India Arie is the latest to sack Spotify

I thought most musicians were petty left wing.

So far, only 4 have withdrawn their music from Spotify.

Strange too that a health issue that should be decided on by health professionals has become a political issue separated by the left and the right.
It will be interesting to see how this progresses. The consumer has choices in that market and any platform not offering a comprehensive service will suffer. You seem to pay the same fee whoever you use so you would expect them to all offer the same products and compete on service.
Spotify have a problem because the Rogan guy is one of their big earners apparently so how do they keep him but risk losing their other contributors. People wont pay for Spotify just for Rogan and then pay for their music eleswhere,
It will be interesting to see how this progresses. The consumer has choices in that market and any platform not offering a comprehensive service will suffer. You seem to pay the same fee whoever you use so you would expect them to all offer the same products and compete on service.
Spotify have a problem because the Rogan guy is one of their big earners apparently so how do they keep him but risk losing their other contributors. People wont pay for Spotify just for Rogan and then pay for their music eleswhere,
WTF is this man/woman or whatever the fuck it is?
There should be a place for any kind of discussion in America. Diving into two white guys perceptions and understanding of the black experience seems just fine to me. I promise you Rogan has had and also will have black people on his show to share their experience and perspective as well.

What’s the issue here?

The issue is liberal snowflakes.
I thought most musicians were petty left wing.

So far, only 4 have withdrawn their music from Spotify.

Strange too that a health issue that should be decided on by health professionals has become a political issue separated by the left and the right.
The right was just fine with making our own health care decisions and then the left got all authoritarian. Game over.
She wonders how rogan and weirdo Jordan Peterson can discuss the Black experience when they are not black.

Maybe kinda like how you discuss the American Experience without actually being an American?

Maybe all you need is a brain and some study of history, otherwise, I must ask all non-whites to stop telling us what is wrong with whites, all atheists to stop telling me how dumb religion is, and all fear mongers afraid of a tiny virus or never having owned a firearm to please stop telling me why I need to wear a cloth fabric mask or just how bad guns really are!
Tommy Titmouse, we understand that you approve of censorship.
We do not.

In fact, as Tainted Tommy exists to remind us, that was one of the major reasons we kicked the British filth out of our country nearly two and a half decades ago. They wanted to tell us what opinions we could hold and express, so we told them out of the barrels of our guns to fuck off.

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