Incoherent policies by Trump

Trump was putting China on notice. Bombing airbase was due to crimes against humanity. Where is the incoherence? He said we would get tough with China and we are. We will not be the only country bombing Syria over chemical weapons. It's called "coalition building." Obama should have tried it. Perhaps he would not have been such a failure as President.

Sure.....I can well imagine that China is "trembling" over our having spent about $100 million on some tomahawk missiles, destroyed about a dozen old Syrian fighter jets.....did NOT destroy the airstrip...told everyone (including the Russians AND the Syrians to vacate the air force base so that we could target practice.....and YES, China's president probably got stomach cramps from the McDonald's hamburgers that Trump fed him in Florida.
Hate America much? What was he supposed to feed him...Chinese carry out?
Assad gassed children you fucking idiot.
Here's a nugget that should be "cheered" by Trump ass lickers as reported by the AP....

Within 24 hours of U.S. strikes, monitoring groups reported that jets were taking off from the bombed air base once again.
Fiction at best.

ABC News is reporting that the Syrians were warned in advance of the strike and moved their people and aircraft out of harm's way.

Once again, the US military, under Commander-In-Chief, Donald J. Trump, has fucked up big time. Like the Yemen Raid, and the bombing of ISIS, Trump accomplished nothing, and succeeded in pissing off his base.

This is what happens when you don't know what you're doing but do it anyway.

And latest rumours say Trump is considering firing Bannon and Priebus. That should really help the Administration function well.

Why do you believe abc news? Most of our media has been proven to be liars and story tellers. Why do you want to believe rumors?
And stop screaming COLLUSION until you have proof of it. You don't and neither does anyone else. You've been duped you tired old fuck

Patience.......oh, you know the rest...LOL

On topic or get reported...go for it

You cannot be screaming collusion w/o proof. Well you can, it's all you have, you're as fucking stupid as a stump. That and overly obsessed with anti Trumpitis, your daily threads have become tiresome and past comical, just sad
Troll on. BTW you only speak for yourself, not your fellow citizens.

True..........I only speak for the smarter 2/3 who do NOT support the orange charlatan.......the rest of you dimwits are on your own.

There's something you need to practice saying, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gor....................... LMAO
Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.
Trump is mentally unstable and doesn't even know what to expect from himself minute by minute.
Trump has no foreign policy. Whatever he will do from one day to the next cannot be predicted. His tweets, statements, and actions, including executive orders to the military, depends on what he sees on Fox News.
There's something you need to practice saying, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gor........

Good advice........Right after I stop saying, "Scalia is dead, Scalia is dead,Scalia..."
Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.
Trump is mentally unstable and doesn't even know what to expect from himself minute by minute.
Trump has no foreign policy. Whatever he will do from one day to the next cannot be predicted. His tweets, statements, and actions, including executive orders to the military, depends on what he sees on Fox News.
He contradicts himself, no one really knows what his intentions or true values are. One trumpie can say "i like trump because hes a moderate repub who is pro choice"
The next trumpie can say "I like trump because of his extreme christian views that all women who get abortions should be punished"

and they would both be able to cite several articles, direct quotes, and interviews where he has spewed both views. Flip flopping back and forth to please whatever audience he sits in front of. Like a true entertainer.
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There's something you need to practice saying, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Gor........

Good advice........Right after I stop saying, "Scalia is dead, Scalia is dead,Scalia..."

Only a really sick fuck would dance on the grave of a great American and Patriot. But his legacy lives on the court and will be amplified when Ginsburg and Breyer retire. Also if Thomas thinks he might want to retire now would be a great time to do it.
Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.

Lol. Never mind that O welcomed terrorists and rebels with open arms in syrian and gave billions to iran.

And you believe those lies. No wonder you voted for Trump.

The guy with no policies, no brains, and no idea of what to do. Last week, Assad was OK, this week, you're bombing him. Does Trump have a coherent foreign policy? Does he know what it is? Do you?

Assad was never right. Our foreign policy hasn't been right since WW2. You loved O destroying the ME though. No surprise there as you wail and gnash your teeth when a R does it.

Obama didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the ME.

Obama ASKED CONGRESS before bombing Syria. Congress said "No" and then blamed Obama for doing nothing.

