO us.
The Catholic Church also employs the organized crime tactic of distancing themselves from their own wrongdoings through many layers of political laundering. Dr. King was black which helps. But the Lutherans after which he was named were originally protesters AGAINST the Catholic Church. Whatever man. Just like Bismarck was fired because he tried to curb the power of the Catholic Church in Germany. Whatever, whatever.

Do you have a dog?

Die Welt ist ein Krankenhaus unheilbar Kranker.
Arthur Schopenhauer
The world is a hospital for the terminally ill.
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The Catholic Church also employs the organized crime tactic of distancing themselves from their own wrongdoings through many layers of political laundering. Dr. King was black which helps. But the Lutherans after which he was named were originally protesters AGAINST the Catholic Church. Whatever man. Just like Bismarck was fired because he tried to curb the power of the Catholic Church in Germany. Whatever, whatever.


Do you have a dog?
I can't afford a dog. My legal rights hinge on my intimate proclivities which are verboten because I'm black but I inherited these particular traits from my dad who is white. Therefore I have no rights whatsoever and my college education is in vain. So I can't afford a dog.

I always had a sinking feeling that an education would never get me anywhere in life. Being a black female greatly minimizes the payoff for my education. Violating that clause eliminates it altogether and then some. I had this sinking feeling all along but ironically my formal education is the reason why I read the fine print to pinpoint exactly WHY I was doomed.
I can't afford a dog. My legal rights hinge on my intimate proclivities which are verboten because I'm black but I inherited these particular traits from my dad who is white. Therefore I have no rights whatsoever and my college education is in vain. So I can't afford a dog.

I always had a sinking feeling that an education would never get me anywhere in life. Being a black female greatly minimizes the payoff for my education. Violating that clause eliminates it altogether and then some. I had this sinking feeling all along but ironically my formal education is the reason why I read the fine print to pinpoint exactly WHY I was doomed.
I also intuitively picked the exact major which would enable me to identify the precise reasons why I'm totally f**ked in America. I majored in Economics on a whim for petty reasons. But I now know chapter and verse why I never had a snowball's chance in Hell in these here United States.
I also intuitively picked the exact major which would enable me to identify the precise reasons why I'm totally f**ked in America. I majored in Economics on a whim for petty reasons. But I now know chapter and verse why I never had a snowball's chance in Hell in these here United States.
If I can ever afford to own a home I'll be sure to graciously invite some white Gentile infants over to enjoy some pop rock suppositories.
If I can ever afford to own a home I'll be sure to graciously invite some white Gentile infants over to enjoy some pop rock suppositories.
So I researched Austrian immigration to the US. Because Hitler is an Austrian who emigrated to the US. Historically most Austrian immigrants were anti-slavery and left wing. The artist formerly known as Hitler seems to be right wing. However he explained to me why the Civil Rights Movement was a scam to rehash the slave system in accordance with America's latest economic priorities. And to dog me all out while they were at it. Otherwise I would've been none the wiser. A lot of Dr. King's black contemporaries knew he was a con artist and hated him for it. However these people received minimal media coverage and weren't allowed to speak unless they too covertly supported his underlying mission. So all I'd learned about the Civil Rights Movement is the propaganda they teach us in school.

But to my knowledge he's still a Catholic. Dunno.
So I researched Austrian immigration to the US. Because Hitler is an Austrian who emigrated to the US. Historically most Austrian immigrants were anti-slavery and left wing. The artist formerly known as Hitler seems to be right wing. However he explained to me why the Civil Rights Movement was a scam to rehash the slave system in accordance with America's latest economic priorities. And to dog me all out while they were at it. Otherwise I would've been none the wiser. A lot of Dr. King's black contemporaries knew he was a con artist and hated him for it. However these people received minimal media coverage and weren't allowed to speak unless they too covertly supported his underlying mission. So all I'd learned about the Civil Rights Movement is the propaganda they teach us in school.

But to my knowledge he's still a Catholic. Dunno.
So Bismarck was perhaps an Austrian native but his family owned land in Germany. It was roughly 15,000 contiguous acres. Which is really vast until you compare him to feudal landowners IN Austria, who could own 50,000 to 150,000 acres. Assuming that Bismarck was Germany's creme de la creme, Austria's elite was still up to 10 times richer than he was.

