Incompetence & Hatred

This forum is brimming full with hundreds of so-called constitutional experts (99% are clueless however) One of them can answer your questions.
Demanding people who work for you be loyal is not a constitutional issue, it's simply common sense and an everyday occurrence, which is why the OP cannot possibly comprehend it.

Not once during the 20 years I was in the Navy did I swear loyalty to any officer or CO that I served under, my loyalty was to the US Navy and this country. If I saw an officer doing or ordering something wrong, I had a duty to report it.

Besides, it was already covered under the Oath of Enlistment, where I swore to obey all LAWFUL orders given to me by superiors. Lawful means in Navy regs and following the rules. If an order was unlawful, and we had Navy Rights and Responsibility courses every year to tell us what was and wasn't, we were required to not follow the unlawful order and report it.

Trump never asked anyone to swear a loyalty oath, moron.
He asked one FBI guy if he was on his team.

He ask Comey a similar question.

You are one dishonest POS - just like Trump
That is asking them to swear an oath, douchbag. However, I wouldn't want any backstabbers working for me, and that's what comey was.

You are a lying fuck. That is well known.

Asking them to swear an oath is not as king if they are on their team.

Real Anerticans want people in those positions that put country first. You want Trump lsackeys.
Demanding people who work for you be loyal is not a constitutional issue, it's simply common sense and an everyday occurrence, which is why the OP cannot possibly comprehend it.

Not once during the 20 years I was in the Navy did I swear loyalty to any officer or CO that I served under, my loyalty was to the US Navy and this country. If I saw an officer doing or ordering something wrong, I had a duty to report it.

Besides, it was already covered under the Oath of Enlistment, where I swore to obey all LAWFUL orders given to me by superiors. Lawful means in Navy regs and following the rules. If an order was unlawful, and we had Navy Rights and Responsibility courses every year to tell us what was and wasn't, we were required to not follow the unlawful order and report it.

Trump never asked anyone to swear a loyalty oath, moron.
He asked one FBI guy if he was on his team.

He ask Comey a similar question.

You are one dishonest POS - just like Trump
That is asking them to swear an oath, douchbag. However, I wouldn't want any backstabbers working for me, and that's what comey was.

You are a lying fuck. That is well known.

Asking them to swear an oath is not as king if they are on their team.

Real Anerticans want people in those positions that put country first. You want Trump lsackeys.

So you actually think Holder and Lynch were impartial. How special.
What I don;t understand the the panic of the Dems before the release of the memo.
Now the Dems seem to be blowing it off as nothing. Makes me wonder now what their crying was all about? When it comes to Nancy Pelosi it seems The lady doth protest too much, methinks." and makes me wonder ehat else they are hiding.

It's just an act. All their antics couldn't stop it from being published, so now they're trying to divert attention from it as much as possible.
So, we are supposed to believe Nunes the Republican.

His committee refused to allow the corresponding Democrat Memo.

The FBI put out a warning on the inaccuracy of this memo.

The last time the Republicans put out a similar mempo, we ended up running around Iraq looking for nukes & getting 4600 soldiers killed in a war based on lies.
I couldn't care less what you believe, but apparently you realize the public finds the memo convincing.
Only the feeble minded Trumpettes.

The FBI & DOJ said it was buillshit. These are Trump appointees.

McCain said it was shit.

Maybe one day you will back our coutry instead of the orange POS you love.

I mean really,. how fucking dumb can you get when you believe the biggest liar ever, Trump. That shithole looks you in the eye & lies & you love it.

I figured someone like you would misspell "country".coutry
When Trump was elected (by the EC, if not the population), I didn't like it. And thru the year, he has made his incompetence well known to me in the form of Mexico's wall dumped on me, lots of new jobs...part-time, repeal of mandated overtime, and the extension of routinely abused warrantless wiretaps But this latest assault, his vindictiveness that smells of defensive guilt, on the FBI and a legit investigation, this roadblocking, this slandering anyone including indicted and proven collaborators that you are willing to believe are innocent as newborn babes, Flynn, Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos, and the Renfield-type toadies Nunes and Ryan and Jordan and Murphy and King....all these have brought me to new depths. I am now into hatred of this destroyer of anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.

^^^ Diagnosis: Pathological Projection Plus ^^^
I'm an equal opportunity hater boedy I hate all republicans

How sad for you. GOP Women are much hotter than PussyHat Dems.
1960 could be questionable. That being said the party on the short end will almost always complain. If the 2016 results were flipped I seriously doubt many dem/libs would be questioning the EC. See that difference?

Not....I, for one, am NOT questioning that Trump got the WH......
What is questionable is the fat clown's ability to be sitting in the oval office for 3 more years.
There's nothing questionable about that, no matter how much butthurt it causes you.

Here's something you snowflakes need to learn: You don't get to overthrow a president just because you lost an election.
What I don;t understand the the panic of the Dems before the release of the memo.
Now the Dems seem to be blowing it off as nothing. Makes me wonder now what their crying was all about? When it comes to Nancy Pelosi it seems The lady doth protest too much, methinks." and makes me wonder ehat else they are hiding.

