In re January 6, 2021

You're not going to find anything incriminating.
Thank you for sharing your privileged information.

It should reassure the furtive Trumpers that coming clean is exculpatory for them as well as for their Cry Baby Loser.

Your injunction to them - The truth shall set you free! - will be enthusiastically embraced by them all - unless, of course, they know more than do you, and there are prospective revelations that are embarrassing and self-incriminating.

Of course the Trump goon attack on Congress in which the Trump goons injured 140 police defending democracy is just one repulsive aspect of the Cry Baby Loser's persisting Big Lie. There are many. This is just one:

ATLANTA (Reuters) - Death threats from angry Trump supporters forced Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman, a 62-year-old grandmother, to flee her home of 20 years. Some messages called for her hanging; one urged people to “hunt” her. Freeman showed hundreds of menacing messages to police and called 911 three times.
But a year after Donald Trump and his allies falsely accused Freeman - along with her daughter and co-worker Wandrea “Shaye” Moss - of election fraud, the threats have not been investigated by local police or state authorities, according to a Reuters review of Georgia law enforcement records. Federal agents have monitored some of the threats, but made no arrests.
Offering the first detailed account of their ordeal, the two women told Reuters about threats of lynching and racial slurs, along with alarming visits by strangers to the homes of Freeman and her mother. The intimidation began last December, a month after the 2020 election, when the Trump campaign released surveillance video they falsely claimed showed the two women, who are Black, opening “suitcases” full of phony ballots to rig the vote count in predominantly Black Fulton County, which includes part of Atlanta.
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Trump 2024! MAGA!
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For some, it is chronic and insidious.

I, however, prefer democracy. Self-serving, authoritarian lies stem from insecurity arising from rejection. The Loser lost, and he needs to develop the testicular fortitude to handle the truth and accept the will of the People.
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Trump's attorneys cannot give in primarily because this is yet one more witch hunt to break Trump down. They know any word can be taken out of context to support a leftism theme that proves useless beyond stinging Trump's chances in the short term. In the long term, like everything else the left employs false narrative and accusations only plants egg on their faces when it no longer matters.

It's the EXACT same BS as the initial accusation, where they suggest HUNDREDS of people attacked the Capital under Trump's instructions. Welcome to Hollywood.
Thank you for sharing your privileged information.

It should reassure the furtive Trumpers that coming clean is exculpatory for them as well as for their Cry Baby Loser.

Your injunction to them - The truth shall set you free! - will be enthusiastically embraced by them all - unless, of course, they know more than do you, and there are prospective revelations that are embarrassing and self-incriminating.

Of course the Trump goon attack on Congress in which the Trump goons injured 140 police defending democracy is just one repulsive aspect of the Cry Baby Loser's persisting Big Lie. There are many. This is just one:

ATLANTA (Reuters) - Death threats from angry Trump supporters forced Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman, a 62-year-old grandmother, to flee her home of 20 years. Some messages called for her hanging; one urged people to “hunt” her. Freeman showed hundreds of menacing messages to police and called 911 three times.
But a year after Donald Trump and his allies falsely accused Freeman - along with her daughter and co-worker Wandrea “Shaye” Moss - of election fraud, the threats have not been investigated by local police or state authorities, according to a Reuters review of Georgia law enforcement records. Federal agents have monitored some of the threats, but made no arrests.
Offering the first detailed account of their ordeal, the two women told Reuters about threats of lynching and racial slurs, along with alarming visits by strangers to the homes of Freeman and her mother. The intimidation began last December, a month after the 2020 election, when the Trump campaign released surveillance video they falsely claimed showed the two women, who are Black, opening “suitcases” full of phony ballots to rig the vote count in predominantly Black Fulton County, which includes part of Atlanta.


Ms. Smollett told us how the men in MAGA hats threatened them...

You fucking one trick clowns.
Of course the Trump goon attack on Congress in which the Trump goons injured 140 police defending democracy is just one repulsive aspect of the Cry Baby Loser's persisting Big Lie.
No way! His words that day were extremely calming!

The alternate universe lives.
No way! His words that day were extremely calming!

The alternate universe lives.
The Trump goons heeded their God Emperor's words when they should have emulated his actions.

The Cry Baby Loser screeched at his goons, "We're going to the Capitol!" where "We fight! We fight like hell!"

then had a limousine haul his fat ass back to the public housing from which he had just been evicted where he watched tv.

If only his delusional Pillow Boy had been there to appease the goons with pacifiers for everyone as a consolation prize.

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The Trump goons heeded their God Emperor's words when they should have emulated his actions.

The Cry Baby Loser screeched at his goons, "We're going to the Capitol!" where "We fight! We fight like hell!"

then had a limousine haul his fat ass back to the public housing from which he had just been evicted where he watched tv.

If only his delusional Pillow Boy had been there to appease the goons with pacifiers for everyone as a consolation prize.

