In The Event Hillary Wins,What Drastic Actions Will You Take To Save You And/Or Your Family?

LOL. Heard all of this in 2008. The economy of the whole world was in a tailspin because of the economic policies of the Bush Administration, and the same silly assholes were insisting that Obama would ruin the economy. An economy that was losing over 500,000 jobs a month, a market going straight down, but Obama would ruin all of that.

Well, he did. See. The market is at 18,000, unemployment at 5.4%, and steadily improving.
how can anyone who cant speak or write in english be allowed to vote? but hillary doesnt see a problem with it.
How can anyone who pays no income taxes vote?

It's how it ends, the have-nots vote us into Third World status.
congress needs to make a lazy bum law. if u are able body, able to at least work at McDonalds or Starbucks, yet refuses to work, u cannot vote.
Then the red states would lose most of their voting population.

Blue state red face Guess who benefits more from your taxes


Put another way, again by the American Conservative, “On the other hand, eight of the ten states with the highest non-payment rates are solidly Republican. The exceptions are New Mexico and Florida.”

So why don't you goddamned lazy 'Conservatives' get off the couch, clear the pile of beer cans from in front of the single wide, and get a job. The maybe we Liberals could keep more of the money that we earn.
How much of Hillary's presidency will be influenced by her husband?
Bill Clinton was rated by the people and by historians as above average.
How much of Hillary's presidency will be influenced by her husband?
Bill Clinton was rated by the people and by historians as above average.
Above average as a President. Complete washout as a man.
those voting for Hillary are actually voting for Bill, either that or they are as intelligent as a guinea pig.
those voting for Hillary are actually voting for Bill, either that or they are as intelligent as a guinea pig.
and who are these turkeys who are only voting for Hillary cause she's a woman? well so is Kelly Bundy and Tara Reid, why dont we make them Presidents.
How much of Hillary's presidency will be influenced by her husband?
Bill Clinton was rated by the people and by historians as above average.
Above average as a President. Complete washout as a man.
When voting for a president, a president is probably what most of have in mind.
At one time some presidential candidates fished, shot deer, or did other heroic acts to prove their manhood, what ever manhood is. I don't think many do that anymore, maybe golf is about it nowadays.
I hope Cheif Justice Roberts brings up her server and bengazi when he swears her in. she may also need a teleprompter.
by the time Hillary turns 70, her brain will be like that commercial with an egg on a frying pan.
Don't worry about it, Hillary couldn't even win her own party primary she lost to some noob with no experience. Rejected by her own, no doubt for being a shrieking harpy.
Will age be the biggie with Hillary sort of like Obama's birth certificate, or will it be Bill? Limbaugh tried Chelsea and it didn't fly. So what will be the biggie with Hillary?

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