In re January 6, 2021

The January 6 Reichstag Fire was a peaceful protest that had a few morons riot. CHAZ/CHOP was a serious insurrection, though done by fools.

There were a million patriots on 1/6 - if they had wanted to overthrow the government, there is nothing that could have stopped them.
Agree had the stop the steal joined the mob who knows what the out come would have been, nothing good for our country would be my guess. Even if I think the stop the steal was wrong minded, the fact that they would not break the law destroy property or cause the hurt or deaths of other Americans is points in there favor.
January 6th, 2021


Why is it that every part of history that makes the Republican Party look bad is a "conspiracy theory"? Despite public admissions by those who took part in these supposed "conspiracy theories".

Why is it. that you have to always lie about what I said, before you dare to answer it?

My point stands. You are the fool that believes in foolish shit, like the Southern Strategy Conspiracy Theory.
“Today’s perpetrators must be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.” - Sean Hannity, January 6
Where's Epps?

The whistleblower group Distributed Denial of Secrets released a database hacked from the Oath Keepers website, which includes a file that purportedly provides names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of almost 40,000 members. Those fields appear to be based on a sign-up form. USA TODAY reporters have independently verified the accuracy of dozens of members whose names appear on the list.

That database lists Epps as a member, and includes a home address for him, which matches the address of a home in Mesa that Epps owned until 2010. The database lists a membership number for each person, numbering to more than 38,000. Epps' number is in the 400s, suggesting he may have been added to the list early on.

Archives of emails sent by the Oath Keepers can be found online, soliciting attendees for events as far back as 2011. They describe Epps as state chapter president.

The whistleblower group Distributed Denial of Secrets released a database hacked from the Oath Keepers website, which includes a file that purportedly provides names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of almost 40,000 members. Those fields appear to be based on a sign-up form. USA TODAY reporters have independently verified the accuracy of dozens of members whose names appear on the list.

That database lists Epps as a member, and includes a home address for him, which matches the address of a home in Mesa that Epps owned until 2010. The database lists a membership number for each person, numbering to more than 38,000. Epps' number is in the 400s, suggesting he may have been added to the list early on.

Archives of emails sent by the Oath Keepers can be found online, soliciting attendees for events as far back as 2011. They describe Epps as state chapter president.

They will only get more and more loony as more and more details emerge.

You mean as you Nazis vomit out more fabricated bullshit.

Hey Nazi hack, 'splain this?

North Carolina Man Gets 28-Month Sentence For Threatening To Shoot Nancy Pelosi​

{“Thinking about heading over to Pelosi C[***]’s speech and putting a bullet in her noggin on Live TV,” Meredith texted on January 7, a message he followed up with a devil emoji, according to an FBI statement of facts.}

Hmm, yet this got a pat on the back..


Well, some speech is a fuckload more free than other speech, here in the Reich....
Choice of words. We all had something precious stolen from us. You'd see that you had something precious stolen from you as well, if you'd use logic. It should be easy for you to embrace your victimhood. You live for victimhood.
Yes, no one feels like more of a victim like Trump's victim, who had their precious $$$ stolen from them by a NYC grifter.

April 4 2021
Trump’s campaign team created an online mechanism designed to automatically double a person’s donation and make that payment recurring.

The method his minions came up with was ingenious. Send emails to everyone on the mailing list asking for a donation and include a teeny tiny pre-checked box to make the one-time donation a recurring donation instead.
They were counting on the fact that a lot of people wouldn’t notice the little checked box. And a lot of people don’t monitor their bank accounts or credit card statements very closely so they don’t notice money disappearing out of their accounts.

It all worked out beautifully until the campaign needed even more money so the instead of monthly contributions, those little checked boxes gave default permission for weekly contributions. And all of a sudden, those small contributions from cash strapped supporters started to rapidly bleed them dry. Credit cards were maxed out. Bank accounts were overdrawn.

Trump supporters began to realize that they had been defrauded to the tune of thousands of dollars each.
Your America suffers as much from a stolen election as does mine. You just will never see it as long as you think you've won something. Childish.

Karma. Sometimes it hurts.
Yeah, I know, congress is looking into that.
Seeing it?
The entire world saw it on TV.


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