Trump didn't even nothing asking Congress so he violated the Constitution and accomplished nothing.

Trump killed more Syrian civilians bombing ISIS than he killed Syrian military in a targeted air strike.

ABC reported that Syrians were warned if the attack and moved their planes and personnel.

I stand by my earlier comments. This was a phony attack to boost Trumps poll numbers and impress the Chinese with how whacko Donnie is.

Obama didn't have authorization for Libya. That didn't stop him. Why would not having authorization stop him in Syria?

Obama didn't want to bomb Syria. If he did hr would have

Obama did not make a unilateral decision to go into Libya, the UN Security Council passed a Resolution asking the United States to assist the coalition getting Khaddafi out of the country. Obama agreed to do so on a very limited basis, but the US was not the only country involved in that assistance. France, Great Britain, Canada and the US all sent forces to Libya.

The limited nature of the incursion, that it was suppported by NATO Allies, at the behest of the UN, meant that Obama DIDN'T have to ask for permission from Congress, to attack, because the Constitution does allow the President to make such a limited use of force without their consent.

In attacking Syria, Trump just unilaterally decided to spend $50 million dollars of taxpayer's money to attack Syria, without consulting Congress, because Assad did something horrifying. The Constitituion, and common sense, would tell you that he has no authority, moral or otherwise, to attack Syria.

The hypocrisy that suddenly Trump is interested in saving Syrian children cannot go without comment. Two weeks ago he was killing Syrian children and calling them "collateral damage". Trump's bombs have killed more Syrian children in the past month than Assad.

Trump suddenly wants to drop bombs to save the same Syrian children he won't let into the US because they, or their parents might be terrorists, and who, two weeks ago, members of his administration referred to as "collateral damage".

What does an unpopular President do when his approval ratings are in the toilet? You take a page out of Putin's book, you attack someone more despicable than you, someone everyone in the country can agree is a horrible person.

Next up - the North Koreans.
Lol. Never mind that O welcomed terrorists and rebels with open arms in syrian and gave billions to iran.

And you believe those lies. No wonder you voted for Trump.

The guy with no policies, no brains, and no idea of what to do. Last week, Assad was OK, this week, you're bombing him. Does Trump have a coherent foreign policy? Does he know what it is? Do you?

Assad was never right. Our foreign policy hasn't been right since WW2. You loved O destroying the ME though. No surprise there as you wail and gnash your teeth when a R does it.

Obama didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the ME.

Obama ASKED CONGRESS before bombing Syria. Congress said "No" and then blamed Obama for doing nothing.

Trump didn't even nothing asking Congress so he violated the Constitution and accomplished nothing.

Trump killed more Syrian civilians bombing ISIS than he killed Syrian military in a targeted air strike.

ABC reported that Syrians were warned if the attack and moved their planes and personnel.

I stand by my earlier comments. This was a phony attack to boost Trumps poll numbers and impress the Chinese with how whacko Donnie is.

Obama didn't have authorization for Libya. That didn't stop him. Why would not having authorization stop him in Syria?

Obama didn't want to bomb Syria. If he did hr would have

Obama did not make a unilateral decision to go into Libya, the UN Security Council passed a Resolution asking the United States to assist the coalition getting Khaddafi out of the country. Obama agreed to do so on a very limited basis, but the US was not the only country involved in that assistance. France, Great Britain, Canada and the US all sent forces to Libya.

The limited nature of the incursion, that it was suppported by NATO Allies, at the behest of the UN, meant that Obama DIDN'T have to ask for permission from Congress, to attack, because the Constitution does allow the President to make such a limited use of force without their consent.

In attacking Syria, Trump just unilaterally decided to spend $50 million dollars of taxpayer's money to attack Syria, without consulting Congress, because Assad did something horrifying. The Constitituion, and common sense, would tell you that he has no authority, moral or otherwise, to attack Syria.

The hypocrisy that suddenly Trump is interested in saving Syrian children cannot go without comment. Two weeks ago he was killing Syrian children and calling them "collateral damage". Trump's bombs have killed more Syrian children in the past month than Assad.

