In Other News, Hitler Won WW2.

Have you ever noticed that Fuhrer is a homonym for furor? I'm pretty sure that's actually deliberate. Just as Bismarck is pronounced 'biz' and 'mark'. As in you can't buy, sell, or trade without the mark of the beast. Even the mark part has 2 meanings. And Stalin oversaw an incident at Russia's Nazinsky Island which was reminiscent of Nazi concentration camp experiences. And so on.

At this point I'm wholly convinced that Bismarck and Hitler were the same person. Also, the German King who bestowed his kingdom to Prince Bismarck bore a striking resemblance to Lenin. I'm uncertain whether they were the same person but they looked alike.
Also Americans resent Muslims so much these days but Dr. King's reckless and barbaric edict on eroticism was cleverly devised by "Babylon the Great". Perhaps this Babylonian sect no longer calls themselves Muslims. In Europe they renamed themselves Catholics. I blame Americans for adopting this policy because they are now world leaders and gatekeepers for the values which prevail in their own land. Nobody forces anything upon America without America's consent.

It is much like WW2 when the warring sides came to a consensus in matters of racism in particular. They were both alike racist and they cooperated in this regard. For that matter they cooperated on the Holocaust. The Germans physically exterminated the Jews but the British did their part by financially paralyzing the Jews.
Police in Brussels have stormed a conference attended by Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman after orders for the event to be shut down.
Local authorities ordered the controversial National Conservatism (NatCon) Conference to be closed to "guarantee public safety".

Ms Braverman, the former home secretary, and Mr Farage, the former Ukip leader, were among the political names advertised to speak at the event on Tuesday alongside right-wing Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orban.

Hitler was exactly the same way. Conforming is your only option to survive. A lawful and peaceful conference will be crushed if der Fueher does not approve
That is exactly what maga demands in a Merica. Conformity to their stated freedoms, religion and color of skin.
That is exactly what maga demands in a Merica. Conformity to their stated freedoms, religion and color of skin.
Speaking of the 3rd Reich equalling American culture where blacks are concerned, Hitler is now a US citizen. With a pseudonym. I absolutely wuv him. He's the last person on Earth I thought I'd absolutely wuv. But there are reasons why he cannot do any better.
Speaking of the 3rd Reich equalling American culture where blacks are concerned, Hitler is now a US citizen. With a pseudonym. I absolutely wuv him. He's the last person on Earth I thought I'd absolutely wuv. But there are reasons why he cannot do any better.
That is exactly what maga demands in a Merica. Conformity to their stated freedoms, religion and color of skin.
And Caucasians have a competitive advantage in the prostitution department. They can peddle their behinds anywhere in the world to advance their geopolitical interests. And it's not always females either. Bismarck disguised as Rasputin seduced and subsequently massacred the whole Russian Imperial Family to Nazify Russia. His victims themselves were white but Bismarck had cultivated additional diabolical skills to go WITH his debaucherous intentions. Now his wife is Chinese. Which reminds me, China invented gunpowder. Yet Western man came to dominate the use of firearms. There is only one plausible explanation for how this transaction could've taken place.
Hitler? The vampire? He has a new name. He's a naturalized American citizen. He actually has 2 new names: a given/family name and a stage name. BOTH of his names are related to his previous positions and activities as Chancellor.
Hitler? The vampire? He has a new name. He's a naturalized American citizen. He actually has 2 new names: a given/family name and a stage name. BOTH of his names are related to his previous positions and activities as Chancellor.
Someone also accused Bismarck of tricking the French King into invading Germany or Prussia. I don't know when the French Revolution happened but I surmise Bismarck was somehow involved. As Rasputin he tricked the Russian Imperial Family into invading Japan. Same deal where the Royal Family was overthrown by a popular uprising afterwards. He does this all the time. Russia invaded Japan on the basis that their victory was guaranteed because they were white. Which distorts the fact that Japan kept invading China and the Russians thought they might be able to rescue their friend China because they were white. ??? He's always playing political GAMES with people.
Hitler had life-extending methods

Hitler had millions of life-shortening methods. That's why this 24/7 full-time idiot did also shorten his own life via to let someone else do the own suicide when he reached the "biblical" age of 56 years,

but he already had them long before this particular stint as Chancellor of Germany.

