Independents Now Onboard to raise Debt Limit


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Aug 27, 2010
It looks like the GOP would lose 1/2 of the Independent voters if they fail to raise the debt limit. I would also assume that takes in a big chunk of the Tea Party loonies.:lol:

Poll: Independents now divided on raising debt ceiling versus allowing default
Currently, 47% say their greater concern is that raising the debt limit would lead to higher government spending and make the national debt bigger, while 42% say their greater concern is that not raising the limit would force the government into default and hurt the economy. This represents a change in the balance of opinion since May, when more expressed concern over raising the debt limit (48%) than said their greater concern was the prospect of a government default (35%).

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and The Washington Post, conducted July 7-10 among 1,007 adults, finds that independents are now evenly divided in concerns over the debt limit: 46% say their greater concern is that raising the limit would lead to higher government spending while 45% say their bigger concern is that not raising the limit will lead to a default. Two months ago, independents by 49% to 34% expressed more concern over raising the debt limit.
It looks like the GOP would lose 1/2 of the Independent voters if they fail to raise the debt limit. I would also assume that takes in a big chunk of the Tea Party loonies.:lol:

Poll: Independents now divided on raising debt ceiling versus allowing default
Currently, 47% say their greater concern is that raising the debt limit would lead to higher government spending and make the national debt bigger, while 42% say their greater concern is that not raising the limit would force the government into default and hurt the economy. This represents a change in the balance of opinion since May, when more expressed concern over raising the debt limit (48%) than said their greater concern was the prospect of a government default (35%).

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and The Washington Post, conducted July 7-10 among 1,007 adults, finds that independents are now evenly divided in concerns over the debt limit: 46% say their greater concern is that raising the limit would lead to higher government spending while 45% say their bigger concern is that not raising the limit will lead to a default. Two months ago, independents by 49% to 34% expressed more concern over raising the debt limit.

Cool ... now if Obuma and dems would quit holding things up the debt ceiling can be raised. Nothin beats borrowing money to pay back money that was borrowed. Brilliant!
I thought links needed to be supplied with articles taken from other sources?
It looks like the GOP would lose 1/2 of the Independent voters if they fail to raise the debt limit.

Yep. Let's see if they actually believe in something or if they're just the gutless, spineless, cowardly POLITICANS that I believe them to be.
It looks like the GOP would lose 1/2 of the Independent voters if they fail to raise the debt limit. I would also assume that takes in a big chunk of the Tea Party loonies.:lol:

Poll: Independents now divided on raising debt ceiling versus allowing default
Currently, 47% say their greater concern is that raising the debt limit would lead to higher government spending and make the national debt bigger, while 42% say their greater concern is that not raising the limit would force the government into default and hurt the economy. This represents a change in the balance of opinion since May, when more expressed concern over raising the debt limit (48%) than said their greater concern was the prospect of a government default (35%).

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and The Washington Post, conducted July 7-10 among 1,007 adults, finds that independents are now evenly divided in concerns over the debt limit: 46% say their greater concern is that raising the limit would lead to higher government spending while 45% say their bigger concern is that not raising the limit will lead to a default. Two months ago, independents by 49% to 34% expressed more concern over raising the debt limit.

American's Are Overwhelmingly Opposed To Raising the Debt Ceiling
by: es Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

It must come as a surprise to the chief executive officer of the nation, President Obama, that the majority of Americans stand in opposition to raising the debt ceiling. Frankly American's of all political persuasions {except the extreme hard core leftists and statists}are getting fed up with the profligate government spending that began about thirty years ago and has continued unabated.

The national debt ballooned under the watchful eye of GWB {a bit of snark}and has exploded under the sleeping gaze of BHO {more snark}. The people are beginning to wake up and realize such irresponsible spending cannot continue forever. Sooner or layer we must get our fiscal house in order. By continuing to take the easy way out only minimzes the discomfort for awhile but increases it significantly in the future. The American people get it. And they have spoken. It is time for our leaders to take the actions necessary to right the national ship. This requires huge reductions in spending coupled with a simplifying of the tax code and eliminating loopholes.

It is questionable given the track record of Congress and the Executive branch of our government whether they will find the wisdom and will to do so . Particularly, and especially given the performance of the last ten years.

Rational Nation USA: American's Are Overwhelmingly Opposed To Raising the Debt Ceiling
It looks like the GOP would lose 1/2 of the Independent voters if they fail to raise the debt limit.

That sounds about right. I would guess about 50% of independents lean Left and support big government spending.
It looks like the GOP would lose 1/2 of the Independent voters if they fail to raise the debt limit. I would also assume that takes in a big chunk of the Tea Party loonies.:lol:

Poll: Independents now divided on raising debt ceiling versus allowing default
Currently, 47% say their greater concern is that raising the debt limit would lead to higher government spending and make the national debt bigger, while 42% say their greater concern is that not raising the limit would force the government into default and hurt the economy. This represents a change in the balance of opinion since May, when more expressed concern over raising the debt limit (48%) than said their greater concern was the prospect of a government default (35%).

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and The Washington Post, conducted July 7-10 among 1,007 adults, finds that independents are now evenly divided in concerns over the debt limit: 46% say their greater concern is that raising the limit would lead to higher government spending while 45% say their bigger concern is that not raising the limit will lead to a default. Two months ago, independents by 49% to 34% expressed more concern over raising the debt limit.

