In re January 6, 2021

The Trump goons who swallowed the Cry Baby Loser's lie and attacked the outnumbered police defending Congress and our democracy are being prosecuted, convicted, and confessing.

Your gnashing your tooth has no impact upon that reality.

Why do you have a gif of the flag of a nation you work to destroy, Nazi?

You goons hold 700 political prisoners because they protested against a rigged election.

No police were killed at the Reichstag Fire - how many did your Brown Shirts kill during your Kristalnacht?

36 - you motherfucking Nazis murdered 36 cops in your insurrection to overthrow the Constitution.

Of course you can't refute the ugly reality. It's confirmed by the documented record.

The Cry Baby Loser blatantly lied to his goons, and based upon his blatant lie, his goons attacked the outnumbered police defending Congress and American democracy.

View attachment 575209
"We're going to the Capitol!... We fight! We fight like hell!"

View attachment 575211
Shill fail #3.
Yes tRump the victim.

5 years of treason by you Nazi vermin? Damn right he is. You fuckers used Kremlin disinformation to subvert the president of the United States and tried to overthrow the duly elected executive branch.

What you did is treason, 100%

Always the victim. More like rectum but ewe go with what ewe got!!!!

You fucks are like rapists screaming "she was asking for it."

Fucking traitor scum.
5 years of treason by you Nazi vermin? Damn right he is. You fuckers used Kremlin disinformation to subvert the president of the United States and tried to overthrow the duly elected executive branch.

What you did is treason, 100%

You fucks are like rapists screaming "she was asking for it."

Fucking traitor scum.
tRump and the tardherders, always the victim. 25 year hit job on the Clinton's. Constant bullshit flung at Obama for 2 full terms, and ewe asshats cry about your God/King getting called on the carpet for his constant lying and corruption. PRICELESS.
tRump and the tardherders, always the victim. 25 year hit job on the Clinton's. Constant bullshit flung at Obama for 2 full terms, and ewe asshats cry about your God/King getting called on the carpet for his constant lying and corruption. PRICELESS.
December 5 2020
"We're all victims. Everybody here, all these thousands of people here tonight, they're all victims. Every one of you."

Trump at his pity rally, Valdosta Georgia.

Choice of words. We all had something precious stolen from us. You'd see that you had something precious stolen from you as well, if you'd use logic. It should be easy for you to embrace your victimhood. You live for victimhood.

Your America suffers as much from a stolen election as does mine. You just will never see it as long as you think you've won something. Childish.

Karma. Sometimes it hurts.
tRump and the tardherders, always the victim. 25 year hit job on the Clinton's. Constant bullshit flung at Obama for 2 full terms, and ewe asshats cry about your God/King getting called on the carpet for his constant lying and corruption. PRICELESS.

So, about those Clinton emails that WikiLeaks just dumped, Herr Traitor....


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Cool story, jail her next to The Fat Orange Idiot.

5 years and you Nazi fucks still haven't found anything - even after sniffing the crotch not only or every pair of underwear Trump has, but that anyone who ever talked to him has.

You desperate, hate filled scum have utterly failed - and will continue to fail.

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