As far as I know before Hitler became chancellor and president of Germany he had been a social welfare recipient - who did not live a particularly healthy life. He lived a long time after world war 1 in a men's hostel. The nonsense that he never drank alcohol and was a vegetarian was by the way also only a myth made from his own propaganda.

He was Chancellor of Germany before by a different name.

Eh? What a nonsense. His real name had been "Adolf Schicklgruber" but his father changed his own name into "Hitler" - what was a wrong form of the long spoken name "Hiedler" (and not from the short spoken name "Hüttler"). Astonishing in this context is only that to say "Heil Schicklgruber" sounds in German totally funny and "Heil Hiedler" sounds in German relativelly strange and is very soft when it is spoken out fluently. Only "Heil Hitler" has still today some "demonic" power because of the short hard Prussian intonation of this soft Austrian name.

Hitler's apparent self-contradictions stemmed from his multiple identities and his vast network of conspirators.

You do not know a lot about Adolf Hitlers real life, isn't it?

Bismarck once said, "be polite. Even when issuing a declaration of war, always observe the rules of politeness."

Bismark was very famous for his diplomacy. Example: In his time of history was often a little bowl full of water for everyone on the table on reason to be able to wash the own fingers during a meal. A Black African guest of Bismark drank out of this bowl and before someone was able to laugh or to make an unsuitable comment Bismark also drank out of his own bowl. This message was clear to everyone: Not to know "etiquette" disqualifies no one!

When he came back as Hitler

Sorry. But to compare Bismark and Hitler is like to compare Biden and Putin. No one with a sane mind would say this two people are the same.

he was astoundingly rude. However he had already lured the Jews into his spider web through polite and reassuring methods elsewise.

You should really accept that Jews had been Germans like all others before Hitler came. You think totally weird.

Such as the WW1 reparations which were publicized as penalties against Germany as a whole, but which in fact sucked the Jews dry while the German majority remained afloat. After all indigenous Germans owned the nation's raw natural resources. Cash is secondary. And the lack of fungible cash starved out the Jews.

Here the translation of an article about the "anti-Semitism" of Otto von Bismarck in the NZZ (Switzerland) written from the famous German historian Michael Wolffsohn. source: War Bismarck Antisemit?

Bismarck discriminated against Jews. But not across the board, but à la carte, so to speak

The Reich Chancellor's anti-Semitism was light years away from the liquidationist hatred of Jews of the Nazi criminals. So: let Bismarckallee be Bismarckallee

Who is anti-Semitic and what is anti-Semitism? Since the Documenta controversy, this eternal question has once again heated up emotions. For a long time, everything seemed clear: anti-Semitism has always been a phenomenon of the right. Now anyone who looks can see it: There has been an alliance of Islamists, leftists and - as their useful idiots - left-wing liberals for a long time. In France, they are called Islamogauchistes. They include the post-colonialists, who don't just compare the Holocaust and colonial crimes - which makes sense. For them, the Holocaust is a lesser crime because it is internal, not racist.

If you want to understand today's debate better, look back and compare. Did the murderous line of the anti-Semites also lead "from Bismarck to Hitler"?

A 2021 study by the Berlin Anti-Semitism Commissioner states: ". . . Bismarck had intensive contacts in the anti-Semitic camp of the German Empire, for example with one of the leaders of the political anti-Semitic movement, Adolf Stoecker. He was made an honorary member of the anti-Semitic All-German Association. He himself is not known for anti-Semitic statements.

He did not condemn the 'anti-Semite petition'. However, with the founding of the empire, he did in fact support Jewish emancipation in the empire, although he had still spoken out against this in 1847."

