Independent Winner Trump Already Pushes GOP Major Leftward--Infrastructure Plus ObamaCare(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
GOP President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, created the massive federal highway spending within the context of national defense. He had noted how the Nazis had created a mobile society. FDR had created the New Deal Spending precedent. Coincidentally, now there is a Trump ascendancy of Independents, some of who are shown to be White Power Neo-Nazis, and even at the Middle School level. Even Obama-Biden had set-up recovery spending, but devoted resources to national health care instead.

Embracing parts of ObamaCare, and creating the "Trump Rally," with basis in Infrastructure spending: Is not what Conservative Republicans are for, or do.

Conservatives vs. Trump’s infrastructure plan

The USA that Liberal Princes, Princesses, and Queens(?)--refused to try to engage in the recent election, want the jobs. Wall Street wants the spending. Sanders, contrasting, wanted to fund a permanent aristocracy of college professors, able to promote and maintain themselves from within--with all the federal bucks. Infrastructure spending is locally promoting of Independent Business Enterprise. That is a departure from the aristocracy-building left in the Democratic Party.

Democrats picked up two seats in the Senate, and six seats in the House. There is no clear partisan "Wave Election" on which Republicans can rely. Nancy Pelosi wants the infrastructure bill to be Trump Administration priority one!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Independent White Eyes soon to arrive at Lands of Many Nations: To Honor Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven!"
Two parts of Obamacare may not be touched...getting insurance across state lines and keeping kids uyp to 26 on the parents' policies...that's it

He isn't pushing Obamacare in total.

The people want jobs and we need infrastructure. Maybe it will compliment a GOP agenda. If so, kiss Congress and the WH goodbye for a long, long time.
Any foolish opposition to the Independent Agenda by any Republican works even further to destroy that leadership. The Party of Senator Sessions, and Pepe the Frog, appears to be getting protested in the streets all week long. Giant, Most Massive, federal spending has to be spurred to further heights by a GOP working with the New President.

Democrat leaders are already on board. Some will recall that one outcome of Republican Presidencies is actually more Socialism, if now with the cradle to grave aristocracy concept.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit unleashed by smoke in Many Lodges--cradle to grave more like it(?)!)

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