% Increase In Debt By President

Here's the FACTS about the TOILET our economy is in, no matter how uncomfortable they are for progtards...

Since Obama Took Office, the Federal Debt Has Increased by Almost 70 Percent

Michael Sargent /December 03, 2014

The federal government hit a new milestone Friday: The total federal debt now tallies more than $18 trillion.

Just six years ago when President Obama took office, total debt stood at $10.6 trillion, which means it now has increased by almost $8 trillion—roughly 70 percent—during his tenure as president.

The surge in total debt, which has hit 103 percent of gross domestic product, comes at a time when politicians are championing falling deficits and claiming them as evidence that government spending is under control.

Since Obama Took Office the Federal Debt Has Increased by Almost 70 Percent
No matter HOW, that is *HOW*, you SPIN the numbers, the ***DEBT*** will sink this nations economy, PERIOD, end of story, and NO ONE has added more to the DEBT than the kenyan.

This is the CORRECT way to measure debt accumulation.
Because it makes Obama look good, right. You're a nudnik and a half. Like that's news.
The figures are wrong anyway. Debt was 10T when Obama took office. It's 18T today.
Only liberals can claim 5 is more than 6.

Actually the National Debt on the last day of George W Bush's last fiscal year was 11,909,829,003,511.75. but deduct $253 billion which was spend via the Economic Stimulus Act and you get 11,656,829,511.75 so Rabbi's math is more than slightly off. Way to go Rabbi, being the usually intellectually honest guy that you are. :eusa_angel:
You need to post a chart to prove how stupid and wrong you are.

Why don't you prove me wrong? And I was honest enough to eliminate off of W's tab monies spent on the Economic Stimulus Act during his last fiscal year.
Here's a link to the Debt Clock, within this site there's an area that allows one to enter specific dates and you get the debt for those dates. Here's the visual to look for.
I'll wait for your response where you show me my mistake.
On by the way, the US government fiscal year runs October 1-September 30.

  • Also, the U.S. Department of the Treasury provides daily, monthly, and yearly figures for the Debt--to the penny! These are the figures I use to calibrate this Debt Clock.
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Arguing that Barry is doing a good job on the economy is like being on a train speeding down the tracks at 90 mph while you purport everything is fine, when the train is only 5 miles away from a massive mile deep gorge and the BRIDGE IS OUT.

You have to be a FOOL to think our economy is in GOOD SHAPE... a complete and utter FOOL.
Here's the FACTS about the TOILET our economy is in, no matter how uncomfortable they are for progtards...

Since Obama Took Office, the Federal Debt Has Increased by Almost 70 Percent

Michael Sargent /December 03, 2014

The federal government hit a new milestone Friday: The total federal debt now tallies more than $18 trillion.

Just six years ago when President Obama took office, total debt stood at $10.6 trillion, which means it now has increased by almost $8 trillion—roughly 70 percent—during his tenure as president.

The surge in total debt, which has hit 103 percent of gross domestic product, comes at a time when politicians are championing falling deficits and claiming them as evidence that government spending is under control.

Since Obama Took Office the Federal Debt Has Increased by Almost 70 Percent

The part, "Just six years ago when President Obama took office" means nothing as W's fiscal year ended on September 30th of 2009. W is responsible for deficits up until the end of the fiscal year. As I pointed out earlier, using a time table from the US Treasury W's debt numbers was a trillion dollars more according to the Department of Treasury than your link claimed.
Oh and by the way. I absolutely agree that "O" and the Dems are guilty of out of control spending. It's just that W and the GOP are also guilty.

This is the CORRECT way to measure debt accumulation.
Because it makes Obama look good, right. You're a nudnik and a half. Like that's news.
The figures are wrong anyway. Debt was 10T when Obama took office. It's 18T today.
Only liberals can claim 5 is more than 6.

Actually the National Debt on the last day of George W Bush's last fiscal year was 11,909,829,003,511.75. but deduct $253 billion which was spend via the Economic Stimulus Act and you get 11,656,829,511.75 so Rabbi's math is more than slightly off. Way to go Rabbi, being the usually intellectually honest guy that you are. :eusa_angel:
You need to post a chart to prove how stupid and wrong you are.

