Increase Irab crossing at the Mexico boarder.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
An alarming number of migrants from a south Asian Islamic country that’s well known as a terrorism hotbed are trying to enter the United States through the Mexican border in Texas, according to government figures obtained by Judicial Watch. For the second consecutive year U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB) stats show that the Laredo Border Patrol Sector is the favorite crossing point into the U.S. for illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS).
They are trying to mass an army within our own shores and Obama and the dems want to help them do it...
Judicial Watch also let us know about none existant Islamic terrorist training camps in the US...
They are trying to mass an army within our own shores and Obama and the dems want to help them do it...
It's rather extreme to say Democrats "want to help" these Islamic terrorists to enter the Country and murder Americans. But there is no question that anti-profiling and other Liberal policies which accommodate the presence of illegals and categorical undesirables are an invitation to terrorism. These policies are originated by and are supported largely by naively well-intentioned policies put in place by Liberal-pandering Democrats.

Our immigration policies, specifically those created in 1965 by Democrats, must be radically changed.
It's rather extreme to say Democrats "want to help" these Islamic terrorists to enter the Country and murder Americans. But there is no question that anti-profiling and other Liberal policies which accommodate the presence of illegals and categorical undesirables are an invitation to terrorism. These policies are originated by and are supported largely by naively well-intentioned policies put in place by Democrats.
I once thought the idea of sanctuary cities was extreme...extremism in defense of sanity is no vice...

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