In US Schools, Boys are punished for Acting Like Boys - Time Magazine

Christina Hoff Sommers: School Has Become Hostile to Boys |

In all these cases, school officials found the children to be in violation of the school’s zero-tolerance policies for firearms, which is clearly a ludicrous application of the rule. But common sense isn’t the only thing at stake here. In the name of zero tolerance, our schools are becoming hostile environments for young boys.

(MORE: Your First-Grader Is Going to Be a High School Dropout)

Girls occasionally run afoul of these draconian policies; but it is mostly boys who are ensnared. Boys are nearly five times more likely to be expelled from preschool than girls. In grades K-12, boys account for nearly 70% of suspensions, often for minor acts of insubordination and defiance. In the cases of Christopher, Josh and Alex, there was no insubordination or defiance whatsoever. They were guilty of nothing more than being typical 7-year-old boys. But in today’s school environment, that can be a punishable offense.

Zero tolerance was originally conceived as a way of ridding schools of violent predators, especially in the wake of horrific shootings in places like Littleton, Colo. But juvenile violence, including violence at schools, is at a historic low. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that in 2011, approximately 1% of students ages 12 to 18 reported a violent victimization at school. For serious violence, the figure is one-tenth of 1%. It does no disrespect to the victims of Columbine or Sandy Hook to note that while violence may be built into the core of a small coterie of sociopathic boys, most boys are not sociopathic.

It depends on what you think is 'typical' behavior for boys. As long as we encourage and accept more agressive and violent behavior from boys, we are encouraging a status quo that teaches boys to be more agressive and violent.

Archiac values and attitudes about what is 'typical' for the male gender is what you are referring to; the fact is that all students should be held to the same rules of behavior, no matter what their gender. The 'boys will be boys' attitude is old fashioned and not conducive to raising the best type of productive, healthy individual who will function well in society. For example, 'Boys will be boys' thinking results in males being incarcerated in prisons at a rate many times what females are.

We need to stop reinforcing 'typical' gender based stereotypes for both men and women and help children to grow up as thoughtful, whole human beings. If playing with toy guns or playing 'shoot 'em up' is not allowed in school, it is not allowed, not for anyone, no matter what gender.

It must be acknowledged that pretty much all of the school and other mass shootings have been done by males. This must be significant and suggests our society teaches males to solve their problems with firearms. Stats show that for males, shooting oneself is the most likely form of suicide while women tend to use other methods.

Spoken like a Western neutered drone.

Nature has bred certain behavior into human males because it has helped the race to survive for MILLIONs of years.

You wont 'correct' that behavior without considerable psychological damage, just like any other unnatural alteration to human behavior.

Also, this is reason number 439 why libtards are auto-Darwinizing their own kind into extinction.

I bid the God's speed.

It depends on what you think is 'typical' behavior for boys. As long as we encourage and accept more agressive and violent behavior from boys, we are encouraging a status quo that teaches boys to be more agressive and violent.

Archiac values and attitudes about what is 'typical' for the male gender is what you are referring to; the fact is that all students should be held to the same rules of behavior, no matter what their gender. The 'boys will be boys' attitude is old fashioned and not conducive to raising the best type of productive, healthy individual who will function well in society. For example, 'Boys will be boys' thinking results in males being incarcerated in prisons at a rate many times what females are.

We need to stop reinforcing 'typical' gender based stereotypes for both men and women and help children to grow up as thoughtful, whole human beings. If playing with toy guns or playing 'shoot 'em up' is not allowed in school, it is not allowed, not for anyone, no matter what gender.

It must be acknowledged that pretty much all of the school and other mass shootings have been done by males. This must be significant and suggests our society teaches males to solve their problems with firearms. Stats show that for males, shooting oneself is the most likely form of suicide while women tend to use other methods.

And so the feminization (and devaluing) of American males continues, courtesy of the Left. Thank you, liberal women, and liberal men who want to be women, or at least, act like women. I can't say I'm surprised. Nice going, lemmings.

Libtards encourage girls should act like boys, boys to act like girls then step back at the gender confusion and assert how natural it all is, lol.
There has been an unspoken war against MASCULINITY for decades now.

