In re January 6, 2021

18% inflation under Xi's Biden Regime?

Yeah, we ARE all victims.
Your FOS, as usual.

December 10 2021
The US inflation rate rose 6.8% over the last year, the highest increase since 1982, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday morning.

Inflation rose 0.8% in November after rising 0.9% in October. Price increases were seen across many sectors, including gas, food and housing. This is the sixth month in a row the US is seeing price increases.
The whiny, orange grifter, crying again.

Trump's victims are too.

November 7 2019
A New York judge has ruled that President Trump must pay $2 million in damages to settle claims that the Trump Foundation misused funds. The money will go to a group of charities, and the foundation is in the process of dissolving.

The case is tied to a televised fundraiser for veterans held by Trump in Iowa when he was running for president in January 2016. Trump had said the funds raised would be distributed to charities. But according to court documents, the Trump Foundation improperly used $2.82 million it received from that fundraiser.
Yes, no one feels like more of a victim like Trump's victim, who had their precious $$$ stolen from them by a NYC grifter.

April 4 2021
Trump’s campaign team created an online mechanism designed to automatically double a person’s donation and make that payment recurring.

The method his minions came up with was ingenious. Send emails to everyone on the mailing list asking for a donation and include a teeny tiny pre-checked box to make the one-time donation a recurring donation instead.
They were counting on the fact that a lot of people wouldn’t notice the little checked box. And a lot of people don’t monitor their bank accounts or credit card statements very closely so they don’t notice money disappearing out of their accounts.

It all worked out beautifully until the campaign needed even more money so the instead of monthly contributions, those little checked boxes gave default permission for weekly contributions. And all of a sudden, those small contributions from cash strapped supporters started to rapidly bleed them dry. Credit cards were maxed out. Bank accounts were overdrawn.

Trump supporters began to realize that they had been defrauded to the tune of thousands of dollars each.
And of course you can prove this.

And of course you can prove this.

I just did but here you go.


The SUCKERS had to UNcheck the box
I am convinced to the tiniest degree possible that you did not make that on your lying computer.
^^^ And here's another perfect example of why trying to communicate with these people is an exercise in futility.

This Trumpster has been told about a scam that ran a while back, and because it reflects poorly on his adored one, he simply refuses to believe it.

And he does this, even though he is "on the internet" and could easily confirm it within two or three minutes. It would not be difficult to find. Or he could exercise his curiosity and ask for more details so that he could easily check it out.

But we also know, that if he did check it out and the source was not approved in his world, he would then call it "fake news" and go on with his sheltered and informationally-controlled day without a moment's pause or slightest concern.

This country has never seen anything like this, and I don't think the world has either.
^^^ And here's another perfect example of why trying to communicate with these people is an exercise in futility.

This Trumpster has been told about a scam that ran a while back, and because it reflects poorly on his adored one, he simply refuses to believe it.

And he does this, even though he is "on the internet" and could easily confirm it within two or three minutes. It would not be difficult to find. Or he could exercise his curiosity and ask for more details so that he could easily check it out.

But we also know, that if he did check it out and the source was not approved in his world, he would then call it "fake news" and go on with his sheltered and informationally-controlled day without a moment's pause or slightest concern.

This country has never seen anything like this, and I don't think the world has either.
Translation: I was fooled by that lame-ass attempt to prove something that I already believed was true.

You guys are children. Go play in the kiddie forums.
The whiny, orange grifter, crying again.

Trump's victims are too.

November 7 2019
A New York judge has ruled that President Trump must pay $2 million in damages to settle claims that the Trump Foundation misused funds. The money will go to a group of charities, and the foundation is in the process of dissolving.

The case is tied to a televised fundraiser for veterans held by Trump in Iowa when he was running for president in January 2016. Trump had said the funds raised would be distributed to charities. But according to court documents, the Trump Foundation improperly used $2.82 million it received from that fundraiser.
More and more people are struggling now it the Progs in power. And you are spouting the Prog propaganda. You lying bullshit artists. Please to those who want to run for office. If you are real hardliners you will get some seats at the door for these asses deserve what we all will suffer through.
You underestimate this country if you think we actually came close to being taken over by a reality TV star.

No, I overestimated your country. If you were the people I believed you to be, you never would have elected someone as openly corrupt and dishonest as Donald Trump. And you'd all be vaxxed right now.
Yes, no one feels like more of a victim like Trump's victim, who had their precious $$$ stolen from them by a NYC grifter.

April 4 2021
Trump’s campaign team created an online mechanism designed to automatically double a person’s donation and make that payment recurring.

The method his minions came up with was ingenious. Send emails to everyone on the mailing list asking for a donation and include a teeny tiny pre-checked box to make the one-time donation a recurring donation instead.
They were counting on the fact that a lot of people wouldn’t notice the little checked box. And a lot of people don’t monitor their bank accounts or credit card statements very closely so they don’t notice money disappearing out of their accounts.

It all worked out beautifully until the campaign needed even more money so the instead of monthly contributions, those little checked boxes gave default permission for weekly contributions. And all of a sudden, those small contributions from cash strapped supporters started to rapidly bleed them dry. Credit cards were maxed out. Bank accounts were overdrawn.

Trump supporters began to realize that they had been defrauded to the tune of thousands of dollars each.

Yeah, I know, congress is looking into that.
Seeing it?
The entire world saw it on TV.

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Pure slander. Do you morons ever say anything that's actually true?
No, I overestimated your country. If you were the people I believed you to be, you never would have elected someone as openly corrupt and dishonest as Donald Trump. And you'd all be vaxxed right now.
We're not a bunch of prog morons like the inahbitants of Canada.
No, I overestimated your country. If you were the people I believed you to be, you never would have elected someone as openly corrupt and dishonest as Donald Trump. And you'd all be vaxxed right now.
I really don't care what some Canadian thinks about the great nation that I call home.
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