In re January 6, 2021

Good point! Release all Obama records related to him handing Iranian terrorists billions in hard cash in the middle of the night without Congressional approval, his involvement in the IRS illegally denying 401c status to conservative groups, and his involvement in the Russia hoax.
Those records are public knowledge. Obama handed Iranians their own money as ordered to by the Hague.
Amazing how the interpretation of the events of one day can be so different, depending on who you are.

God, we love how you have let this man twist you up, wild eyed, in sweaty little knots for over five years now, giving us so much high quality entertainment. It's gratifying to listen to you using everything you learned this year in your high school creative writing class to express your adolescent angst. Thank you, and please keep it coming.
The only thing the orange retard twisted up is his depends.

Only people that lie worse than Trump, his cult.
Isn't "cult" a convenient, if somewhat unimaginative, word for people who don't agree with you? I think you could try for something more original. EVERYBODY uses the "C" word to describe someone they hate without having a reason. It's so 2020. Try harder.
Hate to disappoint you with reality, skippy, but YOU are the one displaying the fetish here. Bet you've got enlargements of these photos and more plastered all over your bedroom walls. Show us more.
You're the one supporting and defending your daddy.
We all know you have one of these to enjoy yourself to.

Isn't "cult" a convenient, if somewhat unimaginative, word for people who don't agree with you? I think you could try for something more original. EVERYBODY uses the "C" word to describe someone they hate without having a reason. It's so 2020. Try harder.
I've hated that fat POS since 1985 or so.
Can't believe anyone could consider the retard for dog catcher let alone president.
Now he has a cult?
Some people are gullible.
I've hated that fat POS since 1985 or so.
Can't believe anyone could consider the retard for dog catcher let alone president.
Now he has a cult?
Some people are gullible.
There's that unoriginal "C" word again. Maybe they're just not teaching middle schoolers to be very articulate these days.

If you couldn't use the words "cult" and "retard" in a post about President Trump, you would have nothing to say!

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