Why don't you prove me wrong? And I was honest enough to eliminate off of W's tab monies spent on the Economic Stimulus Act during his last fiscal year.
Here's a link to the Debt Clock, within this site there's an area that allows one to enter specific dates and you get the debt for those dates. Here's the visual to look for.
I'll wait for your response where you show me my mistake.
On by the way, the US government fiscal year runs October 1-September 30.

  • Also, the U.S. Department of the Treasury provides daily, monthly, and yearly figures for the Debt--to the penny! These are the figures I use to calibrate this Debt Clock.
Wgat is the "Economic Stimulus Act"?
Here's the FACTS about the TOILET our economy is in, no matter how uncomfortable they are for progtards...

Since Obama Took Office, the Federal Debt Has Increased by Almost 70 Percent

Michael Sargent /December 03, 2014

The federal government hit a new milestone Friday: The total federal debt now tallies more than $18 trillion.

Just six years ago when President Obama took office, total debt stood at $10.6 trillion, which means it now has increased by almost $8 trillion—roughly 70 percent—during his tenure as president.

The surge in total debt, which has hit 103 percent of gross domestic product, comes at a time when politicians are championing falling deficits and claiming them as evidence that government spending is under control.

Since Obama Took Office the Federal Debt Has Increased by Almost 70 Percent

The part, "Just six years ago when President Obama took office" means nothing as W's fiscal year ended on September 30th of 2009. W is responsible for deficits up until the end of the fiscal year. As I pointed out earlier, using a time table from the US Treasury W's debt numbers was a trillion dollars more according to the Department of Treasury than your link claimed.
Oh and by the way. I absolutely agree that "O" and the Dems are guilty of out of control spending. It's just that W and the GOP are also guilty.
You're nattering over nothing.
The truth is Barry and the Dems have spent like drunken sailors on crack. The GOP under Bush merely spent like drunken sailors.
The proof is the deficit is about the same as before the recession started, despite unprecedented revenues.
Here's the FACTS about the TOILET our economy is in, no matter how uncomfortable they are for progtards...

Since Obama Took Office, the Federal Debt Has Increased by Almost 70 Percent

Michael Sargent /December 03, 2014

The federal government hit a new milestone Friday: The total federal debt now tallies more than $18 trillion.

Just six years ago when President Obama took office, total debt stood at $10.6 trillion, which means it now has increased by almost $8 trillion—roughly 70 percent—during his tenure as president.

The surge in total debt, which has hit 103 percent of gross domestic product, comes at a time when politicians are championing falling deficits and claiming them as evidence that government spending is under control.

Since Obama Took Office the Federal Debt Has Increased by Almost 70 Percent

The part, "Just six years ago when President Obama took office" means nothing as W's fiscal year ended on September 30th of 2009. W is responsible for deficits up until the end of the fiscal year. As I pointed out earlier, using a time table from the US Treasury W's debt numbers was a trillion dollars more according to the Department of Treasury than your link claimed.
Oh and by the way. I absolutely agree that "O" and the Dems are guilty of out of control spending. It's just that W and the GOP are also guilty.
Damn right they are... look at the spending bill BONER and the business as usual, big spender REPUBS just sent obama... 1.1T!... and basically gave obama everything he wanted, they fully funded EVERYTHING. Yeah it's dems AND REPUBS ALIKE that are responsible for the out of control spending and DEBT. It's the fox in charge of the hen house. They spend because they CAN. There's virtually NO ONE that can stop them, and they are, REALLY, out of control. Washington is broken, BAD, but it won't be long and it's ALL going to implode. It's UNSUSTAINABLE, PERIOD.
My prediction... "the economy will crumble BEFORE obama leaves office." (He WANTS it too, and so does George Soros, his number one supporter.)

I'll be shocked if it doesn't.


This is the CORRECT way to measure debt accumulation.
Because it makes Obama look good, right. You're a nudnik and a half. Like that's news.
The figures are wrong anyway. Debt was 10T when Obama took office. It's 18T today.
Only liberals can claim 5 is more than 6.

Actually the National Debt on the last day of George W Bush's last fiscal year was 11,909,829,003,511.75. but deduct $253 billion which was spend via the Economic Stimulus Act and you get 11,656,829,511.75 so Rabbi's math is more than slightly off. Way to go Rabbi, being the usually intellectually honest guy that you are. :eusa_angel:
You need to post a chart to prove how stupid and wrong you are.