And if you give it some thought you'll understand why, too.

Aggressive attitudes, an unwillingness to take shit passively, is something that CORPORATE AMERICA cannot stand.

Women make better corporate tools than most men do.

This is something new in America ..but now there are more women in corporate middle management than there are men.


Because women are more passive, easier to control, and they simply make better workers and managers in most work environments.

They know how to NOT be agressve while being PASSIVE aggressive.

That is the perfect model for a corporate tool.

This is complete bullshit. I've had an equal share of female and male bosses and supervisors. In no way are women supervisors and bosses more passive, nor are they easier to control. In general, they are at least as aggressive as males, if not more so: possibly because they feel they have to prove themselves, don't know.
It depends on what you think is 'typical' behavior for boys. As long as we encourage and accept more agressive and violent behavior from boys, we are encouraging a status quo that teaches boys to be more agressive and violent.

Archiac values and attitudes about what is 'typical' for the male gender is what you are referring to; the fact is that all students should be held to the same rules of behavior, no matter what their gender. The 'boys will be boys' attitude is old fashioned and not conducive to raising the best type of productive, healthy individual who will function well in society. For example, 'Boys will be boys' thinking results in males being incarcerated in prisons at a rate many times what females are.

We need to stop reinforcing 'typical' gender based stereotypes for both men and women and help children to grow up as thoughtful, whole human beings. If playing with toy guns or playing 'shoot 'em up' is not allowed in school, it is not allowed, not for anyone, no matter what gender.

It must be acknowledged that pretty much all of the school and other mass shootings have been done by males. This must be significant and suggests our society teaches males to solve their problems with firearms. Stats show that for males, shooting oneself is the most likely form of suicide while women tend to use other methods.

And so the feminization (and devaluing) of American males continues, courtesy of the Left. Thank you, liberal women, and liberal men who want to be women, or at least, act like women. I can't say I'm surprised. Nice going, lemmings.

Libtards encourage girls should act like boys, boys to act like girls then step back at the gender confusion and assert how natural it all is, lol.

"Act like girls," "Act like boys." Nobody even knows what the hell that is. The behavior of human beings is reflected in our social attitudes and customs; we have no idea how an individual who was not being reinforced in one behavior or another would be 'naturally.' What is needed is a paradigm shift regarding what is the natural role and what are the natural, innate qualities of male and female human beings. I'll bet males and females are a lot more similar than we imagine. Human beings have evolved as far as technology and knowledge about our environment. As far as knowledge about ourselves? We are still in the Dark, Middle Ages.

For the poster who said boys from a very early age play differently: the anecdotal example I gave was supposed to help people understand why. Parents and others, from the moment a child is born, treat male and female children differently. Studies have shown this. Boys are handled more roughly, given more independence, etc. This happens from day one. It influences how they develop almost from birth.
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Christina Hoff Sommers: School Has Become Hostile to Boys |

In all these cases, school officials found the children to be in violation of the school’s zero-tolerance policies for firearms, which is clearly a ludicrous application of the rule. But common sense isn’t the only thing at stake here. In the name of zero tolerance, our schools are becoming hostile environments for young boys.

(MORE: Your First-Grader Is Going to Be a High School Dropout)

Girls occasionally run afoul of these draconian policies; but it is mostly boys who are ensnared. Boys are nearly five times more likely to be expelled from preschool than girls. In grades K-12, boys account for nearly 70% of suspensions, often for minor acts of insubordination and defiance. In the cases of Christopher, Josh and Alex, there was no insubordination or defiance whatsoever. They were guilty of nothing more than being typical 7-year-old boys. But in today’s school environment, that can be a punishable offense.

Zero tolerance was originally conceived as a way of ridding schools of violent predators, especially in the wake of horrific shootings in places like Littleton, Colo. But juvenile violence, including violence at schools, is at a historic low. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that in 2011, approximately 1% of students ages 12 to 18 reported a violent victimization at school. For serious violence, the figure is one-tenth of 1%. It does no disrespect to the victims of Columbine or Sandy Hook to note that while violence may be built into the core of a small coterie of sociopathic boys, most boys are not sociopathic.