In fairness, he could have been reading a recipe for cookies and the insurrection would have happened.

They showed up ready to go. Decades of talk radio and MAGA media had them ready, and his "the only way I lose is if the election is rigged" was the final straw.
In fairness, he could have been reading a recipe for cookies and the insurrection would have happened.

They showed up ready to go. Decades of talk radio and MAGA media had them ready, and his "the only way I lose is if the election is rigged" was the final straw.
The Loser has a long and lurid history of mewling that elections are rigged. Paranoid delusion can be a self-serving excuse in waiting, readily abandoned if not needed.

Savaging democracy comes easily to authoritarian blowhards whose bloated ego overwhelms patriotism. Credible evidence is, obviously, more demanding.

A year since the vast, nationwide caper that required the complicity of so many Republican officeholders and judges at every level across America, and still nary a suspect in sight.
A year since the vast, nationwide caper that required the complicity of so many Republican officeholders and judges at every level across America, and still nary a suspect in sight.
Yep. As I always say, look to history. It's never about one man. It can't be.

It's about those who sell their souls and enable him. And that's exactly what we're seeing.
On Friday, 49-year-old California resident Evan Newman, accused of assaulting police officers at the Capitol during the January 6, 2021 riots, was charged. But he did not attend the hearing, because at that time he was in Belarus, where he asked for political asylum, explaining that the United States is "no longer a state of law."
Yep. As I always say, look to history. It's never about one man. It can't be.

It's about those who sell their souls and enable him. And that's exactly what we're seeing.
Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude, nor a fatwa against hoards of imaginary evildoers.

The Cry Baby Loser's doctrine supplanted Truman's acknowledgement of responsibility:

Always blame the "other!"

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On Friday, 49-year-old California resident Evan Newman, accused of assaulting police officers at the Capitol during the January 6, 2021 riots, was charged. But he did not attend the hearing, because at that time he was in Belarus, where he asked for political asylum, explaining that the United States is "no longer a state of law."

Feeling at home in any authoritarian regime is a blatant rejection of democracy.

Perchance, Lukashenko will accept all the Trump goons who savaged the outnumbered police defending Congress.

When asked who his favorite world leaders were...

“The ones I did the best with were the tyrants...
For whatever reason, I got along great with them."
"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump argued Wednesday that the pursuit of his White House records by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol could have long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency.

"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.

"In reality, their success would gut the protections afforded presidential communications of any just and uniform standard. An incumbent president would always be able to condemn the actions of a former president from a rival party and permit confidentiality to be broken to further political ends,” they wrote."

Is this a valid argument?

No it's not.

trump isn't president anymore. He can't use EP to stop the truth from coming out.

The existing president has the EP not a former one.

The existing president has revoked the EP. What the existing president says on EP is what happens.

Two courts have smacked down trump's lame excuses. The appeals court wrote a scathing opinion rebuking the lame lies of trump and his lawyers.

A normal non partisan hack Supreme Court won't take the case.

We don't have a normal non partisan court so we will have to wait to find out what they do.
On Friday, 49-year-old California resident Evan Newman, accused of assaulting police officers at the Capitol during the January 6, 2021 riots, was charged. But he did not attend the hearing, because at that time he was in Belarus, where he asked for political asylum, explaining that the United States is "no longer a state of law."

Then why fight so hard to keep it out from the public?

Who did Trump talk to during the riot?
What was his response?
What guidance did he give?

He was the freaking President, America should know

Why would any of those communications need to be kept from the public....unless there was something to hide
Hilarious you Leftards really think a few dozen unarmed protesters can topple the US government.
If you read the just released Meadows memos and the Eastman memos...that was just one tool in the coup...designed to install an unelected person as President
The Cry Baby Loser screeched at his goons, "We're going to the Capitol!" where "We fight! We fight like hell!"

then had a limousine haul his fat ass back to the public housing from which he had just been evicted where he watched tv.
uncensored2008 said:
It's always amusing when someone needs to "disagree," but can't refute what are documented facts that they just don't like.
Not as many as some might imagine:

The Cry Baby Loser screeched at his goons, "We're going to the Capitol!" where "We fight! We fight like hell!"

then had a limousine haul his fat ass back to the public housing from which he had just been evicted where he watched tv.

It's always amusing when someone needs to "disagree," but can't refute what are documented facts that they just don't like.

Not as many as some might imagine:

Shill fail.
Said a lefty that believes in the Southern Strategy Conspiracy theory.

Why is it that every part of history that makes the Republican Party look bad is a "conspiracy theory"? Despite public admissions by those who took part in these supposed "conspiracy theories".

I guess because Republicans make up so much about Democrats that never happened, that they figure Democrats are doing the same. The problem for Republicans is that the Democrats cleaned up their party years ago, after the 1968 Democratic Convention, and Republicans keep carrying on like Richard Daly was still alive.

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