Trump suddenly wants to drop bombs to save the same Syrian children he won't let into the US because they, or their parents might be terrorists, and who, two weeks ago, members of his administration referred to as "collateral damage".

What does an unpopular President do when his approval ratings are in the toilet? You take a page out of Putin's book, you attack someone more despicable than you, someone everyone in the country can agree is a horrible person.

Next up - the North Koreans.
You have no idea what Obama did, only what the media tells you and you repeat it as though it was written in stone. If there is one thing I can point to that will doom our country, it is all the gullible fools who just accept something because they "saw it on tv".
Lol. Never mind that O welcomed terrorists and rebels with open arms in syrian and gave billions to iran.

And you believe those lies. No wonder you voted for Trump.

The guy with no policies, no brains, and no idea of what to do. Last week, Assad was OK, this week, you're bombing him. Does Trump have a coherent foreign policy? Does he know what it is? Do you?

Assad was never right. Our foreign policy hasn't been right since WW2. You loved O destroying the ME though. No surprise there as you wail and gnash your teeth when a R does it.

Obama didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the ME.

Obama ASKED CONGRESS before bombing Syria. Congress said "No" and then blamed Obama for doing nothing.

Trump didn't even nothing asking Congress so he violated the Constitution and accomplished nothing.

Trump killed more Syrian civilians bombing ISIS than he killed Syrian military in a targeted air strike.

ABC reported that Syrians were warned if the attack and moved their planes and personnel.

I stand by my earlier comments. This was a phony attack to boost Trumps poll numbers and impress the Chinese with how whacko Donnie is.

Obama didn't have authorization for Libya. That didn't stop him. Why would not having authorization stop him in Syria?

Obama didn't want to bomb Syria. If he did hr would have

Obama did not make a unilateral decision to go into Libya, the UN Security Council passed a Resolution asking the United States to assist the coalition getting Khaddafi out of the country. Obama agreed to do so on a very limited basis, but the US was not the only country involved in that assistance. France, Great Britain, Canada and the US all sent forces to Libya.

The limited nature of the incursion, that it was suppported by NATO Allies, at the behest of the UN, meant that Obama DIDN'T have to ask for permission from Congress, to attack, because the Constitution does allow the President to make such a limited use of force without their consent.

In attacking Syria, Trump just unilaterally decided to spend $50 million dollars of taxpayer's money to attack Syria, without consulting Congress, because Assad did something horrifying. The Constitituion, and common sense, would tell you that he has no authority, moral or otherwise, to attack Syria.

The hypocrisy that suddenly Trump is interested in saving Syrian children cannot go without comment. Two weeks ago he was killing Syrian children and calling them "collateral damage". Trump's bombs have killed more Syrian children in the past month than Assad.

Trump suddenly wants to drop bombs to save the same Syrian children he won't let into the US because they, or their parents might be terrorists, and who, two weeks ago, members of his administration referred to as "collateral damage".

What does an unpopular President do when his approval ratings are in the toilet? You take a page out of Putin's book, you attack someone more despicable than you, someone everyone in the country can agree is a horrible person.

Next up - the North Koreans.

Can you cite this UN resolution?
Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.

Lol. Never mind that O welcomed terrorists and rebels with open arms in syrian and gave billions to iran.

And you believe those lies. No wonder you voted for Trump.

The guy with no policies, no brains, and no idea of what to do. Last week, Assad was OK, this week, you're bombing him. Does Trump have a coherent foreign policy? Does he know what it is? Do you?

Assad was never right. Our foreign policy hasn't been right since WW2. You loved O destroying the ME though. No surprise there as you wail and gnash your teeth when a R does it.

Obama didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the ME.

Obama ASKED CONGRESS before bombing Syria. Congress said "No" and then blamed Obama for doing nothing.

Trump didn't even nothing asking Congress so he violated the Constitution and accomplished nothing.

Trump killed more Syrian civilians bombing ISIS than he killed Syrian military in a targeted air strike.

ABC reported that Syrians were warned if the attack and moved their planes and personnel.

I stand by my earlier comments. This was a phony attack to boost Trumps poll numbers and impress the Chinese with how whacko Donnie is.

Oh yes obama did. We didnt magically arrive at this moment in time. We are at this point due to appalling foreign foreign policy from O and W.

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