In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

whom do you believe is more promiscuous in modern times, men or women?

I would probably say men. But mainly because they have less to lose and are FAR less picky, on average.
just story teller for poon?

Look junior, it is bad enough you lie as often as you do. But this is actually pitiful.

You asked "whom do you believe is more promiscuous in modern times, men or women?".

Now you want to claim you know what I believe? Now you want to claim that I was telling a story when I posted what I believe?

You really are a loser. If you want an actual discussion let me know. This has grown tiresome.
Sure !
In order
A) $50 and rough lookin knees.
B) $50000 and a Camaro convertible.
C) A Gold Visa and a PTA meeting at 7:00
hey chics, you win your argument You get the full body massage with happy ending; if I win, I do.
You only tell stories, right winger. We need an infotainment channel.

You are projecting. It is a pitiful argument.

But, given the fact that you never offer evidence or backup to your points, you offer nothing but entertainment for others. Comedic relief.
You don't understand the concept, right wingers; that is all the Proof, some of us need.

The law is Employment at the Will of Either party; no lie.

Your reading comprehension is pathetic. What I stated was a lie was "You don't believe in being Legal to the law, but like to call other illegals, illegal?".

And yes, Employment at the Will of Either party is the law. But you are only paid for working. You can get unemployment if you worked 20 weeks. And there is a set limit for how long you can draw unemployment compensation.

But the kicker is that you must be unemployed through no fault of your own. You cannot quit and draw unemployment. But you can certainly quit.

Your proposal that people be able to quit a job and still draw a check is ridiculous.
you don't complain about less fortunate illegals?

too bad, right wingers; too many right wing bakers indulging too many bakers morals for credibility on the right wing. it takes morals to insist on morals from the Age of Iron in modern, corporate welfare times.

YOu post like you know what I think.

Have you EVER seen me complain about illegal immigrants? I would love for you to find a single post where I did so.

Have you EVER seen me post in support of the bakers who refused to bake a cake for the gay couple? I would love for you to find a single post where I did so.

Of course, it is much easier to spout your indignation if you get to make up what I believe. But so far you have done nothing but lie.

Your claims that I belittle or complain about illegal immigrants is a lie.
Your claims that I supported the bakers who discriminated against gays is a lie.

But keep on lying, and posting that I am a storyteller. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
Well at lease that is special in this world. Wetbacks are almost at the low end of people I dislike.
You only tell stories, right winger. We need an infotainment channel.

You are projecting. It is a pitiful argument.

But, given the fact that you never offer evidence or backup to your points, you offer nothing but entertainment for others. Comedic relief.
projecting much? gossip is all you do, story teller.

i merely claim it is easier to find nice girls with capital under any form of capitalism, than for free.
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?
Never tried hoops and never had to hunt one down, they just kind of showed up. Could be you might be to pushy. I have to say the sex was not that good. LOL Most Women know about as much about sex as most men and that leaves a lot of room for improvement.
You only tell stories, right winger. We need an infotainment channel.

You are projecting. It is a pitiful argument.

But, given the fact that you never offer evidence or backup to your points, you offer nothing but entertainment for others. Comedic relief.
projecting much? gossip is all you do, story teller.

i merely claim it is easier to find nice girls with capital under any form of capitalism, than for free.

You complain about low numbers, and then talk about not having the money to attract women. I guess it depends on whether you want to get laid or just complain. There are plenty of women out there that do not require you buy them.
You only tell stories, right winger. We need an infotainment channel.

You are projecting. It is a pitiful argument.

But, given the fact that you never offer evidence or backup to your points, you offer nothing but entertainment for others. Comedic relief.
projecting much? gossip is all you do, story teller.

i merely claim it is easier to find nice girls with capital under any form of capitalism, than for free.

You complain about low numbers, and then talk about not having the money to attract women. I guess it depends on whether you want to get laid or just complain. There are plenty of women out there that do not require you buy them.
i prefer women who are willing to make appointments for full body massage.
You only tell stories, right winger. We need an infotainment channel.

You are projecting. It is a pitiful argument.

But, given the fact that you never offer evidence or backup to your points, you offer nothing but entertainment for others. Comedic relief.
projecting much? gossip is all you do, story teller.

i merely claim it is easier to find nice girls with capital under any form of capitalism, than for free.

You complain about low numbers, and then talk about not having the money to attract women. I guess it depends on whether you want to get laid or just complain. There are plenty of women out there that do not require you buy them.
i prefer women who are willing to make appointments for full body massage.

I'm sure you do. The problem is that no women are making appointments. If you are willing to wait for them to make appointments, go for it.
You only tell stories, right winger. We need an infotainment channel.

You are projecting. It is a pitiful argument.

But, given the fact that you never offer evidence or backup to your points, you offer nothing but entertainment for others. Comedic relief.
projecting much? gossip is all you do, story teller.

i merely claim it is easier to find nice girls with capital under any form of capitalism, than for free.

You complain about low numbers, and then talk about not having the money to attract women. I guess it depends on whether you want to get laid or just complain. There are plenty of women out there that do not require you buy them.
i prefer women who are willing to make appointments for full body massage.

I'm sure you do. The problem is that no women are making appointments. If you are willing to wait for them to make appointments, go for it.
i do anyway; i have no excuses.

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