Inconvenient truth for Democrats.


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
All the time blah blah blah with talking points on the media and TV. They're full of BS too.

Tune: The housing collapse was "Bush's fault". It's worth noting the Democrats had the overall majority in congress. But they're not a Republican POTUS I suppose, so no mention of it. On a side, the housing crash was being built on Clinton's watch as well. Not that I'm a fan of his, "Blaming Bush" is lazy thinking and false talking point.

Tune: Obama saved our economy: Nobody can provide objective reasons why that is, but an introduction to economics explains the correlation. When an economy collapses, basic economics dictates there must be an equal rise at some point. The recovery was extremely slow on O'bama's watch, and coincidentally, there was no sign of improvement until after the Republicans took the House.

Tune: Obama is reason the economy is so strong on Trump's watch: Well no, you could just as easily say Trump's economy has reached a pentacle because of the economic collapse. That's how shit works. Obama was simply an under-achiever. Interesting to note, On Trump's watch the Republicans do control congress. Coincidence the economy is arguably the strongest its ever been, shit, I don't know. Course Dems. want to ruin it, "Save yourself and vote Democrat, or face the wrath of racist white Republicans and hatred".

Tune: Clinton ran a surplus: Well no, they just re-arranged the books. Revenue to budgets did greatly improve however, primarily because of Reaganomics, dot.coms and "cough" lax lending rules. Interesting to note the Republicans controlled both houses during Clinton's best years. But you know, Gore invented the internet.
All the time blah blah blah with talking points on the media and TV. They're full of BS too.

The only news media full of BS and rat manure is "FOX". is not even a "NEWS" source, it is a cheep tabloid is disguise.

Every one--- boycott FOX!!!!!
Care to explain the unemployment graph ?

Baby steps: Which part of the OP is untrue?

Incidentally Tax man, the propaganda you pasted is wrong.

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