In The Event Hillary Wins,What Drastic Actions Will You Take To Save You And/Or Your Family?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:crybaby:In the fall of 2008, Conservatives were contemplating moving to an adjacent county or stuffing their life savings in a mattress. In 2012 over half the nation went into panic mode. God forbid Hillary wins in 2016. Have we all have plans for the worst? The next economic crash and dealing with Iran and other neighboring nations building nukes as well? If you live anywhere near New York and Hillary wins, RUN Forrest RUN !!!:scared1:
:crybaby:In the fall of 2008, Conservatives were contemplating moving to an adjacent county or stuffing their life savings in a mattress. In 2012 over half the nation went into panic mode. God forbid Hillary wins in 2016. Have we all have plans for the worst? The next economic crash and dealing with Iran and other neighboring nations building nukes as well? If you live anywhere near New York and Hillary wins, RUN Forrest RUN !!!:scared1:
it will be a miracle if I can get 250,000 for my naples property (when the time comes). but I would sell, buy a foreclosure and just lay low for a while.
Some have already obtained asylum in foreign lands, in time even to be safe from 'W'.
:crybaby:In the fall of 2008, Conservatives were contemplating moving to an adjacent county or stuffing their life savings in a mattress. In 2012 over half the nation went into panic mode. God forbid Hillary wins in 2016. Have we all have plans for the worst? The next economic crash and dealing with Iran and other neighboring nations building nukes as well? If you live anywhere near New York and Hillary wins, RUN Forrest RUN !!!:scared1:
My far left wife would never shut up....Hillary must not win......
if it looks like a rat will win in 2016, you know that millions will start making withdrawels, hide money, even in swiss banks,,and millions will start digging homes about 30 feet Under There Home!!! like they did in the 40's/50's. and make sure they have 10 years worth of food. maybe even the internet.
"In The Event Hillary Wins,What Drastic Actions Will You Take To Save You And/Or Your Family?"


You and others on the right should be afforded free of charge the mental health treatment you so clearly need.
:crybaby:In the fall of 2008, Conservatives were contemplating moving to an adjacent county or stuffing their life savings in a mattress. In 2012 over half the nation went into panic mode. God forbid Hillary wins in 2016. Have we all have plans for the worst? The next economic crash and dealing with Iran and other neighboring nations building nukes as well? If you live anywhere near New York and Hillary wins, RUN Forrest RUN !!!:scared1:
Face the facts. No doubt that voters will elect a crook to serve in the oval office. So, it really doesn't matter which crooks sits in the oval office, we'll still have the same problems we have today. Nothing will change. Voters never learn. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. It really doesn't matter whether it's Hillary, Jeb, or one of the other crooks. Are you expected a miracle to happen after November 2016?
Maybe move to my ancestral homeland :)
if we see it coming 6 months earlier, we will see millions fleeing the metropolitan areas, especially NY and LA(well the smart ones will) and millions will be digging bunkers. I dont know what cockroaches will do, oh, never mind, nothing kills a cockroach.
Since Mrs. Rodham-Clinton will not be the Democrat candidate in 2016 (just another pile of rotting road-kill under their bus), therefore NOT president in 2017, there ought be no concern at all.

However, in case there is a third messianic "coming" then one need only ask the only valid question:

"How da fuck does I make money offen dis?"
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:crybaby:In the fall of 2008, Conservatives were contemplating moving to an adjacent county or stuffing their life savings in a mattress. In 2012 over half the nation went into panic mode. God forbid Hillary wins in 2016. Have we all have plans for the worst? The next economic crash and dealing with Iran and other neighboring nations building nukes as well? If you live anywhere near New York and Hillary wins, RUN Forrest RUN !!!:scared1:
Face the facts. No doubt that voters will elect a crook to serve in the oval office. So, it really doesn't matter which crooks sits in the oval office, we'll still have the same problems we have today. Nothing will change. Voters never learn. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. It really doesn't matter whether it's Hillary, Jeb, or one of the other crooks. Are you expected a miracle to happen after November 2016?
if our enemies see that we have a female president, you know they will mess with her, especially being shes a liberal.
Maybe move to my ancestral homeland :)
if we see it coming 6 months earlier, we will see millions fleeing the metropolitan areas, especially NY and LA(well the smart ones will) and millions will be digging bunkers. I dont know what cockroaches will do, oh, never mind, nothing kills a cockroach.
People will do as they're doing now. People are surviving as best they can under the circumstances. That won't change.
:crybaby:In the fall of 2008, Conservatives were contemplating moving to an adjacent county or stuffing their life savings in a mattress. In 2012 over half the nation went into panic mode. God forbid Hillary wins in 2016. Have we all have plans for the worst? The next economic crash and dealing with Iran and other neighboring nations building nukes as well? If you live anywhere near New York and Hillary wins, RUN Forrest RUN !!!:scared1:
Face the facts. No doubt that voters will elect a crook to serve in the oval office. So, it really doesn't matter which crooks sits in the oval office, we'll still have the same problems we have today. Nothing will change. Voters never learn. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. It really doesn't matter whether it's Hillary, Jeb, or one of the other crooks. Are you expected a miracle to happen after November 2016?
if our enemies see that we have a female president, you know they will mess with her, especially being shes a liberal.
So be it. Let the chips fall where they may. What else can people do?
:crybaby:In the fall of 2008, Conservatives were contemplating moving to an adjacent county or stuffing their life savings in a mattress. In 2012 over half the nation went into panic mode. God forbid Hillary wins in 2016. Have we all have plans for the worst? The next economic crash and dealing with Iran and other neighboring nations building nukes as well? If you live anywhere near New York and Hillary wins, RUN Forrest RUN !!!:scared1:
Face the facts. No doubt that voters will elect a crook to serve in the oval office. So, it really doesn't matter which crooks sits in the oval office, we'll still have the same problems we have today. Nothing will change. Voters never learn. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. It really doesn't matter whether it's Hillary, Jeb, or one of the other crooks. Are you expected a miracle to happen after November 2016?
if our enemies see that we have a female president, you know they will mess with her, especially being shes a liberal.
So be it. Let the chips fall where they may. What else can people do?
our best hope is that the GOP candidates relay this message to LEGAL LATINOS! then the legal latinos can inform their friends of what will happen if Hillary is President. especially since Hillary will not campaign on allowing all our enemies to acquire nuclear bombs.
Since Mrs. Rodham-Clinton will not be the Democrat candidate in 2017 (just another pile of rotting road-kill under their bus) then there ought be no concern at all.

However, in case there is a third messianic "coming" then one need only ask the only valid question:

"How da fuck does I make money offen dis?"
it doesn't matter how many times you say that it will never be true.

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