In re January 6, 2021

Say Nazi, doesn't USMB do the same thing?
NOT reoccurring weekly donations? Moron.
Oh, you wouldn't know because you're a fucking leach who doesn't support the site.
So, I'm just like Trump, who doesn't support his country..................ever.

“Maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes.”
Clinton continued, “When he had to turn them over to state authorizes when he was trying to get a casino license… they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.”

“That makes me smart,” Trump fired back.

“So if he’s paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health,” Clinton said.
(the answer is "yes," donate and you'll be on the list, which is perfectly fine.)
As the NYC grifter drains your checking account?
How Trumpian.
And this is the core of it.

This isn't about him. It never has been. It's about us. And that ain't good.
Imo Trump's win was more about neither party offering a candidate enough voters really wanted. The dems might have some excuse because the Hillary Clinton of 2008 was a different candidate than the on in 16, and frankly even in 08 her shelf life in the public arena had probably expired after the Iraq Use of Force Resolution passed, or when she failed in 03 to call out W's invasion as an elective war to nationbuild.
This nation has NEVER been at greater risk in it's entire history.
Exactly, the loony tune Q NUTS are still out there.
As Lincoln noted, the fall of the Republic will come from within, from those like mac who want a free ride and are willing to sell out their neighbors.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."​

Trump dry humps the American flag and the evangelicals carry his cross.

Exactly, the loony tune Q NUTS are still out there.


"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."​

Trump dry humps the American flag and the evangelicals carry his cross.

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Maybe the gop's challenge is to find a candidate who checks voters boxes on the issues that are not loathsome. A secure border. No elective wars. An economic agenda that really does focus on wages and not the stock market.

Now whether Trump delivered on his promises, or even whether he was a conman even back in 1980 .... But I'm not sure I'm even registered as a republican anymore. Down here in Miss, your affiliation will change depending upon whom you vote for in a primary.
When did Mexico pay, anything, at any time, for their border wall?
That's all you got?

  1. Despite the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse has no connections to any white supremacy organizations, the fact that the three rioters he shot in Kenosha were all white men with criminal records who were attempting to assault or kill him, and the fact that a jury found him not guilty for shooting them in self-defense, President Biden refuses to apologize for calling him a "white supremacist."
  2. One year ago, Joe Biden, who was then president-elect, promised that he “wouldn’t demand” mandatory coronavirus vaccines for the American people
  3. President Biden said he met with former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and served as a liaison between Israel and Egypt during the Six-Day War despite still being in law school at the time.
  4. White House principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday that President Biden is 'perfectly comfortable' with cash payouts to migrant families separated at the border, but insisted the settlements won't be as high as $450,000. Fox News' Peter Doocy asked Jean-Pierre during the briefing what Biden meant when he called the reports of payments 'garbage' after the ACLU claimed that he 'hadn't been briefed properly. Jean-Pierre, standing in for Jen Psaki after her COVID diagnosis, responded by saying that settlements were happening, and he was responding to the claim that they could be close to half-a-million dollars.
  5. President Biden on Monday repeated — for the fifth time this year — a made up story to illustrate his closeness to Amtrak and a former conductor named Angelo Negri.
  6. President Joe Biden has falsely claimed that just two million Americans had received a COVID vaccine when he replaced Donald Trump, even though the true figure was eight times higher - 16 million.
  7. On Thursday, during a virtual address ahead of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Biden claimed he visited the Tree of Life synagogue following the shooting in 2018, when a lone gunman committed what is now considered the worst attack against American Jews in United States history. President Biden never visited the Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 massacre that killed 11 Jewish Americans, according to the White House
Maybe the gop's challenge is to find a candidate who checks voters boxes on the issues that are not loathsome. A secure border. No elective wars. An economic agenda that really does focus on wages and not the stock market.
Good luck with that.
Republican track record isn't that good.
Now whether Trump delivered on his promises, or even whether he was a conman even back in 1980 .... But I'm not sure I'm even registered as a republican anymore.
He still is.
On both counts.
Down here in Miss, your affiliation will change depending upon whom you vote for in a primary.
The Limbaugh strategy.
That's all you got?

  1. Despite the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse has no connections to any white supremacy organizations, the fact that the three rioters he shot in Kenosha were all white men with criminal records who were attempting to assault or kill him, and the fact that a jury found him not guilty for shooting them in self-defense, President Biden refuses to apologize for calling him a "white supremacist."
So, Trump never apologized to anyone.

