In our current state, I say screw the free market

Did you find the American that can live on 5 bucks a day..........

too stupid!! Even McDonalds pays $10/hour.

If someone is dissatisfied with their wage they need to become worth more , not demand tariff taxes on other other Americans to make up for their short comings.

Do you understand?

Imagine one country where people try to get ahead by being worth more and another where they try to get ahead by ripping each other off. Which will prosper and which will crumble??
Ed, do you brand yourself with any certain political ideology?
Did you find the American that can live on 5 bucks a day..........

too stupid!! Even McDonalds pays $10/hour.

If someone is dissatisfied with their wage they need to become worth more , not demand tariff taxes on other other Americans to make up for their short comings.

Do you understand?

Imagine one country where people try to get ahead by being worth more and another where they try to get ahead by ripping each other off. Which will prosper and which will crumble??
Again dear..............The United States used tariffs for over 200 years and it worked....

It is how you negotiate country to country...............Now.......not so much..........we don't like your laws we sue you in Nafta or the WTO court...................With TPP companies can sue directly..............AKA change your laws or you will be fined.................

A sell out of our country and the Constitution.............if you want to do business here you obey our laws..............just as we obey your laws there.........

Hey China.............if our food isn't good enough for you........then we'll tariff your other products coming here.

Hey China.........your not allowed to Subsidize the products you sell here to put our people out of business...........

Don't know if I feel like going back to the Nafta and WTO court settlements to show you that data right now.
Again dear..............The United States used tariffs for over 200 years and it worked....

how can a tariff tax on the American consumer work except to make them poorer???????????????
Tariffs have worked............if you tariff too much then you'll screw little you put our industries out of business............the one's that are left anyway................

Prime examples.........are the foreign auto makers that started building their cars here in the past because it was cheaper than shipping here and paying the Tariffs.
Hey China.............if our food isn't good enough for you........then we'll tariff your other products coming here.

too stuipid and 100% liberal!! Thats the exact formula for the Smoot Hawley Great Depression trade wars!!!
Trade Wars have come and gone...........not were cut country to country in a give and take process in the past............Now not so much.................some protectionism is good and has kept industry here.
Prime examples.........are the foreign auto makers that started building their cars here in the past because it was cheaper than shipping here and paying the Tariffs.

100% stupid and liberal!! there are millions of companies with 10's of millions of products all around the world and 100 countries. If liberal govt stooges decide who can trade what, where and under what exact circumstances for all industries and prodycts everyone gets poorer by 90% because the market is no longer based on making things cheap and well for all but on trade wars that destroy the market concept of cheap and well and thus create poverty

A liberal is plain stupid!!
Prime examples.........are the foreign auto makers that started building their cars here in the past because it was cheaper than shipping here and paying the Tariffs.

100% stupid and liberal!! there are millions of companies with 10's of millions of products all around the world and 100 countries. If liberal govt stooges decide who can trade what, where and under what exact circumstances for all industries and prodycts everyone gets poorer by 90% because the market is no longer based on making things cheap and well for all but on trade wars that destroy the market concept of cheap and well and thus create poverty

A liberal is plain stupid!!
I'm not a liberal...............and I'm against Free Trade.........and even under these deals TARIFFS and duties still exist...................It's not 0 and never has been..................Free Trade really means lower tariffs...........the tariffs have never fully went away.........

Our industry and jobs are headed overseas...............that is not in the best interest of this country and never will be..........

It certainly isn't in our best interest for Trade Courts to order our country to Change it's laws or be fined billions of dollars............The Country of Origin Label is now being passed because we lost the case in a Nafta court.................If we didn't comply then they threatened billions in fines.
WTO Orders U.S. to Gut U.S. Consumer Country-of-Origin Meat Labeling Policy

Today’s WTO ruling, which effectively orders the U.S. government to stop providing consumers basic information about where their food comes from, offers a clear example of why so many Americans and members of Congress oppose the Fast Tracking of more so-called 'trade' pacts that threaten commonsense consumer safeguards," said Wallach. "The corporations lobbying to Fast Track the TPP must be groaning right now, as this ruling against a popular consumer protection in the name of 'free trade' spotlights exactly why there is unprecedented opposition to more of these deals."

Today’s decision on the final U.S. appeal of a 2012 initial ruling against the COOL policy paves the way for Canada and Mexico, which challenged COOL at the WTO, to impose indefinite trade sanctions against the United States unless or until it weakens or eliminates COOL , which is supported by nine in 10 Americans. Last year, consumer groups wrote to the administration requesting it use the ongoing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations as leverage to demand that Canada and Mexico drop the case instead of rolling back the policy. But they received no response.

Today’s ruling is not subject to further appeal.

The decision initiates a WTO process to determine the level of trade sanctions that Canada and Mexico are authorized to impose on the United States as retaliation for COOL.

The House voted late Wednesday to remove country-of-origin labels on beef, pork and chicken sold in the U.S., hoping to prevent a protracted battle over the labels with Canada and Mexico.

Wednesday’s 300-131 vote repealing the country-of-origin labels for meat follows a series of rulings by the World Trade Organization finding the labeling discriminates against animals imported from Canada and Mexico.

Canada and Mexico won a final WTO ruling in May, and are now seeking retaliatory actions valued at a combined $3.7 billion a year. Canada has threatened trade restrictions on a range of U.S. products, including meat, wine, chocolate, jewelry and furniture.

Congress if getting rid of the law to avoid further penalties as ORDERED BY THE WTO...............

Under the TPP.........companies and not countries will be able to sue us for our laws............

You agree with this shit?
Trade Wars have come and gone.........

yes because they cause Great Depressions!! That is why the world is switching to free trade you total idiot!!
The Great Depression happened because of Maket Call and the Casino gone wild................Not TRADE...............

They perfumed shit and said it was's was always shit and that is all it was worth.
Trade Wars have come and gone.........

yes because they cause Great Depressions!! That is why the world is switching to free trade you total idiot!!
The Great Depression happened because of Maket Call and the Casino gone wild................Not TRADE...............

They perfumed shit and said it was's was always shit and that is all it was worth.

In 1930 a large majority of economists believed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act would exacerbate the U.S. recession into a worldwide depression. On May 5 of that year 1,028 members of the American Economic Association released a signed statement that vigorously opposed the act. The protest included five basic points. First, the tariff would raise the cost of living by “compelling the consumer to subsidize waste and inefficiency in [domestic] industry.” Second, the farm sector would not be helped since “cotton, pork, lard, and wheat are export crops and sold in the world market” and the price of farm equipment would rise. Third, “our export trade in general would suffer. Countries cannot buy from us unless they are permitted to sell to us.” Fourth, the tariff would “inevitably provoke other countries to pay us back in kind against our goods.” Finally, Americans with investments abroad would suffer since the tariff would make it “more difficult for their foreign debtors to pay them interest due them.” Likewise most of the empirical discussions of the downturn in world economic activity taking place in 1929–1933 put Smoot-Hawley at or near center stage.The Smoot-Hawley Tariff and the Great Depression | Foundation for Economic Education

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