Indiana...getting it right on guns, eliminating fees, protecting victims, good for them...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Indiana is getting it right on guns...they have eliminated the fees on gun permits, allowing the poor easier access to guns needed to defend themselves and their families, and they are making it easier for the victims of violent attack to defend themselves if they stop the attack with a gun....

NRA Applauds Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb for Signing Comprehensive Gun Rights Bill into Law - The Truth About Guns

he new law expands self-defense options in the following ways:

  • eliminates state fees for a new five-year state License to Carry a Handgun (LTCH);
  • allows law-abiding gun owners greater ability to carry for self-protection in churches;
  • allows gun owners to register to vote when they apply for a LTCH.
“Under this new law, honest, hard-working gun owners will no longer be forced to pay $125 to exercise a fundamental right that ought to be free,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA-ILA executive director. “This law ends this abuse and ensures that the most vulnerable gun owners are able to protect themselves without worrying about the cost of a license.”

Additionally, the new law provides greater protection to gun owners. Previously, an undue burden was on the defendant in exercising the right to self-defense. Under the new law, that burden is shifted. In addition, a person who acts in self-defense and is later forced to defend themselves a second time in court can be reimbursed for the legal fees associated with their defense.

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