The source base is thin, is another monument being toppled?
Distance from Jew-haters

Fritz Stern, who was not Jewish himself, but who liked to be celebrated and pampered as such in post-war western Germany, had discovered and extensively analyzed truly unknown documents, i.e. factual material. Bismarck was probably not quite as "anti-Semitic" as implied in the aforementioned study, as his Jewish banker Gerson Bleichröder was elevated to hereditary nobility in 1872, certainly not without the Chancellor's approval. This Jew was one of the few genuine confidants, advisors and absolutely loyal men around Bismarck for a long time.

The man who carried out the failed assassination attempt on Bismarck in Berlin's Unter den Linden on May 7, 1866, the radical democrat Ferdinand Cohen-Blind, was Jewish.

The dates are revealing, and one should be added: 1863, when Bismarck met the Jew Ferdinand Lassalle, the co-founder of German Social Democracy, and they made plans together. They could not be realized because Lassalle lost his life soon afterwards in an absurd duel.

1866, the assassination attempt on Bismarck. The assassination stirred up the public, not the assassin's Jewishness, and Bismarck did not use or abuse the Jewish factor either. Anti-Semitic? In 1872, Gerson Bleichröder became Gerson von Bleichröder. Anti-Semitic? 1878/79, the Berlin anti-Semitism controversy, sparked above all by the historian and enemy of the Jews Heinrich von Treitschke and the devoted anti-Semite, court preacher and politician Adolf Stoecker. The Berlin anti-Semitism study had placed Bismarck in political proximity to this Adolf Stoecker.

Contrary to what the Berlin anti-Semitism study claimed, the Reich Chancellor had indeed distanced himself from the inveterate Jew-hater Stoecker, and not without risk. In Fritz Stern's "Gold and Iron", we read on page 607 that Bismarck "reproached" Prince Wilhelm - Kaiser Wilhelm II from 1888 - for his public declaration of solidarity with Stoecker. Stoecker not only hated "the" Jews in general, but Gerson von Bleichröder in particular. Bismarck stood by the Jews and the enemy of the Jews, especially as he himself had been attacked by anti-Semites for "almost a decade" (Fritz Stern) because of his relationship of trust with Bleichröder. But, see Fritz Stern's quote from Bismarck: "
It is not money Judaism but political Reform Judaism that is asserting itself in our press and parliamentary bodies. The interests of moneyed Jewry are more closely connected with the preservation of our state institutions and cannot do without the latter. The propertyless Jewry in the press and parliament, which has little to lose, much to gain and joins every opposition, can under certain circumstances also reach an alliance with the Social Democrats, including Stöcker. Mr. Stöcker's agitation is not preferably directed against this either; his speeches are calculated to arouse the envy and covetousness of the dispossessed against the haves."

In other words, Fritz Stern concludes, "rich Jews are useful and conservative, ordinary ones have a tendency to be radical and subversive". Let's call it "class anti-Semitism".

Let Bismarckallee be Bismarckallee

Measured against parts of his entourage, Bismarck's class anti-Semitism was downright progressive and pro-Jewish, because in his own "class", for example with Puttkammer, the Jew was suspect. No surprise then: from 1880, the Jew Eduard Cohen looked after the chancellor as his personal physician for a time. Anti-Semitism? One could argue that anti-Semites have always liked to be treated by Jewish doctors. They were usually better than others and tended to be underpaid.

Bismarck undoubtedly harbored the anti-Jewish prejudices that were widespread at the time (and today?), even in refined and educated society. He discriminated against Jews. Unlike many others, he did not do so across the board, but à la carte, so to speak. We Jews refer to discriminatory anti-Semitism as "good old Rishess"; Rishess from the Hebrew "Rescha", meaning malice.

There was and is both generalized and differentiated Rishess. We encounter this in Bismarck. Certainly not state of the art in terms of tolerance and acceptance, but in the context of discriminatory anti-Semitism it is the rather mild version. Even more comforting: light years away from the liquidatory anti-Semitism of the Nazi criminals. Rischess or not: let Bismarckallee be Bismarckallee, especially as he left the Jews alone. They thanked him with Prussian and then German patriotism.

