Incoming President Trump will go around the msm by making public policy announcements diretly on fb

The man is a genius. He's made a ridiculous main stream media as irrelevant as Clintons, Bushes, both political parties, academia and Hollywood.

Nah, Clinton did that when he deregulated the FCC which allowed 6 major mutlinational corporations to hold ~90% of what americans see, hear, and read.
Oh please. The media's panties are as bunched up as yours and you know it.

Concentrated corporate wealth and power have nothing to fear from Trump. Watch.

You should check this site out , it seems to be right up your alley lmao

In a candid moment after WW1, Kuhn Loeb partner Otto Kahn
explained that the Cabalist bankers "remake" the world
by creating artificial conflicts and determining the outcome.
These include world wars, the Cold War, and the "war on terror"
not to mention the phony "Left-Right" divide that holds America in gridlock .

"We shall purify the idea [of God] by identifying it with the nation of Israel,
which has become its own Messiah.
The advent of it will be facilitated by the final triumph of Israel... "

- See more at: Illuminati Banker Unveiled Method of Control
I really like this idea, I hope he sticks to it. I like getting my news unfiltered information straight from the horses mouth without biased opinions ( Just look at all the extra writing I have to do because of the morons on here accuse me of "only getting my news from twitter" rather than get the gist of what I'm saying ~rolls eyes~ )

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