It depends on what you think is 'typical' behavior for boys. As long as we encourage and accept more agressive and violent behavior from boys, we are encouraging a status quo that teaches boys to be more agressive and violent.

Archiac values and attitudes about what is 'typical' for the male gender is what you are referring to; the fact is that all students should be held to the same rules of behavior, no matter what their gender. The 'boys will be boys' attitude is old fashioned and not conducive to raising the best type of productive, healthy individual who will function well in society. For example, 'Boys will be boys' thinking results in males being incarcerated in prisons at a rate many times what females are.

We need to stop reinforcing 'typical' gender based stereotypes for both men and women and help children to grow up as thoughtful, whole human beings. If playing with toy guns or playing 'shoot 'em up' is not allowed in school, it is not allowed, not for anyone, no matter what gender.

It must be acknowledged that pretty much all of the school and other mass shootings have been done by males. This must be significant and suggests our society teaches males to solve their problems with firearms. Stats show that for males, shooting oneself is the most likely form of suicide while women tend to use other methods.

So you'd rather keep the growing gap between girls and boys in the area of education, instead of allowing children to play dodge ball, tag and red rover. We also need to continue to expel preschool children from school for using pencils, fingers and pop tarts as imaginary weapons. We also want to curb their imagination, lose the ability to be creative for the sake of less than 1% may turn violent, or that less than one tenth of one percent may shoot up a school, when nothing gives evidence that it will even work?

You would rather try to change everyone's behavior to fit what is acceptable to you ideals, even though it won't change the fact that less than one percent of the male population will turn into killers, despite what we do?

Talk about liberals trying to control lives.

It depends on what you think is 'typical' behavior for boys. As long as we encourage and accept more agressive and violent behavior from boys, we are encouraging a status quo that teaches boys to be more agressive and violent.

Archiac values and attitudes about what is 'typical' for the male gender is what you are referring to; the fact is that all students should be held to the same rules of behavior, no matter what their gender. The 'boys will be boys' attitude is old fashioned and not conducive to raising the best type of productive, healthy individual who will function well in society. For example, 'Boys will be boys' thinking results in males being incarcerated in prisons at a rate many times what females are.

We need to stop reinforcing 'typical' gender based stereotypes for both men and women and help children to grow up as thoughtful, whole human beings. If playing with toy guns or playing 'shoot 'em up' is not allowed in school, it is not allowed, not for anyone, no matter what gender.

It must be acknowledged that pretty much all of the school and other mass shootings have been done by males. This must be significant and suggests our society teaches males to solve their problems with firearms. Stats show that for males, shooting oneself is the most likely form of suicide while women tend to use other methods.

And so the feminization (and devaluing) of American males continues, courtesy of the Left. Thank you, liberal women, and liberal men who want to be women, or at least, act like women. I can't say I'm surprised. Nice going, lemmings.

Boys are treated as if they were dysfunctional little girls who must be made functional.
It depends on what you think is 'typical' behavior for boys. As long as we encourage and accept more agressive and violent behavior from boys, we are encouraging a status quo that teaches boys to be more agressive and violent.

Archiac values and attitudes about what is 'typical' for the male gender is what you are referring to; the fact is that all students should be held to the same rules of behavior, no matter what their gender. The 'boys will be boys' attitude is old fashioned and not conducive to raising the best type of productive, healthy individual who will function well in society. For example, 'Boys will be boys' thinking results in males being incarcerated in prisons at a rate many times what females are.

We need to stop reinforcing 'typical' gender based stereotypes for both men and women and help children to grow up as thoughtful, whole human beings. If playing with toy guns or playing 'shoot 'em up' is not allowed in school, it is not allowed, not for anyone, no matter what gender.

It must be acknowledged that pretty much all of the school and other mass shootings have been done by males. This must be significant and suggests our society teaches males to solve their problems with firearms. Stats show that for males, shooting oneself is the most likely form of suicide while women tend to use other methods.

