In re January 6, 2021


As opposed to........................................????????????????
I really wish you would address the fact that you have such a limited vocabulary.
Yeah, I wish I knew all the bigly words Trump uses.
All the best ones.

December 30 2015
'I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words'.
Yeah, I wish I knew all the bigly words Trump uses.
All the best ones.

December 30 2015
'I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words'.
So, you once again use President Trump to deflect away from your own inadequacies. Not surprising.
So Trump is a fraud because he eats KFC with a knife and fork? Lol
They're really reaching. This happens when you have nothing valid. I do know a couple of TDS deprogrammers, also called "competent therapists". I'd suggest they start dealing with their unhealthy obsessions or, twenty years from now, they'll still be whining "ORANGE MAN BAD" and that's just going to look ridiculous.
And that's the bottom line regarding these past six ugly years.

This is about America, our society, our culture, not him. And that should bother us.

This is about your desire to end America and return the world to the natural state of rulers and the enslaved.

You degenerate Marxists just never got over the enlightenment.
There's that unoriginal "C" word again. Maybe they're just not teaching middle schoolers to be very articulate these days.

If you couldn't use the words "cult" and "retard" in a post about President Trump, you would have nothing to say!

I have absolutely no difficulty in describing trumps followers as a cult. They meet every definition and that includes you.

When you fall into thrall with a criminal con man who is doing incredible harm to the nation and actually destroying both your economy and lives, that’s the definition of a cult.

Perhaps it is you who needs to return to school and learn how to discern truth from lies and how not to be a condescending asshole when you’re completely in the wrong.

The problem for you fools is that you’re unable to peddle your snake oil to anyone with half a brain.

The other thing that you fools forget is that the rest of the world is watching what is going on in the United States right now quite intently. We are shocked at the degree to which trumps devout followers are willing to simply believe his lies.

Rights groups around the world have dubbed the republican party, anti-democratic, and with good reason. You continue to believe that no one else can see what is happening to you.

As long as trumps cult members refused to see reality and lack the ability to discern fact from fiction, we’re going to consider you a cult. You’re certainly not a political party.

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