First, last time I checked, 42% did not equal 50%.
Second, where does it say the GOP will lose anyone?
It looks like the GOP would lose 1/2 of the Independent voters if they fail to raise the debt limit. I would also assume that takes in a big chunk of the Tea Party loonies.:lol:

Poll: Independents now divided on raising debt ceiling versus allowing default
Currently, 47% say their greater concern is that raising the debt limit would lead to higher government spending and make the national debt bigger, while 42% say their greater concern is that not raising the limit would force the government into default and hurt the economy. This represents a change in the balance of opinion since May, when more expressed concern over raising the debt limit (48%) than said their greater concern was the prospect of a government default (35%).

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and The Washington Post, conducted July 7-10 among 1,007 adults, finds that independents are now evenly divided in concerns over the debt limit: 46% say their greater concern is that raising the limit would lead to higher government spending while 45% say their bigger concern is that not raising the limit will lead to a default. Two months ago, independents by 49% to 34% expressed more concern over raising the debt limit.

First, last time I checked, 42% did not equal 50%.
Second, where does it say the GOP will lose anyone?

It's liberal math. Things mean whatever you want them to mean. So $200k income means you're rich and own a jet.
Virtually everyone agrees the debt ceiling needs to be raised. The question is what to do to prevent a repeat of this sorry incident. Democrats think removing the limit and letting Congress spend whatever they want is the answer. Republicans think cutting back on bloated budgets and trying to live within our means is the answer.
I think the GOP would lose 100% of independants if they fail to raise it. If 63% are against raisingit, it means 63% haven't thought about it, are misled, or batshytte crazy. Why is it just "housekeeping" when done SEVEN TIMES under Booosh, but now a catastrophe? Brainwashed dittoheads and the misled...

And of course the spending under Obama is a continuation of Bush's Tarp, an EMERGENCY that saved us from ANOTHER Pub Great Depression. NOT DEM POLICY.:eusa_angel:
[It must come as a surprise to the chief executive officer of the nation, President Obama, that the majority of Americans stand in opposition to raising the debt ceiling.

The PEW report you are citing shows the majority favor raising the debt ceiling.:eusa_angel:
Republicans think cutting back on bloated budgets and trying to live within our means is the answer.

Oh, I haven't heard them mumble about gutting the military, the corporate aid, the foreign aid, or removing the tax loop holes for the rich.

Do get back to us when the GOP gets serious about having clean laundry.:lol:
What is about lefties, The first thing they want TO CUT is our military. They would rather leave us defenseless than cut any entitlement program.
Once people who favor cutting spending realize that not raising the debt limit will literally force spending cuts, they should be all for it.

People who say those who are against raising the debt ceiling are crazy simply have not looked at the whole issue. On another note, what is the point of having a debt ceiling if every time we hit it we just raise it? I wish I could do that with my credit card.
It looks like the GOP would lose 1/2 of the Independent voters if they fail to raise the debt limit. I would also assume that takes in a big chunk of the Tea Party loonies.:lol:

Poll: Independents now divided on raising debt ceiling versus allowing default
Currently, 47% say their greater concern is that raising the debt limit would lead to higher government spending and make the national debt bigger, while 42% say their greater concern is that not raising the limit would force the government into default and hurt the economy.
This represents a change in the balance of opinion since May, when more expressed concern over raising the debt limit (48%) than said their greater concern was the prospect of a government default (35%).

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and The Washington Post, conducted July 7-10 among 1,007 adults, finds that independents are now evenly divided in concerns over the debt limit: 46% say their greater concern is that raising the limit would lead to higher government spending while 45% say their bigger concern is that not raising the limit will lead to a default. Two months ago, independents by 49% to 34% expressed more concern over raising the debt limit.

you read your own article wrong, btw...


The 47% to 42% you cited is not independents, but ALL... Dems, repubs AND independents.

Currently, 46% of independents say their greater concern is that raising the debt limit would lead to higher government spending and make the national debt bigger, while 45% say their greater concern is that not raising the limit would force the government into default and hurt the economy.

So, 42% or 45%.... still doesn't equal 50%... and there is STILL nothing but your supposition that says the GOP is losing 50% of the independents over this.
Republicans think cutting back on bloated budgets and trying to live within our means is the answer.

Oh, I haven't heard them mumble about gutting the military, the corporate aid, the foreign aid, or removing the tax loop holes for the rich.

Do get back to us when the GOP gets serious about having clean laundry.:lol:
Guess you haven't heard of Ron Paul.

He is one radical "Moses" lost in the congressional wildress, and really has no impact anywhere.:lol:
"Housekeeping" under Boooosh is a catastophe under Obama. What a bunch of CRAPPE from the people who brought you the complete disaster of W, now forgotten, and now 18 months of obstruction, fear mongering, chaos, and stalling the recovery...pffffft!!
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Oh, I haven't heard them mumble about gutting the military, the corporate aid, the foreign aid, or removing the tax loop holes for the rich.

Do get back to us when the GOP gets serious about having clean laundry.:lol:
Guess you haven't heard of Ron Paul.

He is one radical "Moses" lost in the congressional wildress, and really has no impact anywhere.:lol:
No impact anywhere? Apparently you haven't been paying attention to politics over the last 5 years.

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