It's just an act. All their antics couldn't stop it from being published, so now they're trying to divert attention from it as much as possible.
So, we are supposed to believe Nunes the Republican.

His committee refused to allow the corresponding Democrat Memo.

The FBI put out a warning on the inaccuracy of this memo.

The last time the Republicans put out a similar mempo, we ended up running around Iraq looking for nukes & getting 4600 soldiers killed in a war based on lies.
I couldn't care less what you believe, but apparently you realize the public finds the memo convincing.
Only the feeble minded Trumpettes.

The FBI & DOJ said it was buillshit. These are Trump appointees.

McCain said it was shit.

Maybe one day you will back our coutry instead of the orange POS you love.

I mean really,. how fucking dumb can you get when you believe the biggest liar ever, Trump. That shithole looks you in the eye & lies & you love it.

McCain is a senile estblishment RINO douchebag who has always hated Trump. Only imbeciles like you believe what he says matters.

Rosenstein said it was bullshit because he was named in the memo. Yeah, there's an unbiased source.

When you say the FBI, you mean one person. His motives are obviously questionable since the memo makes the FBI look like shit.
Demanding people who work for you be loyal is not a constitutional issue, it's simply common sense and an everyday occurrence, which is why the OP cannot possibly comprehend it.

Not once during the 20 years I was in the Navy did I swear loyalty to any officer or CO that I served under, my loyalty was to the US Navy and this country. If I saw an officer doing or ordering something wrong, I had a duty to report it.

Besides, it was already covered under the Oath of Enlistment, where I swore to obey all LAWFUL orders given to me by superiors. Lawful means in Navy regs and following the rules. If an order was unlawful, and we had Navy Rights and Responsibility courses every year to tell us what was and wasn't, we were required to not follow the unlawful order and report it.

Trump never asked anyone to swear a loyalty oath, moron.
He asked one FBI guy if he was on his team.

He ask Comey a similar question.

You are one dishonest POS - just like Trump
That is asking them to swear an oath, douchbag. However, I wouldn't want any backstabbers working for me, and that's what comey was.

You are a lying fuck. That is well known.

Asking them to swear an oath is not as king if they are on their team.

Real Anerticans want people in those positions that put country first. You want Trump lsackeys.
Trump is putting the people first as it should be.
1960 could be questionable. That being said the party on the short end will almost always complain. If the 2016 results were flipped I seriously doubt many dem/libs would be questioning the EC. See that difference?

Not....I, for one, am NOT questioning that Trump got the WH......
What is questionable is the fat clown's ability to be sitting in the oval office for 3 more years.
There's nothing questionable about that, no matter how much butthurt it causes you.

Here's something you snowflakes need to learn: You don't get to overthrow a president just because you lost an election.
no no need but we can fight everything the pos wants that we didn't agree with
1960 could be questionable. That being said the party on the short end will almost always complain. If the 2016 results were flipped I seriously doubt many dem/libs would be questioning the EC. See that difference?

Not....I, for one, am NOT questioning that Trump got the WH......
What is questionable is the fat clown's ability to be sitting in the oval office for 3 more years.
There's nothing questionable about that, no matter how much butthurt it causes you.

Here's something you snowflakes need to learn: You don't get to overthrow a president just because you lost an election.
no no need but we can fight everything the pos wants that we didn't agree with
Clearly, you don't agree with America.
1960 could be questionable. That being said the party on the short end will almost always complain. If the 2016 results were flipped I seriously doubt many dem/libs would be questioning the EC. See that difference?

Not....I, for one, am NOT questioning that Trump got the WH......
What is questionable is the fat clown's ability to be sitting in the oval office for 3 more years.
There's nothing questionable about that, no matter how much butthurt it causes you.

Here's something you snowflakes need to learn: You don't get to overthrow a president just because you lost an election.
no no need but we can fight everything the pos wants that we didn't agree with
That's always been true. So what's different about Trump? Oh yeah, you douchebags used a phoney "dossier," paid for by Hillary, to get a FISA warrant to spy on the opposition and use this spying as a justification for appointing a special counsel. That's illegal. Your hendchmen are going to prison.
The concern here is that so many people really do hate so many other people.

Hate eats you alive. Ultimately it accomplishes nothing, because it just creates more hate.
I really try not to hate Trump a guy who helped me make a good buck his 1st year But as a man I despise him The devil makes me do it
Can a flawed man make a good president?

I don't know .... let's ask Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

They were all flawed .. they'd know the answer.

You don't have to like him --- but you do have to acknowledge, and respect, the job he has done as president.
So this is what blackmail looks like...Trump is essentially setting up the firing of Rosenstein Hence this fabricated memo. Now Ryan can overlook the firing of Rosenstein and eventually Mueller. Any other time, this would be clearly Obstruction of justice, and impeachment proceedings would be implemented. But now, this will embolden the die hard Trump base, thanks to Fox News.
The release of this memo, puts the men and women of the FBI, in danger. It's really quite sad, the Trump base wants to destroy the very fabric of democracy they claim to love...the rule of law.
The concern here is that so many people really do hate so many other people.

