In the memorial day of the Holocaust, hackers threaten to "wipe israel off cyber map"

hacking represents a 'HUNGER FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS"?
gee-----its thievery. I would judge a hungy person
who steals bread to be innocent---but a HACKER?<<
something like a peeping
tom and a writer of bad checks
its a crime
Absolutely, Rosie - it's cyber-vandalism. Just like defacing someone's home, or house of worship, with graffiti.... it's a way of 'counting coup', of claiming 'I pwn you'......

And no self-respecting officer of the American court has any business publically cheering on such criminal activity. It IS criminal activity in the US, and if Anonymous has any hackers operating in the US, I suspect they will soon be losing access to the net.
Israel is a liberal secular state that allows gay parades, pork to be eaten, and runs an huge prison camp called Gaza.

These are all things Jesus would vehemently oppose........ :cool:

The 'prison camp' it is a total hysterical exaggeration and a lie. Your hang-up about gay pride parades is pathetic bigotry. And apparently - per Paul - Jesus didn't think kashrut was all that important.

So thanks for your ridiculous attempt to speak for Jesus. At least you being a Muslim now, you haven't broken the Commandment about 'taking GOD's Name in vain' (ie, presuming to speak for GOD)......
Israel is a liberal secular state that allows gay parades, pork to be eaten, and runs an huge prison camp called Gaza.

These are all things Jesus would vehemently oppose........ :cool:

The 'prison camp' it is a total hysterical exaggeration and a lie. Your hang-up about gay pride parades is pathetic bigotry. And apparently - per Paul - Jesus didn't think kashrut was all that important.

So thanks for your ridiculous attempt to speak for Jesus. At least you being a Muslim now, you haven't broken the Commandment about 'taking GOD's Name in vain' (ie, presuming to speak for GOD)......

Just about everything ---the "isa-respecters" say about "jesus"----
has no basis in the New Testament. As I recall----Paul never met
Jesus (right?)----he was busy devising a religion for non-jews which
he seemed to believe would be ok with Jesus. As to kashrut----if
I remember correctly----Paul's dream on the subject did not include
a vision of Jesus or some character named 'isa'
The 'prison camp' it is a total hysterical exaggeration and a lie. Your hang-up about gay pride parades is pathetic bigotry. And apparently - per Paul - Jesus didn't think kashrut was all that important.
The Bible says that Jesus was a teacher (rabbi) and taught the law (Torah).

Thus, Rabbi Jesus never ate pork and taught from the Torah that homosexuality was an abomination.

Paul, who never meet Jesus, but claimed to have seem him in a dream, was the person who allowed the eating of pork.

Modern christianity is based on the teachings of Paul not Jesus. ... :cool:
The 'prison camp' it is a total hysterical exaggeration and a lie. Your hang-up about gay pride parades is pathetic bigotry. And apparently - per Paul - Jesus didn't think kashrut was all that important.
The Bible says that Jesus was a teacher (rabbi) and taught the law (Torah).

Thus, Rabbi Jesus never ate pork and taught from the Torah that homosexuality was an abomination.

Paul, who never meet Jesus, but claimed to have seem him in a dream, was the person who allowed the eating of pork.

Modern christianity is based on the teachings of Paul not Jesus. ... :cool:

---yes---all true---except I am not sure that Paul saw JESUS in that
dream which led to "it's ok to eat pork" . I am not even sure
if he came to the conclusion that it is ok for JEWS to eat pork ---
he seems to be elaborating a new religion based on Jesus as a founder---
for non-jews Paul was not born a jew The early christians who were
not jews ----were facing the dilemma of whether or not they had to
actually convert to judaism in order to be a follower of Jesus. Some
people believe that Paul was a greek who had converted to
Judaism ------he seems to me to be a person dabbling in religions
and philosophies which was not at all uncommon in that place and time.
I have no recollection of Jesus or Paul mentioning homosexuality
Jesus didn't need to specifically address homosexuality.

The Torah taught it was an abomination and people who engaged in this vile practice were to be stoned to death.

The N.T. said that Jesus was a Torah teacher, taught the laws, and never broke any of the Torah Laws. ... :cool:
Jesus didn't need to specifically address homosexuality.

The Torah taught it was an abomination and people who engaged in this vile practice were to be stoned to death.

The N.T. said that Jesus was a Torah teacher, taught the laws, and never broke any of the Torah Laws. ... :cool:

Actually---tne NT does not address just how STRICT he
was He was CLEARLY a pharisee----and pharisees were---
in general ----adept at finding ways NOT to execute people.
There are several times recorded in the NT in which Jesus
did the pharisee thing and found a way out of the very
strict interpretation. One that stands out in my mind is
his advice to a person sleeping near some pond---
to take up his mat and leave----the man objected
to CARRYING since it was saturday----and Jesus said
"PUT IT UNDER YOUR ARM" ---this is a very classical
pharisee thing-----if a person must carry on saturday--
he carried in a slightly unusual manner to signify
that he is doing something----not strictly right---
but he is aware

he also pulled wheat kernals off the stem and ate
them on saturday-----very strict interpretation
would be its not allowed----it is certainly not
allowed to harvest on saturday----but just
picking stuff and eating it is questionably ok ---
especially if -----there is some sort of need

sexual indiscretions are typically handled
in a lenient manner----if they are not overtly
gross and public and done as a ritual or cult
or social enterprise

I think you are right about the GAY PARADE
thing----public---mass ---group etc was
considered really bad

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