India acting like a spoiled child

Someone really fucked up here. Considering the diplomat in question was already on record claiming this woman (the maid) was trying to extort her.

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I've got this from the Daily Mail. The key is the second sentence. The diplomat would have had to committed a crime outside on an official job function.

As Deputy Consul General, Ms Khobragade enjoyed ‘consular immunity’ which is limited and related to her official duties.

Under the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, consular officials can still be arrested for acts committed outside on official job functions

Revealed: Indian diplomat at center of furor after arrest for paying maid 'slave wage' called New York cops six months ago to claim she was being extorted by her for U.S. visa | Mail Online

And her charged crime IS outside her official duties.The US requires an affidavit be signed by all Foreign diplomats that bring in their own house hold staff. She signed it and swore it was true. She is charged with a crime dealing with illegally bringing someone to the States under false promises and failure to pay a required wage.
I've got this from the Daily Mail. The key is the second sentence. The diplomat would have had to committed a crime outside on an official job function.

As Deputy Consul General, Ms Khobragade enjoyed ‘consular immunity’ which is limited and related to her official duties.

Under the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, consular officials can still be arrested for acts committed outside on official job functions

Revealed: Indian diplomat at center of furor after arrest for paying maid 'slave wage' called New York cops six months ago to claim she was being extorted by her for U.S. visa | Mail Online

Ohhh consular immunity. Not diplomatic immunity.

No matter India is going to get their pound of flesh anyway.
All those Americans in India with same sex partners will wake up in a whole different world as India starts enforcing their laws.
Someone really fucked up here. Considering the diplomat in question was already on record claiming this woman (the maid) was trying to extort her.


Ya we should assume 6 months of Investigating the competing claims was not done and no evidence exists to back the Government up. I realize Obama sucks but automatically assuming every single action that is taken is wrong, illegal unethical is a bit much.

lets play a little game shall we? Lets assume that you hire some and do not pay the specified amount for months, they come to you one day and tell you they will report you unless you pay them what you owe.

Can we assume you might think a good defense would be to claim they tried to extort you?

Would you assume that from July to December the Government investigated to see which of the two stories was true? Or shall we assume that from July to December the Government brewed up a fake charge to embarrass a close ally just for shits and grins?
I've got this from the Daily Mail. The key is the second sentence. The diplomat would have had to committed a crime outside on an official job function.

As Deputy Consul General, Ms Khobragade enjoyed ‘consular immunity’ which is limited and related to her official duties.

Under the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, consular officials can still be arrested for acts committed outside on official job functions

Revealed: Indian diplomat at center of furor after arrest for paying maid 'slave wage' called New York cops six months ago to claim she was being extorted by her for U.S. visa | Mail Online

And her charged crime IS outside her official duties.The US requires an affidavit be signed by all Foreign diplomats that bring in their own house hold staff. She signed it and swore it was true. She is charged with a crime dealing with illegally bringing someone to the States under false promises and failure to pay a required wage.

With all due respect you're missing a very important two letter word in the quote I put up.

That word is "on". "On" official job functions.
I've got this from the Daily Mail. The key is the second sentence. The diplomat would have had to committed a crime outside on an official job function.

As Deputy Consul General, Ms Khobragade enjoyed ‘consular immunity’ which is limited and related to her official duties.

Under the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, consular officials can still be arrested for acts committed outside on official job functions

Revealed: Indian diplomat at center of furor after arrest for paying maid 'slave wage' called New York cops six months ago to claim she was being extorted by her for U.S. visa | Mail Online

And her charged crime IS outside her official duties.The US requires an affidavit be signed by all Foreign diplomats that bring in their own house hold staff. She signed it and swore it was true. She is charged with a crime dealing with illegally bringing someone to the States under false promises and failure to pay a required wage.

With all due respect you're missing a very important two letter word in the quote I put up.

That word is "on". "On" official job functions.

She does not require house staff to do her official duties, if she did her Government would pay for it.
SO you support allowing criminal behavior in our Country because an Ally might get pissed if we stop it?

India knew this was going to happen, they are testing our resolve and if we blink we can forget about enforcing ANY laws on diplomats from any Country.

I don't care if we apologize as long as the Diplomat in custody is not suddenly allowed to go free and be exempt. She needs to be tried in Court not released cause her Country is mad at us, that is the WORST thing that can happen and will, it it happens prove just how weak and ineffective Obama is.

Robert Seldon Lady was tried and found guilty but America got him out and is hiding him from justice.
Tell me, where is your outrage at a serious criminal being shielded by the American government, instead of being sent to serve his much deserved prison time?

You moan about a minimum wage crime but not a peep is heard about a man guilty of kidnapping someone.
Check it out. The maid seems to have gotten her whole family over. What a scam!

Two days before Dr Khobragade’s arrest Richard’s husband and parents allegedly flew in to the States.

Revealed: Indian diplomat at center of furor after arrest for paying maid 'slave wage' called New York cops six months ago to claim she was being extorted by her for U.S. visa | Mail Online

I don't much like Obama as President, but your hatred is blinding you to facts reality and life. The Government obviously investigated the claim. And has enough proof of who did what to not only get a warrant but make an arrest and make it stick.
Check it out. The maid seems to have gotten her whole family over. What a scam!

Two days before Dr Khobragade’s arrest Richard’s husband and parents allegedly flew in to the States.

Revealed: Indian diplomat at center of furor after arrest for paying maid 'slave wage' called New York cops six months ago to claim she was being extorted by her for U.S. visa | Mail Online

The only criminals are Richard and her whole family. For scum like this the US will alienate India.
There's an old political saying you don't hear very often, but it would have helped if Obama's protocol included it in training people who deal with international diplomatis. It states simply, "Don't piss off the barracudas." We did, so the barracudas plowed through barricades to the American embassy in India.