Excuse me? :eusa_eh: Who the hell gave the SCHOOLS the right to determine how American males turn out? That's for the boys' FAMILIES to decide, not some air-head academics more interested in a politcal agenda than educating these boys in history, geography, math, science, and physical education. It doesn't "take a village" or any of the other horseshit you leftists preach. Kids learn their values at home and out in the school yard with each other....the classroom is to prepare them for life, not discourage them from living it.
It depends on what you think is 'typical' behavior for boys. As long as we encourage and accept more agressive and violent behavior from boys, we are encouraging a status quo that teaches boys to be more agressive and violent.

Archiac values and attitudes about what is 'typical' for the male gender is what you are referring to; the fact is that all students should be held to the same rules of behavior, no matter what their gender. The 'boys will be boys' attitude is old fashioned and not conducive to raising the best type of productive, healthy individual who will function well in society. For example, 'Boys will be boys' thinking results in males being incarcerated in prisons at a rate many times what females are.

We need to stop reinforcing 'typical' gender based stereotypes for both men and women and help children to grow up as thoughtful, whole human beings. If playing with toy guns or playing 'shoot 'em up' is not allowed in school, it is not allowed, not for anyone, no matter what gender.

It must be acknowledged that pretty much all of the school and other mass shootings have been done by males. This must be significant and suggests our society teaches males to solve their problems with firearms. Stats show that for males, shooting oneself is the most likely form of suicide while women tend to use other methods.

Assuming the Time report is accurate though [MENTION=42498]Esmeralda[/MENTION] , suspension is definitely an over-reaction.

I don't think it is an over-reaction if the boys have been repeatedly reminded of the rules.

The rule itself is an overreaction. The fact that boys are picking up pencils or sticks and pretending they are guns is simply proof of what people with a brain already know: it doesn't matter if you remove guns or take away realistic gun toys, boys will still play "guns." Remove all guns and wipe everybody's memory of there ever having been guns, and boys would still pretend in a combative or competitive way. It is how they are wired.

You are not going to socially engineer combative pretending out of humanity. Repress it and it will manifest itself in other ways, possibly in very bad ways. Look at the problems we have with sexual predators, despite being a more sexually repressed culture than most.

I was in Ireland a few years ago when I noticed kids in a play yard pretending to play war. Shocking, I know, that in a country where they have no gun rights that such a thing would happen, right?

Combative play is just one of many things children do in the process of pretending. It's common sense that you want to prohibit kids from being violent with one another one school grounds. Excessively punishing kids for pretending a pencil is a gun is not common sense.
95% of everything kids see in the movies and on TV involves somebody shooting somebody. If these pinheads are so disturbed by our "gun culture" why not go after the leftist crowd in Hollyweird who's produced it? WHOA! that would involve going after the real source of the problem...something the left has no history with...they're much better at creating problems and watching us trying to solve them.
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Esmeralda, ditzy as she is, should really learn a bit about anthropology .Males and females are necessarily wired differently. She can babble all she wants but that's not going to change.
There has been an unspoken war against MASCULINITY for decades now.

And if you give it some thought you'll understand why, too.

Aggressive attitudes, an unwillingness to take shit passively, is something that CORPORATE AMERICA cannot stand.

Women make better corporate tools than most men do.

This is something new in America ..but now there are more women in corporate middle management than there are men.


Because women are more passive, easier to control, and they simply make better workers and managers in most work environments.

They know how to NOT be agressve while being PASSIVE aggressive.

That is the perfect model for a corporate tool.

Totally disagree, my work experience tells me different.
95% of everything a kids sees in the movies and on TV involves somebody shooting somebody. If these pinheads are so disturbed by our "gun culture" why not go after the leftist crowd in Hollyweird who's produced it? WHOA! that would involve going after the real source of the problem...something the left has no history with...they're much better at creating problems and watching us trying to solve them.

This is a valid point. Hollywood, which is overwhelmingly to the left, is producing a wealth of movies and television that glorify violent and anti-social behavior of all kinds. I enjoy the show Dexter, but it is a perfect example of a show that glorifies violent, anti-social behavior, and without guns. It is not the presence of guns, the use of guns, nor the right to own guns that causes the problems.