  1. One year ago, Joe Biden, who was then president-elect, promised that he “wouldn’t demand” mandatory coronavirus vaccines for the American people
He didn't.
  1. President Biden said he met with former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and served as a liaison between Israel and Egypt during the Six-Day War despite still being in law school at the time.
Who cares?
  1. White House principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday that President Biden is 'perfectly comfortable' with cash payouts to migrant families separated at the border, but insisted the settlements won't be as high as $450,000. Fox News' Peter Doocy asked Jean-Pierre during the briefing what Biden meant when he called the reports of payments 'garbage' after the ACLU claimed that he 'hadn't been briefed properly. Jean-Pierre, standing in for Jen Psaki after her COVID diagnosis, responded by saying that settlements were happening, and he was responding to the claim that they could be close to half-a-million dollars.
No, he didn't,
  1. President Biden on Monday repeated — for the fifth time this year — a made up story to illustrate his closeness to Amtrak and a former conductor named Angelo Negri.
  2. President Joe Biden has falsely claimed that just two million Americans had received a COVID vaccine when he replaced Donald Trump, even though the true figure was eight times higher - 16 million.
You're FOS, as usual.

  1. On Thursday, during a virtual address ahead of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Biden claimed he visited the Tree of Life synagogue following the shooting in 2018, when a lone gunman committed what is now considered the worst attack against American Jews in United States history. President Biden never visited the Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 massacre that killed 11 Jewish Americans, according to the White House
Biden talked with the rabbi.

Nothing compared to the lying, orange retard.

“I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go play golf,” Trump said at the time.

308 golf days later and $153 million dollars wasted, for the lard ass to ride his golf cart around in the bushes.
Good luck with that.
Republican track record isn't that good.

He still is.
On both counts.

The Limbaugh strategy.
I dunno. The gop abandoned Reaganomics even before his grave was cold and adopted a myth as dogma that Reagan never raised taxes to cover necessary spending. He did, repeatedly. But he opposed new federal obligations. And he forced dems to accept more state control over federal programs, and lessened what had to be provided to individuals.

Even the DLC accepted unemployment over inflation and free trade. I realize that in 16 Trump capitalized (-: on people's belief that their wages were stagnant and so were their prospects, but imo overall from 1980 through 2016 most of us didn't do too badly. But, imo, both parties were too quick to just throw under the bus the people who lost their life savings when their home values collapsed in 2007-8. And it was the soon disgraced GOP senator from Nevada, Ensign, who just said "why doesn't the fed govt just temporarily buy the entire value of all home mortgages, and when prices recover, the treasury can just sell them back to everyone at the same value they had before the collapse, so nobody wins or loses."
I dunno. The gop abandoned Reaganomics even before his grave was cold and adopted a myth as dogma that Reagan never raised taxes to cover necessary spending. He did, repeatedly. But he opposed new federal obligations. And he forced dems to accept more state control over federal programs, and lessened what had to be provided to individuals.
'Trickle down' Reaganomics was a absolute failure.
All it did and continues to do, is add debt.
Why anyone still embraces that doesn't make sense.

Even the DLC accepted unemployment over inflation and free trade. I realize that in 16 Trump capitalized (-: on people's belief that their wages were stagnant and so were their prospects, but imo overall from 1980 through 2016 most of us didn't do too badly. But, imo, both parties were too quick to just throw under the bus the people who lost their life savings when their home values collapsed in 2007-8. And it was the soon disgraced GOP senator from Nevada, Ensign, who just said "why doesn't the fed govt just temporarily buy the entire value of all home mortgages, and when prices recover, the treasury can just sell them back to everyone at the same value they had before the collapse, so nobody wins or loses."
Pure slander. Do you morons ever say anything that's actually true?

In response to a thoughtful and well reasoned post, you respond by calling the poster an liar and a moron. You really need some new material here, FingerBoy.

You elected a criminal conman who got himself impeached twice. Who lost the House, the White House, and the Senate in 4 short years. Who cut membership in the Republican Party by 1/3 since he became President. Whose covid response killed half a million Americans, and crashed the economy, and then staged a coup attempt to try to cling to power when the people resoundingly voted him out of office.

And yet daily you come here and call people who are well informed and 100% telling you the truth "liars and morons", without so much as a hint of irony.
In response to a thoughtful and well reasoned post, you respond by calling the poster an liar and a moron. You really need some new material here, FingerBoy.

You elected a criminal conman who got himself impeached twice. Who lost the House, the White House, and the Senate in 4 short years. Who cut membership in the Republican Party by 1/3 since he became President. Whose covid response killed half a million Americans, and crashed the economy, and then staged a coup attempt to try to cling to power when the people resoundingly voted him out of office.

And yet daily you come here and call people who are well informed and 100% telling you the truth "liars and morons", without so much as a hint of irony.
Wonder where the imbecile got his 'lessons' from?
A moron from NYC?
The TDS is strong among these demscum.
Donald Trump will discuss his term as the 45th President of the United States during the tour.

According to O’Reilly’s tweet, ‘The history Tour’ will tell the history of the events during Trump’s session.

18th December 18– Toyota Center in Houston.

19th December 19– American Airlines Center, Dallas.

Get your tickets now.......................SUCKER.

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