Why don't you prove me wrong? And I was honest enough to eliminate off of W's tab monies spent on the Economic Stimulus Act during his last fiscal year.
Here's a link to the Debt Clock, within this site there's an area that allows one to enter specific dates and you get the debt for those dates. Here's the visual to look for.
I'll wait for your response where you show me my mistake.
On by the way, the US government fiscal year runs October 1-September 30.

  • Also, the U.S. Department of the Treasury provides daily, monthly, and yearly figures for the Debt--to the penny! These are the figures I use to calibrate this Debt Clock.
Wgat is the "Economic Stimulus Act"?

There is a thing called Google. Learn how to use it.
Because it makes Obama look good, right. You're a nudnik and a half. Like that's news.
The figures are wrong anyway. Debt was 10T when Obama took office. It's 18T today.
Only liberals can claim 5 is more than 6.

Actually the National Debt on the last day of George W Bush's last fiscal year was 11,909,829,003,511.75. but deduct $253 billion which was spend via the Economic Stimulus Act and you get 11,656,829,511.75 so Rabbi's math is more than slightly off. Way to go Rabbi, being the usually intellectually honest guy that you are. :eusa_angel:
You need to post a chart to prove how stupid and wrong you are.

Why don't you prove me wrong? And I was honest enough to eliminate off of W's tab monies spent on the Economic Stimulus Act during his last fiscal year.
Here's a link to the Debt Clock, within this site there's an area that allows one to enter specific dates and you get the debt for those dates. Here's the visual to look for.
I'll wait for your response where you show me my mistake.
On by the way, the US government fiscal year runs October 1-September 30.

  • Also, the U.S. Department of the Treasury provides daily, monthly, and yearly figures for the Debt--to the penny! These are the figures I use to calibrate this Debt Clock.
Wgat is the "Economic Stimulus Act"?

There is a thing called Google. Learn how to use it.
Your submission is accepted.
Here's the FACTS about the TOILET our economy is in, no matter how uncomfortable they are for progtards...

Since Obama Took Office, the Federal Debt Has Increased by Almost 70 Percent

Michael Sargent /December 03, 2014

The federal government hit a new milestone Friday: The total federal debt now tallies more than $18 trillion.

Just six years ago when President Obama took office, total debt stood at $10.6 trillion, which means it now has increased by almost $8 trillion—roughly 70 percent—during his tenure as president.

The surge in total debt, which has hit 103 percent of gross domestic product, comes at a time when politicians are championing falling deficits and claiming them as evidence that government spending is under control.

Since Obama Took Office the Federal Debt Has Increased by Almost 70 Percent

The part, "Just six years ago when President Obama took office" means nothing as W's fiscal year ended on September 30th of 2009. W is responsible for deficits up until the end of the fiscal year. As I pointed out earlier, using a time table from the US Treasury W's debt numbers was a trillion dollars more according to the Department of Treasury than your link claimed.
Oh and by the way. I absolutely agree that "O" and the Dems are guilty of out of control spending. It's just that W and the GOP are also guilty.
While I agree that much of FY2009 spending is attributable to Bush and most of the FY2009 deficit is attributable to the economy Bush handed Obama, Bush never signed a budget in 2008. He signed a continuing resolution which covered roughly the first half of FY2009. You cannot hold Bush accountable for budgetary spending through September 30th, 2009. You can hold Bush's failed economy for the portion of the FY2009 deficit due to the decrease in federal revenue.
Didn't go to the link did you?
That wasn't a link to just Google, it was a link to all one can find about the Economic Stimulus Act 2009.
That's nice, dear.
Obama is the biggest spending president in history. Deal with it.
Nonsense. As a percentage of GDP, spending has decreased under Obama .It increased under Bush. At the very least, that makes Bush worse than Obama.

This is the CORRECT way to measure debt accumulation.
Because it makes Obama look good, right. You're a nudnik and a half. Like that's news.
The figures are wrong anyway. Debt was 10T when Obama took office. It's 18T today.
Only liberals can claim 5 is more than 6.

