In pictures: USA vs Islam

So, having a womans panties placed upon your head is the same as having your head removed from your body?


Abu Ghraib is only an example of a motivation.
That woman would have proceeded to chop the head-off, if she could.
The only thing upholding her were orders within chain of command.
Oders did not include killing of prisoner.

Than, perhaps, Islam needs a little more discipline.
So, having a womans panties placed upon your head is the same as having your head removed from your body?


Abu Ghraib is only an example of a motivation.
That woman would have proceeded to chop the head-off, if she could.
The only thing upholding her were orders within chain of command.
Oders did not include killing of prisoner.

Oh really???

What motivated these guys???????







Do you even have any idea how many of our soldires have died protecting the lives of muslims all over the world?


Does it mean anything to you that all we want is for you people to have the same rights we enjoy (or enjoyed) here in America....?
TO BE FREE to worship your God and to live peacefully amongst the rest of the world.
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Do you even have any idea how many of our soldires have died protecting the lives of muslims all over the world?(...)

You mean like protecting residents of Fallujah and Tel-Afer, cities that have been declared "free-fire" zones.
Or do you mean protecting Afghani citizens, who once in a while get dropped a bomb.
If Muslims want to live in America so bad, why don't they act like it?
Do you even have any idea how many of our soldires have died protecting the lives of muslims all over the world?(...)

You mean like protecting residents of Fallujah and Tel-Afer, cities that have been declared "free-fire" zones.
Or do you mean protecting Afghani citizens, who once in a while get dropped a bomb.

I dont care to even try to have an intelligent debate with you.... YOU ARE A WASTE OF MY TIME!

Go jump in a tub of pig fat for all I care.

In the mean time... we will continue to be better humans than you and your fellow jihadists and if you dont like it....TOO BAD.
Go jump in a tub of pig fat for all I care.
Why would I do that?
Recently they showed here in TV something called like "Crazy Redneck day", it was an event from US province. The attendants are more likely to follow your proposal then me.
No wonder US companies are outsourcing jobs.

The Infidel said:
In the mean time... we will continue to be better humans than you (...)
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And 2003 was in response to what?
You tell me !

2001, perhaps?

No. And whole world knew it.
Including the USA who connected 2001 with 2003.
You shall not lie, they say in the Bible.

Mini said:
Fuck islam.

You see, the problem with you muslims isn't just that you're wrong, it's that you're incredibly fucking stupid too.

2003 was a direct response to 2001, and that is no lie.
IMO, I do not view this as an issue of "the chicken and the egg". History is well defined in that the war between Muslims and Judeo-Christians started when Muslims invaded and occupied Jeruslem in 1076. What's sad is that it hasn't ended.
IMO, I do not view this as an issue of "the chicken and the egg". History is well defined in that the war between Muslims and Judeo-Christians started when Muslims invaded and occupied Jeruslem in 1076. What's sad is that it hasn't ended.

only one side acknowledges that they're still fighting it.

So, having a womans panties placed upon your head is the same as having your head removed from your body?


Abu Ghraib is only an example of a motivation.
That woman would have proceeded to chop the head-off, if she could.
The only thing upholding her were orders within chain of command.
Oders did not include killing of prisoner.

That must mean that we don't have a habit of killing prisoners and your Abu Graib proves also that we even prosecute our own when they cross the line. Real shame that you don't have a line to cross.

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