Bismarck fits the universal historical pattern of authorities and Jews: if and as long as they are needed, Jews are welcome or at least tolerated. Then, as in Schiller's "Fiesco": "The Moor has done his work, the Moor can go." I call this functional tolerance, as opposed to internalized ethical tolerance. I described this pattern in detail in my book "Eine andere Jüdische Weltgeschichte" (April 2022).

Imperial German colonialism

Until the highly topical comparison of the crimes of colonialism and the Holocaust - even before the Documenta - anti-Semitism and colonialism were not played off against each other politically or academically. With regard to Bismarck, he slipped into colonialism rather unwillingly, late and through pressure from below. Moreover, in contrast to the highly hysterical situation in West Germany, colonialism in the German Reich was much more harmless than British, French, Dutch, Belgian, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish or Japanese colonialism.

And Bismarck was only responsible for 6 of the 34 years of German colonialism. The bloodbaths of the Reich German massacres of the Herero and Nama, recently (in my view incorrectly) referred to as genocide, took place after Bismarck.

No doubt: light and shadow, as with everyone, including Bismarck. But also no doubt in comparison to most contemporary politicians (not only in Germany). Bismarck was able to think strategically and tactically, cynically and in context. Like his descendants Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel, he would never have placed his country in the almost total dependence of another actor. He really wasn't mediocre. He had more charisma, more education, spoke more foreign languages and better German. If the supposed anti-Semitism à la Bismarck had continued in Germany, there would certainly not have been six million murders of Jews.

Nevertheless, I have no nostalgia for Bismarck or the Kaiser.

In this Federal Republic of Germany, the Jewish Wolffsohns, the Muslim Türüks, the descendants of Bismarck, the Müllers, Maiers and Schulzes have equal rights. Things were different in the Bismarck empire. Despite its dramatic deficits and despite its many Islamogauchists and post-colonialists, the Federal Republic of Germany is the best that has ever existed, because it is a stable democratic German citizen state.

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Hitler had millions of life-shortening methods. That's why this 24/7 full-time idiot did also shorten his own life via to let someone else do the own suicide when he reached the "biblical" age of 56 years,

As far as I know before Hitler became chancellor and president of Germany he had been a social welfare recipient - who did not live a particularly healthy life. He lived a long time after world war 1 in a men's hostel. The nonsense that he never drank alcohol and was a vegetarian was by the way also only a myth made from his own propaganda.

Eh? What a nonsense. His real name had been "Adolf Schicklgruber" but his father changed his own name into "Hitler" - what was a wrong form of the long spoken name "Hiedler" (and not from the short spoken name "Hüttler"). Astonishing in this context is only that to say "Heil Schicklgruber" sounds in German totally funny and "Heil Hiedler" sounds in German relativelly strange and is very soft when it is spoken out fluently. Only "Heil Hitler" has still today some "demonic" power because of the short hard Prussian intonation of this soft Austrian name.

You do not know a lot about Adolf Hitlers real life, isn't it?

Bismark was very famous for his diplomacy. Example: In his time of history was often a little bowl full of water for everyone on the table on reason to be able to wash the own fingers during a meal. A Black African guest of Bismark drank out of this bowl and before someone was able to laugh or to make an unsuitable comment Bismark also drank out of his own bowl. This message was clear to everyone: Not to know "etiquette" disqualifies no one!

Sorry. But to compare Bismark and Hitler is like to compare Biden and Putin. No one with a sane mind would say this two people are the same.

You should really accept that Jews had been Germans like all others before Hitler came. You think totally weird.

Here the translation of an article about the "anti-Semitism" of Otto von Bismarck in the NZZ (Switzerland) written from the famous German historian Michael Wolffsohn. source: War Bismarck Antisemit?

