Incumbent wins


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
In the primaries to date, incumbent Congressmen have retained their positions by defeating their party rivals. They went 45 for 45. Not one Congressmen was defeated.

This in a country where Congress only has a 10% approval rating?

Is this not the greatest argument for term limits?
Voters are too wimpified to step out of their comfort zones. They'll vote for the BAD politician time after time after time because of their fear of the terrifying "unknown." One would think that pot has been legalized nationwide by watching the voting trends. It's disgusting.
Voters are too wimpified to step out of their comfort zones. They'll vote for the BAD politician time after time after time because of their fear of the terrifying "unknown." One would think that pot has been legalized nationwide by watching the voting trends. It's disgusting.

It goes way beyond that.

In NC massive voter fraud was uncovered. People were found with the same names and social security number voting multiple times and in multiple states.

Then you have the IRS scandal. Obama was targeting conservative groups come election time, denying them of funds and auditing and harassing them so as to help them win elections.

Gerrymandering still goes on.

Simply put, to get elected you must sell your soul to the powers that be. Once they have their puppet in there, they will see to it that they stay. I'm sure that there are many other tricks to rigging elections. In fact, I remember back when democrats were accusing Obama of trying to buy them off so that weak incumbents could still win. This happened in both PA an Colorado.
Voters are too wimpified to step out of their comfort zones. They'll vote for the BAD politician time after time after time because of their fear of the terrifying "unknown." One would think that pot has been legalized nationwide by watching the voting trends. It's disgusting.

It goes way beyond that.

In NC massive voter fraud was uncovered. People were found with the same names and social security number voting multiple times and in multiple states.

Then you have the IRS scandal. Obama was targeting conservative groups come election time, denying them of funds and auditing and harassing them so as to help them win elections.

Gerrymandering still goes on.

Simply put, to get elected you must sell your soul to the powers that be. Once they have their puppet in there, they will see to it that they stay. I'm sure that there are many other tricks to rigging elections. In fact, I remember back when democrats were accusing Obama of trying to buy them off so that weak incumbents could still win. This happened in both PA an Colorado.

I'm all for voter ID and I would also like to see another change in the political system. Currently, the person with the most cash gets a lot more air time (personal marketing time) and higher quality commercials but that doesn't make him/her the best candidate. There's got to be a way to even the playing field and to allow candidates with little money to have some quality air time.

It also seems that the mostly liberal, highly populated, inner cities have an edge as to whom is voted into office. I know it will never happen but I'd like to see an election system that tallies points by county. 1 point per a certain, set amount of voters in that county. I'm not too fond of the Electoral College as the rules seem to be different on a state by state basis.

Also, as we've seen time and again on various video clips, most voters don't even really know who or what they are voting for. I saw a Youtube interview of a group of Obama supporters just prior to his 2008 election. None of them knew who Barney Frank or Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid were but they knew that Sarah Palin's daughter was pregnant out of wedlock. Our voting public are literal idiots! I think voters need to answer 10 basic questions before they're allowed to vote. The questions could be random but relevant to the folks running for office or reflective of the issues surrounding a particular election. The voter is allowed to miss no more than one question or he/she can't vote.
There should be an eight-year LIFETIME limit in any Federal elected office. No more 20-term Congressmen!

Or a hybrid system where a Congressman can only have a seat for a limited span of time then they must give someone else a chance. But he could run again the next time the seat becomes available (2 years?). That way, he has a way of regaining his seat if the voting public isn't satisfied with the last guy.

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