Indiana Jones 5 bombs epically at Box Office


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Well, Kathleen ”the force is female” Kennedy has destroyed yet another franchise:
Star Wars - check
MCU - check
Indiana Jones - check!

$300 million budget barely makes $60m domestic. It’s bombing in China too.

Turns out Doomcock was right, it’s obvious this movie was reshot and edited so many times.
The original ending was to have Indy die and Fleabag Phoebe Waller was supposed to take over as Indy in the past. Luckily since that ending was leaked and caused an uproar, they reshoot the movie and practically re-wrote the script to save Indy from that fate. It didn’t stop Kennedy from projecting her Feminist self into the movie as Fleabag in order to emasculate Indy and do everything better than him, because she is a sTrOnG iNdEpEnDaNt WyaMaN!

Go woke, go broke.

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Well, Kathleen ”the force is female” Kennedy has destroyed yet another franchise:
Star Wars - check
MCU - check
Indiana Jones - check!

$300 million budget barely makes $60m domestic. It’s bombing in China too.

Turns out Doomcock was right, it’s obvious this movie was reshot and edited so many times.
The original ending was to have Indy die and Fleabag Phoebe Waller was supposed to take over as Indy in the past. Luckily since that ending was leaked and caused an uproar, they reshoot the movie and practically re-wrote the script to save Indy from that fate. It didn’t stop Kennedy from projecting her Feminist self into the movie as Fleabag in order to emasculate Indy and do everything better than him, because she is a sTrOnG iNdEpEnDaNt WyaMaN!

Go woke, go broke.

View attachment 801166

They had to do so much editing and CGI to “de-age” the 80 year old Ford on screen that it made some scenes look a bit off. Kennedy ruins another one.
Well, Kathleen ”the force is female” Kennedy has destroyed yet another franchise:
Star Wars - check
MCU - check
Indiana Jones - check!

$300 million budget barely makes $60m domestic. It’s bombing in China too.

Turns out Doomcock was right, it’s obvious this movie was reshot and edited so many times.
The original ending was to have Indy die and Fleabag Phoebe Waller was supposed to take over as Indy in the past. Luckily since that ending was leaked and caused an uproar, they reshoot the movie and practically re-wrote the script to save Indy from that fate. It didn’t stop Kennedy from projecting her Feminist self into the movie as Fleabag in order to emasculate Indy and do everything better than him, because she is a sTrOnG iNdEpEnDaNt WyaMaN!

Go woke, go broke.

View attachment 801166

It's always a chick, ain't it? I haven't gotten over how Yoko Ono and Linda Eastman killed the Beatles.
Harrison has had some epic bombs, maybe he should take the hint and realize his career is over. Remember the one about the CGI dog and himself in the Yukon? Cost a ton to make and did nothing.
Do you blame the guy for taking a massive paycheck? Probably thinking in terms of what he leaves to his family at this point.
I can't imagine anyone wanting to see this.
I saw the trailer and the facial CGI is terrible.
Harrison is 80 years old.
Trying to make him look 40 is absurd, and doesn't work. So the audience is suppose to ignore that and pretend they don't notice.
It has nothing to do with Kathleen Kennedy. People aren't interested in an 80-year-old action star. That franchise died after 'Last Crusade'.

She has nothing to do with the MCU decisions, that's Kevin Feige.

She's been a hell of a lot more successful in life than you have.
We need reality and not false pure total equality that even pushes extremist feminist superiority insanity. It is bad enough we have to put up with arrogant self-important authoritarians in our law enforcement and judicial employment at all levels.
Friend of mine saw it and said it was pretty much what we expected. A boring pile of shit.

He said the first 20 minutes were pretty damn good, then it just nose dived the rest of the way. The woman was a dickhole the whole movie to indy and kept expecting a moment where she would redeem herself but it never happened. And the cgi effects were atrocious.

He got a free ticket and still was sorry he went because it lacked everything that made Indiana great and all the decent parts of the movie were still sterile and boring.

I have no interest in it. I love the original 3 and that's good enough for me.

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