Incestual Relationships in Regards to Freshman and Freshdike Democrats


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
We all know that ugly ass Somalian Muslim that wears a head covering and cannot speak English to save her life married her brother or whatever to illegally enter the USA and apparently have ugly ass offspring. But what is strikingly similar is that Donkey Face Cortez is allegedly dating someone who looks a lot like Cortez does. To top it off, the Cortez associate has received a government email account despite not being married nor being a government employee. We all laugh at these nuts, but folks these turds are seriously trying to destroy America even more than Obama did.

Somalis are famous for savagery and piracy and stupidity, not being a representative in a Constitutionally Federated Republic in a civilized society.
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You're kidding, right?

She's hot. I know she's antisemitic, but you're OK with that, right?
She is gross and you are equally gross!

By the way I am 6% jew according to Ancestry dot com you commie! How can you rationalize that filthy, illiterate Somalian Muslim (who probably had her privates cut off as the Muslim culture dictates - which contributes to her hatred of Westerners) being in government in the USA?
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She is gross and you are equally gross!

By the way I am 6% jew according to Ancestry dot com you commie! How can you rationalize that filthy, illiterate Somalian Muslim (who probably had her privates cut off as the Muslim culture dictates - which contributes to her hatred of Westerners) being in government in the USA?

So that leaves 94% dumb ass. I would have figured a higher percentage of dumb ass.
Folks can we stay on topic and not stray too far into my magnificent DNA profile!

The topic is that ugly ass, grotesque, illiterate, uneducated Muslim Somali is being paid by US taxpayers to attack our country! And others like Cortez...who many think is a dyke!
We all know that ugly ass Somalian Muslim that wears a head covering

Somalis are famous for savagery and piracy and stupidity, not being a representative in a Constitutionally Federated Republic in a civilized society.


Ugly Ass?

Not only are you mentally disturbed and come up with THE most demented/bizarre posts/threads...but you have no taste in women either.

That is a VERY, good looking woman.

Downright beautiful.

If you seriously think this woman is 'ugly'...than that seals the deal that you are a frothing at the mouth racist/xenophobe (not that I had any doubt).

You are so past pathetic that you honestly make me laugh.
Folks can we stay on topic and not stray too far into my magnificent DNA profile!

The topic is that ugly ass, grotesque, illiterate, uneducated Muslim Somali is being paid by US taxpayers to attack our country! And others like Cortez...who many think is a dyke!

"She's a dyke" is the customary response from an Incel when he realizes he has no chance with a woman, any woman. It's like they can't admit that they are just not attractive, so they blame every woman in the world.
Folks can we stay on topic and not stray too far into my magnificent DNA profile!

The topic is that ugly ass, grotesque, illiterate, uneducated Muslim Somali is being paid by US taxpayers to attack our country! And others like Cortez...who many think is a dyke!

You - completely out of the blue - brought it up, dumbass.

And what a stupid are 6% Jewish.

You are beyond useless.
Folks your comments are entertaining but please address the topic or the mods will reclass this thread!
Folks can we stay on topic and not stray too far into my magnificent DNA profile!

The topic is that ugly ass, grotesque, illiterate, uneducated Muslim Somali is being paid by US taxpayers to attack our country! And others like Cortez...who many think is a dyke!

"She's a dyke" is the customary response from an Incel when he realizes he has no chance with a woman, any woman. It's like they can't admit that they are just not attractive, so they blame every woman in the world.


But you are giving this guy too much credit.

He does not hate her because he has no chance with her (which I assume he does not).

He clearly hates her because he is STAGGERINGLY racist and simply cannot see beauty in certain people if they do not meet his pathetic and moronic profile makeup restrictions.

He is a bigot...that is why he hates her so.
Folks your comments are entertaining but please address the topic or the mods will reclass this thread!

If they were entertaining, you would not be asking us to stop them...DUH!!!

You clearly do not like them...even though - you stupid moron - you brought up the ridiculous 6% Jewish thing.
Folks your comments are entertaining but please address the topic or the mods will reclass this thread!

Sorry pal...I don;t do what racists tell me to do.

Soooooo...about that 6% Jewish thing....where did you hear that again? Ancestry...huh?

Hey brought it up.
Folks your comments are entertaining but please address the topic or the mods will reclass this thread!

It's a stupid thread and should be in the rubber room.

As should it's creator.


Mr. 6% Jewish seems nuts to me.

This thread is what burned in him to start?

What does he have? A 'KKK' tattoo'ed on his ass?
You TDS folks are triggered. Hilarious. :p But please can any of you TDS victims address the fact the UGLY Muslim Somali violated US law?
We all know that ugly ass Somalian Muslim that wears a head covering and cannot speak English to save her life married her brother or whatever to illegally enter the USA and apparently have ugly ass offspring. But what is strikingly similar is that Donkey Face Cortez is allegedly dating someone who looks a lot like Cortez does. To top it off, the Cortez associate has received a government email account despite not being married nor being a government employee. We all laugh at these nuts, but folks these turds are seriously trying to destroy America even more than Obama did.

Somalis are famous for savagery and piracy and stupidity, not being a representative in a Constitutionally Federated Republic in a civilized society.

Right so incest is only thing on the left. Never mind that there are countless sexual comments about Ivanka from Donald. There are even pictures of her grinding on his lap. It’s hysterical how republicans ignore these things happened. It really is incredible. Trump is creepy and perverted as evidenced by the creepy and weird things he has said about his daughter yet they pretend otherwise because they are pussies. Yes, republicans: you are pussies.
But what is strikingly similar is that Donkey Face Cortez

And Donkey Face Cortez?

That is not a 'donkey face' - you tasteless moron.


She is another, good-looking woman.

And can be pretty sexy when she wants to be:

You just HATE anyone who is not WHITE and CONSERVATIVE....Snouter (or as he calls himself - Mr. 6% Jew).
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You TDS folks are triggered. Hilarious. :p But please can any of you TDS victims address the fact the UGLY Muslim Somali violated US law?

Since it is the title of your thread, how long have you been an expert on incest? What special first hand knowledge do you have to make those judgments?
Folks can we stay on topic and not stray too far into my magnificent DNA profile!

The topic is that ugly ass, grotesque, illiterate, uneducated Muslim Somali is being paid by US taxpayers to attack our country! And others like Cortez...who many think is a dyke!
lol you are such a fucking 8th grader. Did you ever mature past 14? Even if she was lesbian, why you think that matters shows how retarded you are.

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