The U.S. has been through times of domestic peace and violence, while having 2nd Amendment rights throughout all of them. Did it ever occur to anybody on the knee-jerk left that before the escalation of violence on playgrounds and in schools that there were no such ridiculous rules governing how children play and pretend? When I was a lad in the 70's, well before the age of Columbine, not only was playing "guns" allowed, it was commonplace, and for decades before that amongst the baby boomers, one of the most productive and domestically peaceful generations in the history of the U.S.

Do I think that a growth in availability of guns on a wide scale is alarming? A little. But there is a much deeper behavioral problem going on, and repressing what is perfectly normal child behavior is not the answer.
Christina Hoff Sommers: School Has Become Hostile to Boys |

In all these cases, school officials found the children to be in violation of the school’s zero-tolerance policies for firearms, which is clearly a ludicrous application of the rule. But common sense isn’t the only thing at stake here. In the name of zero tolerance, our schools are becoming hostile environments for young boys.

(MORE: Your First-Grader Is Going to Be a High School Dropout)

Girls occasionally run afoul of these draconian policies; but it is mostly boys who are ensnared. Boys are nearly five times more likely to be expelled from preschool than girls. In grades K-12, boys account for nearly 70% of suspensions, often for minor acts of insubordination and defiance. In the cases of Christopher, Josh and Alex, there was no insubordination or defiance whatsoever. They were guilty of nothing more than being typical 7-year-old boys. But in today’s school environment, that can be a punishable offense.

Zero tolerance was originally conceived as a way of ridding schools of violent predators, especially in the wake of horrific shootings in places like Littleton, Colo. But juvenile violence, including violence at schools, is at a historic low. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that in 2011, approximately 1% of students ages 12 to 18 reported a violent victimization at school. For serious violence, the figure is one-tenth of 1%. It does no disrespect to the victims of Columbine or Sandy Hook to note that while violence may be built into the core of a small coterie of sociopathic boys, most boys are not sociopathic.

It depends on what you think is 'typical' behavior for boys. As long as we encourage and accept more agressive and violent behavior from boys, we are encouraging a status quo that teaches boys to be more agressive and violent.

Archiac values and attitudes about what is 'typical' for the male gender is what you are referring to; the fact is that all students should be held to the same rules of behavior, no matter what their gender. The 'boys will be boys' attitude is old fashioned and not conducive to raising the best type of productive, healthy individual who will function well in society. For example, 'Boys will be boys' thinking results in males being incarcerated in prisons at a rate many times what females are.

We need to stop reinforcing 'typical' gender based stereotypes for both men and women and help children to grow up as thoughtful, whole human beings. If playing with toy guns or playing 'shoot 'em up' is not allowed in school, it is not allowed, not for anyone, no matter what gender.

It must be acknowledged that pretty much all of the school and other mass shootings have been done by males. This must be significant and suggests our society teaches males to solve their problems with firearms. Stats show that for males, shooting oneself is the most likely form of suicide while women tend to use other methods.

WOW yeah lets turn the little boys in to little girls that will fix everything.
It depends on what you think is 'typical' behavior for boys. As long as we encourage and accept more agressive and violent behavior from boys, we are encouraging a status quo that teaches boys to be more agressive and violent.

Males are more aggressive and violent. Welcome to Planet Earth. Be sure and pick up some souvenirs before returning to your home world of Androgynia.

My son has been raised not to be aggressive and violent, and he is a beautiful boy.
My sons have been raised to be men. Aggressive and violent acts are sometimes necessary. To suggest otherwise is folly. But hey, that's ok someone has to stay back and profit from being protected by the men and women who protect us.
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My son was also raised not to be violent, he is no Trayvon Martin. I would not try to take aggression away from him though, as long as he can express that non-violently.
And so the feminization (and devaluing) of American males continues, courtesy of the Left. Thank you, liberal women, and liberal men who want to be women, or at least, act like women. I can't say I'm surprised. Nice going, lemmings.

Libtards encourage girls should act like boys, boys to act like girls then step back at the gender confusion and assert how natural it all is, lol.

"Act like girls," "Act like boys." Nobody even knows what the hell that is. .

Everyone knows what the hell that is. You do too. You are just pretending otherwise because you have a socio-political axe to grind. But just because I care so much, I called Mother Nature and asked her about it. She said to tell you "tough shit, it is what it is."

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