indiana cop shots man at a traffic stop

Did I say that was what happened here, imbecile? I just told you what I hope you'd do. You said you could do that. Now go do it then come back and tell me how wrong I was!

Hurry up.

Get going.
so your were pulling the ole leftist tactic and trying to make it about me,,

better to just stick to the topic at hand,,
another leftist tactic is to project like youre doing right now,,,

Here's another leftist tactic:
  1. Do me a favor and don't talk to me for the rest of the night bothering me with your braindead idiotic circular arguments.
  2. Do me an even bigger favor and just never post to me ever again so as not to lower my IQ.
  3. Here, let me help you with that by just putting you on IGNORE. Bye.
  4. Fuck off, ASSHOLE. I'm done with your insipid trolling stupidity!
No, Simp, I was just trying to give you an example of something you could RELATE to hoping it might finally pound some understanding of just how far off you are and get through that dense head of yours.
I can relate to the actual events being discussed in the topic of this thread,, anything else is an indication you cant make your argument,,

are you still claiming we must obey cops all the time??
Here's another leftist tactic:
  1. Do me a favor and don't talk to me for the rest of the night bothering me with your braindead idiotic circular arguments.
  2. Do me an even bigger favor and just never post to me ever again so as not to lower my IQ.
  3. Here, let me help you with that by just putting you on IGNORE. Bye.
  4. Fuck off, ASSHOLE. I'm done with your insipid trolling stupidity!
its probably for the best you run away,,

you trying to deflect from the facts of the case at hand are getting old,,
Cop haters out in full force. Some of them always out on this site.

Mabye it is a Crime to ignore cop orders and run thru public brandishing a firearm?

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