Hitler was totally fed up with people outriching him and amassed a fortune of $52 billion. That wasn't even including the value of his art collection. But he couldn't keep it because he was new money and he had to abandon it while fleeing for his life.
So Bismarck was perhaps an Austrian native but his family owned land in Germany. It was roughly 15,000 contiguous acres. Which is really vast until you compare him to feudal landowners IN Austria, who could own 50,000 to 150,000 acres. Assuming that Bismarck was Germany's creme de la creme, Austria's elite was still up to 10 times richer than he was.

Hitler was totally fed up with people outriching him and amassed a fortune of $52 billion. That wasn't even including the value of his art collection. But he couldn't keep it because he was new money and he had to abandon it while fleeing for his life.

Hitler's current alter ego is also a bisexual prostitute on the sneak. I can't PROVE that but I strongly SUSPECT it. He's made a career out of seducing people and I think he's just flat-out sold his body from time to time. He no longer cares and he's admired and revered regardless.

Given his age group, statistically he should've died from AIDS long ago. Before there was adequate education, prevention and treatment for the disease. However he's absolutely fine. I think he's in reasonably good health because he actually INVENTED the HIV virus, largely to use against scholarly South African children to counteract the purpose of equal opportunity laws. The Germans are very scientific so of course they're capable of this. But that's just a suspicion. I'm in a daze as to the atrocities he MAY still be commiting.
Hitler's current alter ego is also a bisexual prostitute on the sneak. I can't PROVE that but I strongly SUSPECT it. He's made a career out of seducing people and I think he's just flat-out sold his body from time to time. He no longer cares and he's admired and revered regardless.

Given his age group, statistically he should've died from AIDS long ago. Before there was adequate education, prevention and treatment for the disease. However he's absolutely fine. I think he's in reasonably good health because he actually INVENTED the HIV virus, largely to use against scholarly South African children to counteract the purpose of equal opportunity laws. The Germans are very scientific so of course they're capable of this. But that's just a suspicion. I'm in a daze as to the atrocities he MAY still be commiting.
Btw most Asian ethnic groups are well-educated in America, but an education doesn't guarantee wealth. Black American females are the most formally educated people in America yet single black females still have a median net worth of $100. Asians are rich not only because they're not being actively depleted of property values as blacks are, but also because they jump at every opportunity to save money. Six of them will rent a 2 bedroom apartment if necessary to minimize initial housing expenses in their youth. This enables them to save money for big ticket real estate purchases down the line. Somehow blacks have more difficulty working out similar arrangements. Maybe it's pointless to work out similar arrangements because the system is set up to do us in regardless. Anyhow Hitler is extremely materialistic and he married a Chinese because they can really squeeze a dollar til it hollers.
Btw most Asian ethnic groups are well-educated in America, but an education doesn't guarantee wealth. Black American females are the most formally educated people in America yet single black females still have a median net worth of $100. Asians are rich not only because they're not being actively depleted of property values as blacks are, but also because they jump at every opportunity to save money. Six of them will rent a 2 bedroom apartment if necessary to minimize initial housing expenses in their youth. This enables them to save money for big ticket real estate purchases down the line. Somehow blacks have more difficulty working out similar arrangements. Maybe it's pointless to work out similar arrangements because the system is set up to do us in regardless. Anyhow Hitler is extremely materialistic and he married a Chinese because they can really squeeze a dollar til it hollers.
If you oppose America's racial policies on its own terms--using erotic terminology with a professional or commercial basis--this evasion attempt will be used as yet another excuse to dog you out. Oppose US policy anyway. The patriots who were predetermined to dog you out will inevitably do so for one excuse or another regardless. The best you can do is compile permanent records for impartial third parties proving that US policy was adverse to your chastity and virtue all along.
If you oppose America's racial policies on its own terms--using erotic terminology with a professional or commercial basis--this evasion attempt will be used as yet another excuse to dog you out. Oppose US policy anyway. The patriots who were predetermined to dog you out will inevitably do so for one excuse or another regardless. The best you can do is compile permanent records for impartial third parties proving that US policy was adverse to your chastity and virtue all along.
And America steals everybody's goddam water, but then America probably has the most fresh water per capita of any nation. Probably. Only Canada may have more. I haven't really researched Canada's water supply. But it's the same old story: them that's got, shall get. Them
that's not, shall lose. Since Hitler has now become a US citizen I suspect he's PERSONALLY stolen whole bodies of water from prehistoric times. He enthusiastically identifies as a patriot of whatever nation is convenient for his next mission. He is very experienced and this time he has hit America.
And America steals everybody's goddam water, but then America probably has the most fresh water per capita of any nation. Probably. Only Canada may have more. I haven't really researched Canada's water supply. But it's the same old story: them that's got, shall get. Them
that's not, shall lose. Since Hitler has now become a US citizen I suspect he's PERSONALLY stolen whole bodies of water from prehistoric times. He enthusiastically identifies as a patriot of whatever nation is convenient for his next mission. He is very experienced and this time he has hit America.
I realize that in some countries people don't bathe, because they can't budget for both bathing and drinking water. After some white woman stole my goddam water, I have imposed similar rations upon myself. Physically I could use as much water as I wanted. But when someone steals your goddam water to relegate you to Third World status, it has ripple effects npi. So in the end, I am living like a Third World peasant.
I realize that in some countries people don't bathe, because they can't budget for both bathing and drinking water. After some white woman stole my goddam water, I have imposed similar rations upon myself. Physically I could use as much water as I wanted. But when someone steals your goddam water to relegate you to Third World status, it has ripple effects npi. So in the end, I am living like a Third World peasant.