Bismarck discriminated against Jews. But not across the board, but à la carte, so to speak

The Reich Chancellor's anti-Semitism was light years away from the liquidationist hatred of Jews of the Nazi criminals. So: let Bismarckallee be Bismarckallee

Who is anti-Semitic and what is anti-Semitism? Since the Documenta controversy, this eternal question has once again heated up emotions. For a long time, everything seemed clear: anti-Semitism has always been a phenomenon of the right. Now anyone who looks can see it: There has been an alliance of Islamists, leftists and - as their useful idiots - left-wing liberals for a long time. In France, they are called Islamogauchistes. They include the post-colonialists, who don't just compare the Holocaust and colonial crimes - which makes sense. For them, the Holocaust is a lesser crime because it is internal, not racist.

If you want to understand today's debate better, look back and compare. Did the murderous line of the anti-Semites also lead "from Bismarck to Hitler"?

A 2021 study by the Berlin Anti-Semitism Commissioner states: ". . . Bismarck had intensive contacts in the anti-Semitic camp of the German Empire, for example with one of the leaders of the political anti-Semitic movement, Adolf Stoecker. He was made an honorary member of the anti-Semitic All-German Association. He himself is not known for anti-Semitic statements.

He did not condemn the 'anti-Semite petition'. However, with the founding of the empire, he did in fact support Jewish emancipation in the empire, although he had still spoken out against this in 1847."

The source base is thin, is another monument being toppled?
Distance from Jew-haters

Fritz Stern, who was not Jewish himself, but who liked to be celebrated and pampered as such in post-war western Germany, had discovered and extensively analyzed truly unknown documents, i.e. factual material. Bismarck was probably not quite as "anti-Semitic" as implied in the aforementioned study, as his Jewish banker Gerson Bleichröder was elevated to hereditary nobility in 1872, certainly not without the Chancellor's approval. This Jew was one of the few genuine confidants, advisors and absolutely loyal men around Bismarck for a long time.

The man who carried out the failed assassination attempt on Bismarck in Berlin's Unter den Linden on May 7, 1866, the radical democrat Ferdinand Cohen-Blind, was Jewish.

The dates are revealing, and one should be added: 1863, when Bismarck met the Jew Ferdinand Lassalle, the co-founder of German Social Democracy, and they made plans together. They could not be realized because Lassalle lost his life soon afterwards in an absurd duel.

1866, the assassination attempt on Bismarck. The assassination stirred up the public, not the assassin's Jewishness, and Bismarck did not use or abuse the Jewish factor either. Anti-Semitic? In 1872, Gerson Bleichröder became Gerson von Bleichröder. Anti-Semitic? 1878/79, the Berlin anti-Semitism controversy, sparked above all by the historian and enemy of the Jews Heinrich von Treitschke and the devoted anti-Semite, court preacher and politician Adolf Stoecker. The Berlin anti-Semitism study had placed Bismarck in political proximity to this Adolf Stoecker.

Contrary to what the Berlin anti-Semitism study claimed, the Reich Chancellor had indeed distanced himself from the inveterate Jew-hater Stoecker, and not without risk. In Fritz Stern's "Gold and Iron", we read on page 607 that Bismarck "reproached" Prince Wilhelm - Kaiser Wilhelm II from 1888 - for his public declaration of solidarity with Stoecker. Stoecker not only hated "the" Jews in general, but Gerson von Bleichröder in particular. Bismarck stood by the Jews and the enemy of the Jews, especially as he himself had been attacked by anti-Semites for "almost a decade" (Fritz Stern) because of his relationship of trust with Bleichröder. But, see Fritz Stern's quote from Bismarck: "
It is not money Judaism but political Reform Judaism that is asserting itself in our press and parliamentary bodies. The interests of moneyed Jewry are more closely connected with the preservation of our state institutions and cannot do without the latter. The propertyless Jewry in the press and parliament, which has little to lose, much to gain and joins every opposition, can under certain circumstances also reach an alliance with the Social Democrats, including Stöcker. Mr. Stöcker's agitation is not preferably directed against this either; his speeches are calculated to arouse the envy and covetousness of the dispossessed against the haves."