Actually the National Debt on the last day of George W Bush's last fiscal year was 11,909,829,003,511.75. but deduct $253 billion which was spend via the Economic Stimulus Act and you get 11,656,829,511.75 so Rabbi's math is more than slightly off. Way to go Rabbi, being the usually intellectually honest guy that you are. :eusa_angel:
You need to post a chart to prove how stupid and wrong you are.

Didn't go to the link did you?
That wasn't a link to just Google, it was a link to all one can find about the Economic Stimulus Act 2009.
That's nice, dear.
Obama is the biggest spending president in history. Deal with it.

So, in the end you never did prove me wrong, did you?
So when you made this statement; "You need to post a chart to prove how stupid and wrong you are" you couldn't back it up. Plus, I solidified my case using US Treasury numbers, while you frailed about writing sophomoric posts with zero substance.
"Obama is the biggest spending president in history. Deal with it" -Rabbi
I think I did with one of my posts in this thread. It's not that I'm defending Obama, it's that I am correcting right wing misrepresentation of the facts. For being the party of responsibility, it's faithful followers seem to dodge responsibility on a regular bases. That is intellectual dishonesty. At least the Dems don't wave a flag and declare themselves to be responsible, whether that's intended honesty or not. :laugh:
Didn't go to the link did you?
That wasn't a link to just Google, it was a link to all one can find about the Economic Stimulus Act 2009.
That's nice, dear.
Obama is the biggest spending president in history. Deal with it.
Nonsense. As a percentage of GDP, spending has decreased under Obama .It increased under Bush. At the very least, that makes Bush worse than Obama.
You arte truly a clueless idiot. That you feel entitled to laugh at others is indicative of your stupidity. You missed the entire point--and I mean the entire point--of the discussion.

This is the CORRECT way to measure debt accumulation.
Because it makes Obama look good, right. You're a nudnik and a half. Like that's news.
The figures are wrong anyway. Debt was 10T when Obama took office. It's 18T today.
Only liberals can claim 5 is more than 6.

Actually the National Debt on the last day of George W Bush's last fiscal year was 11,909,829,003,511.75. but deduct $253 billion which was spend via the Economic Stimulus Act and you get 11,656,829,511.75 so Rabbi's math is more than slightly off. Way to go Rabbi, being the usually intellectually honest guy that you are. :eusa_angel:
You need to post a chart to prove how stupid and wrong you are.

Didn't go to the link did you?
That wasn't a link to just Google, it was a link to all one can find about the Economic Stimulus Act 2009.
That's nice, dear.
Obama is the biggest spending president in history. Deal with it.

So, in the end you never did prove me wrong, did you?
So when you made this statement; "You need to post a chart to prove how stupid and wrong you are" you couldn't back it up. Plus, I solidified my case using US Treasury numbers, while you frailed about writing sophomoric posts with zero substance.
"Obama is the biggest spending president in history. Deal with it" -Rabbi
I think I did with one of my posts in this thread. It's not that I'm defending Obama, it's that I am correcting right wing misrepresentation of the facts. For being the party of responsibility, it's faithful followers seem to dodge responsibility on a regular bases. That is intellectual dishonesty. At least the Dems don't wave a flag and declare themselves to be responsible, whether that's intended honesty or not. :laugh:
You are simply wrong. And your charts are a joke. They refute themselves.

This is the CORRECT way to measure debt accumulation.
Not exactly. You're drawing a false conclusion by using percentages. The total amount of debt is what you need to go by.

Obama has increased the debt much more than Bush. Bush added $5 trillion in 8 years and so far Obama has added just under $8 trillion with two years left to go. No comparison.

Wait until Obama is gone before you start drawing comparisons. Mkay???
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Didn't go to the link did you?
That wasn't a link to just Google, it was a link to all one can find about the Economic Stimulus Act 2009.
That's nice, dear.
Obama is the biggest spending president in history. Deal with it.
Nonsense. As a percentage of GDP, spending has decreased under Obama .It increased under Bush. At the very least, that makes Bush worse than Obama.
You arte truly a clueless idiot. That you feel entitled to laugh at others is indicative of your stupidity. You missed the entire point--and I mean the entire point--of the discussion.
Your vacuous reply aside, spending as a percentage of GDP is lower now than it was when Obama became president. Pointing out your idiotic claims are bullshit is always relevant in any discussion.

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