In re January 6, 2021

I have absolutely no difficulty in describing trumps followers as a cult. They meet every definition and that includes you.

When you fall into thrall with a criminal con man who is doing incredible harm to the nation and actually destroying both your economy and lives, that’s the definition of a cult.

Perhaps it is you who needs to return to school and learn how to discern truth from lies and how not to be a condescending asshole when you’re completely in the wrong.

The problem for you fools is that you’re unable to peddle your snake oil to anyone with half a brain.

The other thing that you fools forget is that the rest of the world is watching what is going on in the United States right now quite intently. We are shocked at the degree to which trumps devout followers are willing to simply believe his lies.

Rights groups around the world have dubbed the republican party, anti-democratic, and with good reason. You continue to believe that no one else can see what is happening to you.

As long as trumps cult members refused to see reality and lack the ability to discern fact from fiction, we’re going to consider you a cult. You’re certainly not a political party.
I like your writing. I only have to read about half of the first line to know that I don't have to waste time reading the rest. Keep it coming, though. I'm snowed in and bored.
You justify your pathological lying by telling yourself that your Reich is too important to let facts and reality infringe on the rulers.

It's one lie after another with you.

When you calls others "liars for the Reich", are you projecting? I ask because we're the ones with "facts" and "reality" on our side, and you're the one who follows the idiot ramblings of a man who thinks he's still President and is willing to do violence to take back the White House.
I like your writing. I only have to read about half of the first line to know that I don't have to waste time reading the rest. Keep it coming, though. I'm snowed in and bored.
Is your ignorance willful or a problem between your ears?
It's called loyalty, something your people will never understand.
Sure we do. At least those of us who watch documentaries of the crowds occupying Hitler's Speeches with raised right arms with the palm down and cheering Heil Hitler. And those who cheer trump at his rallies with their arms raised and the palm down:

Must by why he sent pallets of cash in the dead of night with total media blackouts...


You Nazis are such fucking clowns.

He sent pallets of cash because that's what the Iranians wanted. It was their money after all. And why would you advertise to international criminals that you were moving millions of dollars of cash, along with where and when?

That's something so stupid that I doubt even Donald Trump would do it. Although with Trump you can never been sure. He might have alerted Putin to the move so Vlad could have a go at it.
"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump argued Wednesday that the pursuit of his White House records by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol could have long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency.

"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.

"In reality, their success would gut the protections afforded presidential communications of any just and uniform standard. An incumbent president would always be able to condemn the actions of a former president from a rival party and permit confidentiality to be broken to further political ends,” they wrote."

Is this a valid argument?

Now, how about getting back to the OP's issue.

Q. Is the Executive Privilege threatened?
And do you ever say anything that makes sense to the adults in the room?
Mostly, some adults lack the ability to comprehend reality. I noted your avatar with a gun, that suggests you're a gun nut. As for my question on your ignorance, using this as an avatar puts you in the set of singular voters and typecasts you. Thus, most adults will infer you will never debate, and will defer to logical fallacies.
Mostly, some adults lack the ability to comprehend reality. I noted your avatar with a gun, that suggests you're a gun nut. As for my question on your ignorance, using this as an avatar puts you in the set of singular voters and typecasts you. Thus, most adults will infer you will never debate, and will defer to logical fallacies.
I like empowered women. The fictional character I chose for my avatar and the actress who played her on screen are both fiercely empowered women. If you're threatened by powerful women and pictures of guns, I have a suggestion or two that might make your life more tolerable.
Laugh out loud. So every child will be seen as fascists when they raise their arm with the palm down to request to go to the bathroom, or answer a question ask by the teacher.

Really Frank, as the seminal founder of the Idiot-gram you've outdone yourself.

I'm not the functional Illiterate who tried to say that people raising their hands are giving a Hitler Salute, that was you
I like empowered women. The fictional character I chose for my avatar and the actress who played her on screen are both fiercely empowered women. If you're threatened by powerful women and pictures of guns, I have a suggestion or two that might make your life more tolerable.
Well bozo, you misplaced me. I'm retired too and spent 30 years as a sworn office of the law, and for five years I managed my agencies Domestic Violence Unit.

I wrote and received for my agency two Violence Against Women Act Grants; I supervised more female deputies than men and managed these grants which was a public and private cooperative. The former were funded Women's Shelter's and Battered Women Counseling services.

That said, do you believe Trump and Meadows have Executive Privileges once they are out of office? I vote no. BTW, I also spent five years running Internal Affairs and sworn officers will be fired for lying. They have no privilege while on the job to coverup anything.
Then why fight so hard to keep it out from the public?

Who did Trump talk to during the riot?
What was his response?
What guidance did he give?

He was the freaking President, America should know
I agree, The bloated one is hiding his involvement otherwise he wouldn't be squirming and filing lawsuits. That alone speaks volumes. His whole life is a lie.
I'm not the functional Illiterate who tried to say that people raising their hands are giving a Hitler Salute, that was you
How do you know? Did you poll all of those in the crowd? Was a deodorant company passing out their product and require all of them to raise their underarm?

You have to admit Dumb Donald is a wannabe Strong Man?
Sure we do. At least those of us who watch documentaries of the crowds occupying Hitler's Speeches with raised right arms with the palm down and cheering Heil Hitler. And those who cheer trump at his rallies with their arms raised and the palm down:

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Why don't you share with us a link to the video of what's going on in that picture, so we can hear what foul stuff those people were chanting. You're talking about chanting but we can't hear any chanting from looking at a picture.
The filthy ass Democrats know that Jan 6th was no more than a mild four hour demonstration.

No big deal compared to the six months of destruction, rioting, looting and murdering in 200 American cities done with the support of the goddamn sicko Democrats.

The reason the shitheads want to make a big deal about it is because it take the heat off the fact that they stole the election.

Just like the impeachment of Trump took the heat off the fact that they Democrats stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested fraudulent ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Just more Democrat Dirty Tricks and anybody that falls for it is a moron.

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