In other words, Fritz Stern concludes, "rich Jews are useful and conservative, ordinary ones have a tendency to be radical and subversive". Let's call it "class anti-Semitism".

Let Bismarckallee be Bismarckallee

Measured against parts of his entourage, Bismarck's class anti-Semitism was downright progressive and pro-Jewish, because in his own "class", for example with Puttkammer, the Jew was suspect. No surprise then: from 1880, the Jew Eduard Cohen looked after the chancellor as his personal physician for a time. Anti-Semitism? One could argue that anti-Semites have always liked to be treated by Jewish doctors. They were usually better than others and tended to be underpaid.

Bismarck undoubtedly harbored the anti-Jewish prejudices that were widespread at the time (and today?), even in refined and educated society. He discriminated against Jews. Unlike many others, he did not do so across the board, but à la carte, so to speak. We Jews refer to discriminatory anti-Semitism as "good old Rishess"; Rishess from the Hebrew "Rescha", meaning malice.

There was and is both generalized and differentiated Rishess. We encounter this in Bismarck. Certainly not state of the art in terms of tolerance and acceptance, but in the context of discriminatory anti-Semitism it is the rather mild version. Even more comforting: light years away from the liquidatory anti-Semitism of the Nazi criminals. Rischess or not: let Bismarckallee be Bismarckallee, especially as he left the Jews alone. They thanked him with Prussian and then German patriotism.

Bismarck fits the universal historical pattern of authorities and Jews: if and as long as they are needed, Jews are welcome or at least tolerated. Then, as in Schiller's "Fiesco": "The Moor has done his work, the Moor can go." I call this functional tolerance, as opposed to internalized ethical tolerance. I described this pattern in detail in my book "Eine andere Jüdische Weltgeschichte" (April 2022).

Imperial German colonialism

Until the highly topical comparison of the crimes of colonialism and the Holocaust - even before the Documenta - anti-Semitism and colonialism were not played off against each other politically or academically. With regard to Bismarck, he slipped into colonialism rather unwillingly, late and through pressure from below. Moreover, in contrast to the highly hysterical situation in West Germany, colonialism in the German Reich was much more harmless than British, French, Dutch, Belgian, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish or Japanese colonialism.

And Bismarck was only responsible for 6 of the 34 years of German colonialism. The bloodbaths of the Reich German massacres of the Herero and Nama, recently (in my view incorrectly) referred to as genocide, took place after Bismarck.

No doubt: light and shadow, as with everyone, including Bismarck. But also no doubt in comparison to most contemporary politicians (not only in Germany). Bismarck was able to think strategically and tactically, cynically and in context. Like his descendants Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel, he would never have placed his country in the almost total dependence of another actor. He really wasn't mediocre. He had more charisma, more education, spoke more foreign languages and better German. If the supposed anti-Semitism à la Bismarck had continued in Germany, there would certainly not have been six million murders of Jews.

Nevertheless, I have no nostalgia for Bismarck or the Kaiser.

In this Federal Republic of Germany, the Jewish Wolffsohns, the Muslim Türüks, the descendants of Bismarck, the Müllers, Maiers and Schulzes have equal rights. Things were different in the Bismarck empire. Despite its dramatic deficits and despite its many Islamogauchists and post-colonialists, the Federal Republic of Germany is the best that has ever existed, because it is a stable democratic German citizen state.