Hate eats you alive. Ultimately it accomplishes nothing, because it just creates more hate.
I really try not to hate Trump a guy who helped me make a good buck his 1st year But as a man I despise him The devil makes me do it
Can a flawed man make a good president?

I don't know .... let's ask Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

They were all flawed .. they'd know the answer.

You don't have to like him --- but you do have to acknowledge, and respect, the job he has done as president.
you like the idea that only russia and israel are left in the world that trusts the pos in our WH?? AND I'm not so sure of those 2
1960 could be questionable. That being said the party on the short end will almost always complain. If the 2016 results were flipped I seriously doubt many dem/libs would be questioning the EC. See that difference?

Not....I, for one, am NOT questioning that Trump got the WH......
What is questionable is the fat clown's ability to be sitting in the oval office for 3 more years.
There's nothing questionable about that, no matter how much butthurt it causes you.

Here's something you snowflakes need to learn: You don't get to overthrow a president just because you lost an election.
no no need but we can fight everything the pos wants that we didn't agree with
That's always been true. So what's different about Trump? Oh yeah, you douchebags used a phoney "dossier," paid for by Hillary, to get a FISA warrant to spy on the opposition and use this spying as a justification for appointing a special counsel. That's illegal. Your hendchmen are going to prison.
your assholes are trying to discredit everyone ,,steele rosenstein mueller our fbi etc etc etc and you're willing to burn down everything that helped make america great
So this is what blackmail looks like...Trump is essentially setting up the firing of Rosenstein Hence this fabricated memo. Now Ryan can overlook the firing of Rosenstein and eventually Mueller. Any other time, this would be clearly Obstruction of justice, and impeachment proceedings would be implemented.

Two quick points, my friend.....

First, linking the surveillance"of a private citizen like Page who was being recruited by Russian spies.....TO the investigation of Trump....DOES constitute an attempt to obstruct the carrying out of justice.

Second, Trump is unsure if the third in line at DOJ is ready to swear a loyalty oath to the orange he is holding out on firing Rosenstein.....
I know CNN is telling you guys it is a ploy to get rid of Meuller, but that makes no sense at all. The memo isn't even about the Meuller probe. If the information in the memo is false, then the Meuller investigation will not be affected in the least. You need to think it through, why not just look to see if the memo is true? It can go two ways, the memo is fake, the investigation continues, and Nunes looks like the idiot CNN says he is. The problem with that, if you care to look at all, is that shady things in the FBI and DOJ could very well be occurring and more of it will be exposed, not less. How does looking impede you're Russia hunt?
I know CNN is telling you guys it is a ploy to get rid of Meuller, but that makes no sense at all. The memo isn't even about the Meuller probe. If the information in the memo is false, then the Meuller investigation will not be affected in the least. You need to think it through, why not just look to see if the memo is true? It can go two ways, the memo is fake, the investigation continues, and Nunes looks like the idiot CNN says he is. The problem with that, if you care to look at all, is that shady things in the FBI and DOJ could very well be occurring and more of it will be exposed, not less. How does looking impede you're Russia hunt?
defending trump with attacks on fbi and doj is a good idea ?? fn traitorous republicans think so FBI were republicans HEROs GD hypocrites
I know CNN is telling you guys it is a ploy to get rid of Meuller, but that makes no sense at all. The memo isn't even about the Meuller probe. If the information in the memo is false, then the Meuller investigation will not be affected in the least. You need to think it through, why not just look to see if the memo is true? It can go two ways, the memo is fake, the investigation continues, and Nunes looks like the idiot CNN says he is. The problem with that, if you care to look at all, is that shady things in the FBI and DOJ could very well be occurring and more of it will be exposed, not less. How does looking impede you're Russia hunt?

You're correct that the DUD, Nunes; memo does NOTHING to derail the Mueller investigation.....

However, what has always puzzled me is that Trump should be erecting a statue to honor Comey (and the FBI by extension) for basically torpedoing Hillary 10 days before the election and handing the oval office to the orange buffoon....
That Trump is a damn INGRATE.......LOL.
trump and repubs spout how much they want to keep america safe AND THEN go after the FBI ?? Even a devout republican must see the idiocy of this
When Trump was elected (by the EC, if not the population), I didn't like it. And thru the year, he has made his incompetence well known to me in the form of Mexico's wall dumped on me, lots of new jobs...part-time, repeal of mandated overtime, and the extension of routinely abused warrantless wiretaps But this latest assault, his vindictiveness that smells of defensive guilt, on the FBI and a legit investigation, this roadblocking, this slandering anyone including indicted and proven collaborators that you are willing to believe are innocent as newborn babes, Flynn, Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos, and the Renfield-type toadies Nunes and Ryan and Jordan and Murphy and King....all these have brought me to new depths. I am now into hatred of this destroyer of anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.

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