Independence Day

So why do so many wish to be dependent on government?

What, you think you're not dependent on government, Lad?

Time to grow up kid.

It's a question of degree, and pretty obviously the OP is suggesting that many are inviting ever more dependency on ever more government.

George Washington said:
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
So why do so many wish to be dependent on government?

because it's easier and they have lost their soul. And you have democrats you have always liked to control people, first with whips and chains and now with government programs.


America is a great Nation, Americans have greater freedom now than at any time during this Nation’s history – and the best is yet to come.

All we need is one more unsustainable entitlement program in place to ensure bankruptcy. OOPS, we just got it last week.
If you know of a better place I suggest that you shut your computer down, pack your bag and get the #$%^ out. I will buy your ticket. Even with our current unrest we are still a great country. I know a lot of you have been to other countries like Cancum and perhaps Canada and see how they live. Go check out Africa, the Middle East or maybe rural China and come back and let know which one you would chose of the USA.
Happy Independence Day to all you Americans.

We Brits wish you well and want you to know that when you finally come to your senses we will take you back with open arms and no bitterness.

As a welcome back gift, we will also let you join our lovely National Health Service. Huzzah!
Conservative Republicans and celebrating Independence Day:

Under Ronald Reagan's White House:

From 1980 through 1982, The Beach Boys and The Grass Roots separately performed Independence Day concerts on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., attracting large crowds.[13][14] However, during April 1983, Watt, while serving as Secretary of the Interior, banned Independence Day concerts on the Mall by such groups. Watt said that "rock bands" that had performed on the Mall on Independence Day during 1981 and 1982 had encouraged drug use and alcoholism and had attracted "the wrong element", who would rob people and families attending any similar events in the future.[14] Watt then announced that Las Vegas singer Wayne Newton, a friend and endorser of President Reagan and a contributor to Republican Party political campaigns, would perform at the Mall's 1983 Independence Day celebration.[14][15] During the ensuing controversy, Rob Grill, main singer of The Grass Roots, stated that he felt "highly insulted" by Watt's remarks, which he termed "nothing but un-American".[14] The Beach Boys stated that the Soviet Union, which had invited them to perform in Leningrad during 1978, "obviously .... did not feel that the group attracted the wrong element".

James G. Watt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So why do so many wish to be dependent on government?

Good question.

One of the first things our government did under its new Constitution was to pass laws to help our dependent industry, and government is still helping. States passed laws to help dependent citizens and is still helping. Government is also helping dependent nations.
So why do so many wish to be dependent on government?


We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the
Delete British Crown
Welfare/Warfare State, and that all political connection between them and the state of
Delete: Great Britain
, impostors in Washington, DC is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. "

On this day perhaps we should give up our political bravado of how independent of government we are. We are all dependent on government. If citizens were not dependent on government there would be no need for government. But on this day we should recognize that we constituted our government to assure that we have life, liberty and able to pursue happiness. We are all dependent on government, different dependencies perhaps, but dependent. It's the other guys dependency we don't like.
On this day perhaps we should give up our political bravado of how independent of government we are. We are all dependent on government. If citizens were not dependent on government there would be no need for government. But on this day we should recognize that we constituted our government to assure that we have life, liberty and able to pursue happiness. We are all dependent on government, different dependencies perhaps, but dependent. It's the other guys dependency we don't like.


Politicians create a need for government by acting as Santa Claus for powerful political factions. They provide them a bag of goodies in exchange for power.

On this day perhaps we should give up our political bravado of how independent of government we are. We are all dependent on government. If citizens were not dependent on government there would be no need for government. But on this day we should recognize that we constituted our government to assure that we have life, liberty and able to pursue happiness. We are all dependent on government, different dependencies perhaps, but dependent. It's the other guys dependency we don't like.


Politicians create a need for government by acting as Santa Claus for powerful political factions. They provide them a bag of goodies in exchange for power.


No need for government. Almost Karl Marx's exact words.

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