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I only skimmed over these essays but I enjoyed the quip about Hitler's life shortening methods. Hitler's a la carte discrimination is also evident in his graciousness towards his indigenous African guest who drank out of his finger bowl. It's called divide and conquer. The black guest was probably a puppet delegate of some sort, but that doesn't mean he was made to FEEL like a vassal. And for that matter Dr. Martin Luther King Jr made black Americans FEEL like we finally had rights. But then reality hit hard and we must forensically deduce his ulterior motives. Reality hits some of us harder than others. Racism is typically weighted against the most highly educated blacks. I was eligible for MENSA membership in my generation. Which is also why I can scientifically dissect Dr. King's ulterior motives.
Dr. King's edict on eroticism also carries built-in divide and conquer tactics. It tends to be automatically, inherently violent towards biracial people, but most biracial people are sufficiently white-looking or otherwise privileged enough to merit cursory exemption from it. That's why countermeasures against this policy should not acknowledge or reward platitudinous stereotypes about biracial people which attempt to minimize the atrocity and immorality of applying this policy to ANY of us. An invading army should just obliterate Kate Middleton's childlike innocence with a battering ram and that is the end of it.

I only skimmed over these essays but I enjoyed the quip about Hitler's life shortening methods. Hitler's a la carte discrimination is also evident in his graciousness towards his indigenous African guest who drank out of his finger bowl. It's called divide and conquer. The black guest was probably a puppet delegate of some sort,

but that doesn't mean he was made to FEEL lik

e a vassal. And for that matter Dr. Martin Luther King Jr made black Americans FEEL like we finally had rights. But then reality hit hard and we must forensically deduce his ulterior motives. Reality hits some of us harder than others. Racism is typically weighted against the most highly educated blacks. I was eligible for MENSA membership in my generation. Which is also why I can scientifically dissect Dr. King's ulterior motives
Specifically, Dr. King's edict on eroticism does tend to be pointedly violent towards black biracial people. But this is obscured by its selective enforcement. Regardless, the policy biologically denotes a lack of self-respect on whites' part. This exactly parallels the fact that Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle et all are wanton prostitutes, but the system publicly presents them as women of pious virtue. I made Meghan Markle's facade crack a little with my brutality of speech. She was the easiest crack. But ultimately it takes a big army to PHYSICALLY overpower these people. Gossiping about them is like trying to empty the Atlantic with a teaspoon.
Again it was Hitler/Bismarck who guided me to PROVE that America's racist policies are inherently violent by pinpointing Dr. King as their spokesman. He's a head of the beast from the sea alright but he's very family-oriented. In his own strange way. I think a little bit of a kamikaze instinct kicks up when these beast policies severely malign his grandchildren. The beast tactics are conspiratorial so even if he didn't originate that particular one, he's still responsible for it. Hitler didn't actually commit suicide. He faked his death. But this time I think he really intends to self-destruct.
I only skimmed over these essays but I enjoyed the quip about Hitler's life shortening methods. Hitler's a la carte discrimination is also evide

