Independence Day

Stupid question, you could have used the topic of independence day to patriotically call for any number of good and decent things or brought up something we can all be proud of but you dump the same kind of retarded loaded question this board is full of every day of the week, why do you hate America so much?

Well dude. Thats part of Independence. Its one of the rights we have based on independence. Its called freedom. And one of those rights is freedom of speech. Thats one the gov't isn't in control of yet. So if you don't like whats posted best you ingnore it. You make yourself sound like someone on Ubamas admin. pounding on his keyboard.
Stupid question, you could have used the topic of independence day to patriotically call for any number of good and decent things or brought up something we can all be proud of but you dump the same kind of retarded loaded question this board is full of every day of the week, why do you hate America so much?

I don't actually. I hate the fact that so many of my countrymen are eager to piss away the best parts of our nation in exchange for a pat on the head.

Ridiculous thread is bad and you should feel bad.

So I guess if your reading it that makes you ridiculous too. So go ahead and throw a fit. Just don't hit your computer too hard.
It's ironic that the right wing, who buys into the cognitive dissonant ideology sold by Madison Avenue, are complaining we're not a free country.

We are an independent nation, and those corporatists are the one that want us to increase our dependence on their internationalism. It's the corporatists who sell the right wing that those politicians who are in their pockets are decreasing dependency.
It's ironic that the right wing, who buys into the cognitive dissonant ideology sold by Madison Avenue, are complaining we're not a free country.

We are an independent nation, and those corporatists are the one that want us to increase our dependence on their internationalism. It's the corporatists who sell the right wing that those politicians who are in their pockets are decreasing dependency.


Both parties have sold their souls
On this day perhaps we should give up our political bravado of how independent of government we are. We are all dependent on government. If citizens were not dependent on government there would be no need for government. But on this day we should recognize that we constituted our government to assure that we have life, liberty and able to pursue happiness. We are all dependent on government, different dependencies perhaps, but dependent. It's the other guys dependency we don't like.


Politicians create a need for government by acting as Santa Claus for powerful political factions. They provide them a bag of goodies in exchange for power.


No need for government. Almost Karl Marx's exact words.


"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

The Communist Manifesto

Blast from the past...

Happy Independence Day All

[ame=""]Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration - YouTube[/ame]
If you know of a better place I suggest that you shut your computer down, pack your bag and get the #$%^ out. I will buy your ticket. Even with our current unrest we are still a great country. I know a lot of you have been to other countries like Cancum and perhaps Canada and see how they live. Go check out Africa, the Middle East or maybe rural China and come back and let know which one you would chose of the USA.

Well dude until Ubama puts it on the books that we must either adore him or get out your wish is nothing but crap. If people are against some policies they have the right to expose it. And thats one right the left isn't going to take away. So I suggest if you can't take it then maybe you pack your bags and get out.
Yes there are some that are total abusers out there, always have, always will be. I believe many people would like to go back to work. It is a great pchycologigal lift to get a job after being unemployed.
I wish i could find jobs for all those that needed one, but it is tough, I know, I lived through the recessions of the'70's, '80's and now this one. During these time I find work anyway i can, but I am fortunate and have many trade skills and a college degree.
Compassion does not hurt nearly as bad as bad mouthing, try a little today.
Yes there are some that are total abusers out there, always have, always will be. I believe many people would like to go back to work. It is a great pchycologigal lift to get a job after being unemployed.
I wish i could find jobs for all those that needed one, but it is tough, I know, I lived through the recessions of the'70's, '80's and now this one. During these time I find work anyway i can, but I am fortunate and have many trade skills and a college degree.
Compassion does not hurt nearly as bad as bad mouthing, try a little today.

Well your right in a great way. But remember the Fourth of July is the day we celebrate Independence Day. And remember that Independence is not one day a year. It should be celebrated 365 days a year. One possible solution to the problem is to get both sides to come together and work together on the problems instead of just fighting back and forth.

Politicians create a need for government by acting as Santa Claus for powerful political factions. They provide them a bag of goodies in exchange for power.


No need for government. Almost Karl Marx's exact words.


"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

The Communist Manifesto


Yes, in the transistion from capitalism to communism, the proletariat does take over the state and enters the scientific socialist period. That period readys the people for communism. Once entered into communism the state is no longer needed and abolished.
No need for government. Almost Karl Marx's exact words.


"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

The Communist Manifesto


Yes, in the transistion from capitalism to communism, the proletariat does take over the state and enters the scientific socialist period. That period readys the people for communism. Once entered into communism the state is no longer needed and abolished.


You attended NYC Public Schools, right?

Mr fucktard, sir:

and who the fucketh will enforce the communist rules and send Libertarians to the Gulag?


Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

-- Ronald Reagan
Happy Independence Day to all you Americans.

We Brits wish you well and want you to know that when you finally come to your senses we will take you back with open arms and no bitterness.

As a welcome back gift, we will also let you join our lovely National Health Service. Huzzah!
Why, do you think we have a lot of old people who need to be put down?

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

The Communist Manifesto


Yes, in the transistion from capitalism to communism, the proletariat does take over the state and enters the scientific socialist period. That period readys the people for communism. Once entered into communism the state is no longer needed and abolished.


You attended NYC Public Schools, right?

Mr fucktard, sir:

and who the fucketh will enforce the communist rules and send Libertarians to the Gulag?


According to Marx, rules and so forth will not be needed, even such things as money may not be needed. One can see why the Soviet Union quickly dropped Marx and communism after the Revolution and never attempted to practice communism again. Also why no nation has practiced Marxian communism.
Yes, in the transistion from capitalism to communism, the proletariat does take over the state and enters the scientific socialist period. That period readys the people for communism. Once entered into communism the state is no longer needed and abolished.


You attended NYC Public Schools, right?

Mr fucktard, sir:

and who the fucketh will enforce the communist rules and send Libertarians to the Gulag?


According to Marx, rules and so forth will not be needed, even such things as money may not be needed. One can see why the Soviet Union quickly dropped Marx and communism after the Revolution and never attempted to practice communism again. Also why no nation has practiced Marxian communism.
Marxian communism is doomed to failure because it fails to take human nature into account.
[ame=]Ssgt Barry Sadler - The Ballad Of The Green Berets (1966 clip) - YouTube[/ame]

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