Indiana Man arrested for threatening John Boehner


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Indiana Man Charged For Threats Against Speaker Boehner - NBC News

An Indiana man has been arrested and charged for making serious threats against House Speaker John Boehner.

U.S. Attorney Joseph Hogsett announced the arrest of Brandon Thompson, a 32-year old from New Castle, Indiana who was arrested Thursday night and has been charged with threatening an elected official in telephone calls and over e-mail.

Here is the criminal complaint against Thompson:

Boehner Threat Criminal Complaint

His full name is Brandon James Thompson

Also being reported here:

Man accused of threats to Boehner of stalled EUC -

FBI arrests Indiana man for threatening Boehner over unemployment insurance

Man arrested in John Boehner threats - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan -

Man Accused of Threatening to Kill Boehner Over Unemployment Extension

Man accused of threatening to kill Boehner over unemployment benefits | The Columbus Dispatch

One voice mail message left Tuesday said, “You tell your husband to redo the unemployment extension because I’m going to come for him.’’

In addition, an e-mail had been sent to Beohner’s office on March 31 declaring, “Well, you drunk John Bin Laden, it’s time to take you out . . . You want to play with 2.7 million peoples’ lives. I am going to take yours. You will never see it coming with my sniper rifle.”


So, that's one sick dude and he needs to be behind bars.
What a dumbass. The SOTH is second in line to the presidency, this is almost as bad as threatening the president.

No wonder he was unemployed.
Does he own a sniper rifle? Does he have any actual means to carry out any of the threats? If the answer is no then he should not be charged with anything.
You left out the part where he wanted to, "rip his (expletive) head off." That part was especially very, very bad of him to say.
American hero, although if I were in the same position I'd have threatened Lindsey G or McInsane. Those scumbags have to go.
Has anyone ever considered why such scumbags should be given such protection? Even the few who aren't scumbags shouldn't and don't deserve it.
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Freedom of speech takes another hit. This is just words and i say hell with it.
Death threats against govt officials should be legal. Governments routinely make death threats against citizens.
In federal prison, he will get better healthcare than Obamacare can provide. So he has that going for him.

American hero, although if I were in the same position I'd have threatened Lindsey G or McInsane. .

Yeah, sure you would have. Online, only. What a tough guy... :rolleyes:

Dangerous lunatics should not be encouraged nor threats to our elected officials tolerated, regardless of partisan position.

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