nt in his graciousness towar
ndigenous African guest who drank out of his finger bowl. It's called divide and conquer. The black guest was probably a puppet delegate of some sort, but that doesn't mean he was made to FEEL like a vassal. And for that matter Dr. Martin Luther King Jr made black Americans FEEL like we finally had rights. But then reality hit hard and we must forensically deduce his ulterior motives. Reality hits some of us harder than others. Racism is typically weighted against the most highly educated blacks. I was eligible for MEN
SA membership in my generation. Which is also why I can scientif
Again it was Hitler/Bismarck who guided me to PROVE that America's racist policies are inherently violent by pinpointing Dr. King as their spokesman. He's a head of the beast from the sea alright but he's very family-oriented. In his own strange way. I think a little bit of a kamikaze instinct kicks up when these beast policies severely malign his grandchildren. The beast tactics are conspiratorial so even if he didn't originate that particular one, he's still responsible for it. Hitler didn't actually commit suicide. He faked his death. But this time I think he really intends to self-destruct.
This message board keeps misquoting me because I have to keep scrolling back and forth on my smartphone to post a reply. The messages that don't make sense were haphazardly edited for convenience. And it's a good thing all 7 heads of the beast plus the New Babylon are so closely intertwined. With one invasion you can eradicate ALL the bulls**t in this world. ALL of it.
This message board keeps misquoting me because I have to keep scrolling back and forth on my smartphone to post a reply. The messages that don't make sense were haphazardly edited for convenience. And it's a good thing all 7 heads of the beast plus the New Babylon are so closely intertwined. With one invasion you can eradicate ALL the bulls**t in this world. ALL of it.
The racism which intensifies as blacks become more educated perfectly correlates with blacks' plummeting housing values in whites' favor. It is gender-biased. Traditionally men hunt; women nest. Thus black women bear the brunt of these disintegrating black communities. Black females are also about twice as likely as black males to attend college. This education is largely futile because blacks' default net worth is draining away faster than we can earn it back. Plus high-income blacks actively contribute TO blacks' sagging median net worth by abandoning black neighborhoods. It's financial quicksand. And few people are such monumental suckers as to ignore the fact that black college students have merely been set up for exploitation and abuse.
The racism which intensifies as blacks become more educated perfectly correlates with blacks' plummeting housing values in whites' favor. It is gender-biased. Traditionally men hunt; women nest. Thus black women bear the brunt of these disintegrating black communities. Black females are also about twice as likely as black males to attend college. This education is largely futile because blacks' default net worth is draining away faster than we can earn it back. Plus high-income blacks actively contribute TO blacks' sagging median net worth by abandoning black neighborhoods. It's financial quicksand. And few people are such monumental suckers as to ignore the fact that black college students have merely been set up for exploitation and abuse.
I should also mention that it would normally be dangerous to threaten violence against whites. However they're violent towards my kind just normally anyhow. It's a matter of policy which Dr. King delegated decades ago. Therefore it doesn't make much difference whether I anger them as well. Nonviolent resistance generated this policy, so it's irrelevant how they FEEL. The important thing is to DESTROY them. Period.
I should also mention that it would normally be dangerous to threaten violence against whites. However they're violent towards my kind just normally anyhow. It's a matter of policy which Dr. King delegated decades ago. Therefore it doesn't make much difference whether I anger them as well. Nonviolent resistance generated this policy, so it's irrelevant how they FEEL. The important thing is to DESTROY them. Period.
I also vaguely recall that Bismarck's African dinner guest incident was fictionalized in some Mark Twain novel or To Kill a Mockingbird. I think it was To Kill a Mockingbird and I think Harper Lee was an American Nazi whose Nazism was coded for political correctness. After all she was from Alabama.
I also vaguely recall that Bismarck's African dinner guest incident was fictionalized in some Mark Twain novel or To Kill a Mockingbird. I think it was To Kill a Mockingbird and I think Harper Lee was an American Nazi whose Nazism was coded for political correctness. After all she was from Alabama.
Speaking of novelists who allude to Bismarck and whatnot, the classic children's book the Westing Game is about this rich guy who repeatedly fakes his death and assumes various identities. The names of his personas are all related because they contain directionals such as East, West, etc. Just as Bismarck is pronounced 'biz-mark' which is rephrased in at least one of his other pseudonyms. The Westing Game's author is married to the editor of the Scientific American. He knows things.
Speaking of novelists who allude to Bismarck and whatnot, the classic children's book the Westing Game is about this rich guy who repeatedly fakes his death and assumes various identities. The names of his personas are all related because they contain directionals such as East, West, etc. Just as Bismarck is pronounced 'biz-mark' which is rephrased in at least one of his other pseudonyms. The Westing Game's author is married to the editor of the Scientific American. He knows things.
Okay and his current identity is facially identical to both Bismarck and Hitler. I am psychotically obsessed with him, obviously. This is reflected in the hundreds if not thousands of messages I posted on his videos. Btw I forgot to mention that in one of his interviews he is seen making one of his eyes suddenly grow to twice its original size. Just one eye. Then it shrinks back down to normal. This is clearly humanly impossible. Because he's not fully human. He has paranormal DNA because he's one head of the beast from the sea. He only looks human.

And speaking of buy, sell or trade, the Mona Lisa has a perfect Euro symbol obscurely painted in one of her eyes. It's only visible under a high-tech microscope. This was supposedly painted 5 centuries before the Euro was established.

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