Incoherent policies by Trump

Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.

Lol. Never mind that O welcomed terrorists and rebels with open arms in syrian and gave billions to iran.

And you believe those lies. No wonder you voted for Trump.

The guy with no policies, no brains, and no idea of what to do. Last week, Assad was OK, this week, you're bombing him. Does Trump have a coherent foreign policy? Does he know what it is? Do you?

Assad was never right. Our foreign policy hasn't been right since WW2. You loved O destroying the ME though. No surprise there as you wail and gnash your teeth when a R does it.

Obama didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the ME.

Obama ASKED CONGRESS before bombing Syria. Congress said "No" and then blamed Obama for doing nothing.

Trump didn't even nothing asking Congress so he violated the Constitution and accomplished nothing.

Trump killed more Syrian civilians bombing ISIS than he killed Syrian military in a targeted air strike.

ABC reported that Syrians were warned if the attack and moved their planes and personnel.

I stand by my earlier comments. This was a phony attack to boost Trumps poll numbers and impress the Chinese with how whacko Donnie is.

Oh yes obama did. We didnt magically arrive at this moment in time. We are at this point due to appalling foreign foreign policy from O and W.

It all started with W. Everything follows from W's folly invasion of Iraq.
Lol. Never mind that O welcomed terrorists and rebels with open arms in syrian and gave billions to iran.

And you believe those lies. No wonder you voted for Trump.

The guy with no policies, no brains, and no idea of what to do. Last week, Assad was OK, this week, you're bombing him. Does Trump have a coherent foreign policy? Does he know what it is? Do you?

Assad was never right. Our foreign policy hasn't been right since WW2. You loved O destroying the ME though. No surprise there as you wail and gnash your teeth when a R does it.

Obama didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the ME.

Obama ASKED CONGRESS before bombing Syria. Congress said "No" and then blamed Obama for doing nothing.

Trump didn't even nothing asking Congress so he violated the Constitution and accomplished nothing.

Trump killed more Syrian civilians bombing ISIS than he killed Syrian military in a targeted air strike.

ABC reported that Syrians were warned if the attack and moved their planes and personnel.

I stand by my earlier comments. This was a phony attack to boost Trumps poll numbers and impress the Chinese with how whacko Donnie is.

Oh yes obama did. We didnt magically arrive at this moment in time. We are at this point due to appalling foreign foreign policy from O and W.

It all started with W. Everything follows from W's folly invasion of Iraq.

No, it started with LBJ. JFK was the only man in modern history who had the balls to defy the NWO, the MIC. They killed him for it and everyone else has simply fallen into line.
Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.

Lol. Never mind that O welcomed terrorists and rebels with open arms in syrian and gave billions to iran.
And you believe those lies. No wonder you voted for Trump.

The guy with no policies, no brains, and no idea of what to do. Last week, Assad was OK, this week, you're bombing him. Does Trump have a coherent foreign policy? Does he know what it is? Do you?

Assad was never right. Our foreign policy hasn't been right since WW2. You loved O destroying the ME though. No surprise there as you wail and gnash your teeth when a R does it.

Obama didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the ME.

Obama ASKED CONGRESS before bombing Syria. Congress said "No" and then blamed Obama for doing nothing.

Trump didn't even nothing asking Congress so he violated the Constitution and accomplished nothing.

Trump killed more Syrian civilians bombing ISIS than he killed Syrian military in a targeted air strike.

ABC reported that Syrians were warned if the attack and moved their planes and personnel.

I stand by my earlier comments. This was a phony attack to boost Trumps poll numbers and impress the Chinese with how whacko Donnie is.

Oh yes obama did. We didnt magically arrive at this moment in time. We are at this point due to appalling foreign foreign policy from O and W.
Actually, Americans are where they are because they have a president who knows nothing about the world. The pathological liar and you have seen nothing yet.

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