I realize that in some countries people don't bathe, because they can't budget for both bathing and drinking water. After some white woman stole my goddam water, I have imposed similar rations upon myself. Physically I could use as much water as I wanted. But when someone steals your goddam water to relegate you to Third World status, it has ripple effects npi. So in the end, I am living like a Third World peasant
I also know that Prince William orchestrated BOTH 9/11 AND bin Laden's assassination because he had a dual vendetta. Bin Laden allegedly took part in Di's assassination and the bin Ladens were friends with the Bushes at the time. I forewarned Will and Harry that Meghan Markle was sent to quietly assassinate them as an inside job. The British Empire created America's slave system, but it was America's choice to adopt this policy which is hostile to my chastity and virtue. Also. Since Will was the aggressor in this instance I let his violence slide unpunished. If you set me up to be destroyed I'll rip you a new a**hole. As hard as I possibly can. End of story.
I also know that Prince William orchestrated BOTH 9/11 AND bin Laden's assassination because he had a dual vendetta. Bin Laden allegedly took part in Di's assassination and the bin Ladens were friends with the Bushes at the time. I forewarned Will and Harry that Meghan Markle was sent to quietly assassinate them as an inside job. The British Empire created America's slave system, but it was America's choice to adopt this policy which is hostile to my chastity and virtue. Also. Since Will was the aggressor in this instance I let his violence slide unpunished. If you set me up to be destroyed I'll rip you a new a**hole. As hard as I possibly can. End of story.
Ironically that's another reason why my opposition to US race policy has to be presented in a business format. If national policy is averse to your sanctity as a female, they ain't playin' witcha. You can't just SAY you're opposed to it. It has to be a focused, material resistance. I thereby programmed myself to follow through on this with escalating intensity. Even if I haven't the means to wage war against hardly anybody, skills are still important.
Are you too poor to keep a dog? ... What about flowers? ...

I wasn't kidding about my dream of raping Gentile infants. Dr. King's edict on eroticism was one of his supposed "moral and spiritual principles" we must adhere to to obtain our legal rights. If these moral principles do not agree with you, it's a scientific necessity to shatter people's childlike innocence to dismantle them. Permanently. That's because infancy precedes moral development and morals of any kind cannot exist without them. I would breathe a sigh of relief if someone rounded up a legion of Gentile babies and pimped them until they f**king died.
I wasn't kidding about my dream of raping Gentile infants. Dr. King's edict on eroticism was one of his supposed "moral and spiritual principles" we must adhere to to obtain our legal rights. If these moral principles do not agree with you, it's a scientific necessity to shatter people's childlike innocence to dismantle them. Permanently. That's because infancy precedes moral development and morals of any kind cannot exist without them. I would breathe a sigh of relief if someone rounded up a legion of Gentile babies and pimped them until they f**king died.

Hmhmm. ...

Viel verlieren den Verstand deshalb nicht, weil sie keinen haben.
Arthur Schopenhauer
A lot of people don't lose their minds because they don't have any.

What do you say could be your worst problem?

... Take your time ... When god made time he made a lot ...

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