Where's this Obama the wonderful healer of international relations? :rolleyes:

Is he still hiding under his desk with the engraved plaque that says "Don't tell me anything for which I have to account."
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Check it out. The maid seems to have gotten her whole family over. What a scam!

Two days before Dr Khobragade’s arrest Richard’s husband and parents allegedly flew in to the States.

Revealed: Indian diplomat at center of furor after arrest for paying maid 'slave wage' called New York cops six months ago to claim she was being extorted by her for U.S. visa | Mail Online

The only criminals are Richard and her whole family. For scum like this the US will alienate India.

Hasn't even been a trail yet and your hatred of Obama makes you make ridiculous claims you can not back up about other people.

Once again you dumb ass? Do you not believe the Government investigated the conflicting claims? Be specific, why would Our Government WANT to piss of India right now?
Someone really fucked up here. Considering the diplomat in question was already on record claiming this woman (the maid) was trying to extort her.


Ya we should assume 6 months of Investigating the competing claims was not done and no evidence exists to back the Government up. I realize Obama sucks but automatically assuming every single action that is taken is wrong, illegal unethical is a bit much.

lets play a little game shall we? Lets assume that you hire some and do not pay the specified amount for months, they come to you one day and tell you they will report you unless you pay them what you owe.

Can we assume you might think a good defense would be to claim they tried to extort you?

Would you assume that from July to December the Government investigated to see which of the two stories was true? Or shall we assume that from July to December the Government brewed up a fake charge to embarrass a close ally just for shits and grins?

I've got no dog in this hunt but here you have another international embarrassment. It's a big deal.

Flushing diplomacy down the drain appears to be SOP these days. Kerry's apologized for the freaking cavity search.

That's so freaking out of line it's unreal. Now India wants to know exactly how much US diplomats are paying their staff in India.

Oh and they want all gay US diplomats punished.

Nice can of freaking worms.

Our government just doesn't care. obama is king of the world. Why does our failed government do anything it does? It has been fucking up for over five years.

If there was an investigation it was very very poorly done. A representative of a foreign government is not the same as the guy in the corner bodega. Ohhhh I hope India gives the US every scrap it has coming.
Check it out. The maid seems to have gotten her whole family over. What a scam!

Two days before Dr Khobragade’s arrest Richard’s husband and parents allegedly flew in to the States.

Revealed: Indian diplomat at center of furor after arrest for paying maid 'slave wage' called New York cops six months ago to claim she was being extorted by her for U.S. visa | Mail Online

The only criminals are Richard and her whole family. For scum like this the US will alienate India.

I don't know if you know this but officials have removed the barricades from in front of the Embassies.

They are pissed off.

Khurshid said work conditions of Indians employed in U.S. consulates in major Indian cities would be revised, to root out any violations of labor laws.

:eusa_whistle: Perks are disappearing

Several politicians argue that India provides too many unilateral perks to U.S. diplomatic staff. Khurshid reined in some of these on Wednesday, saying passes giving consulate staff access to airport lounges had to turned in by Thursday.


'It was very good that the government removed the barriers yesterday. Until the U.S.A. says sorry, we should not give any security at all to the Americans,' said protester Gaurav Khattar, 33.

The U.S. State Department said it had told the Indian government it expects New Delhi to protect its embassy and stressed it did not want the incident with the Indian diplomat to hurt ties.

geeze louize this is sooooooooooooooooooo fubar'd.
So I repeat from an earlier post to someone else, you are of the opinion that slave labor should be allowed in the US because an Ally does it? We should base our enforcement of slave labor laws on the nation in question and not arrest anyone from an ally because in a fit of childish screaming they may lash out?

Great position to have.
So I repeat from an earlier post to someone else, you are of the opinion that slave labor should be allowed in the US because an Ally does it? We should base our enforcement of slave labor laws on the nation in question and not arrest anyone from an ally because in a fit of childish screaming they may lash out?

Great position to have.

It's how it was handled.

Cavity searching and strip searching a female diplomat from India was bound to raise the ire of a nation that you need as an ally.

So I repeat from an earlier post to someone else, you are of the opinion that slave labor should be allowed in the US because an Ally does it? We should base our enforcement of slave labor laws on the nation in question and not arrest anyone from an ally because in a fit of childish screaming they may lash out?

Great position to have.

It's how it was handled.

Cavity searching and strip searching a female diplomat from India was bound to raise the ire of a nation that you need as an ally.


Except you are not arguing about that. if you were I would agree. You have plainly stated we should have done nothing because it would anger an ally. You have sided with several posters that hate Obama so much that if he wiped his ass with a different hand they would claim he committed a crime.

The individual and higher up that authorizes the strip search should be publicly fired, BUT the diplomat should stay indicted and have to stand trial.
The law allegedly broken was a regulatory law not a public safety law. What should have happened was the matter not handled at the officer level. It should have gone to the police chief.. He should have immediately reported it to the state department. The State department would have notified the consul's superior, likely the consul general. An investigator would have been sent from India to assist. Both the deputy consul and the housekeeper are citizens of India. They were employed at the Indian consulate, technically on Indian soil. If there was a violation of our regulatory laws, the deputy consul would be recalled.

A bunch of street cops do not arrest representatives of foreign governments and stick fingers up the representative's ass. Because that is exactly what will happen to our representatives in those countries. Our consuls will be arrested on allegations and thrown into gen pop in foreign prisons.

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