Indiana passes near-total abortion ban, the first state to do so post-Roe

I have no idea who Clayton Jones is.

But, no, I'm not a Christian. I'm a recovering Catholic. Do I need to be a Christian to ask someone else if they're a Christian? I don't believe so, yet your response would indicate that you do.

But that'd be pretty ignorant, right?

I only asked about your faith because of your comment "If you don't want a baby use protection", when you subscribe to a faith which teaches that a pregnancy occurred without intercourse as its foundation.

I won't even point out the monumental idiocy of your comment with regards to a rape or incest victim...

Catholics are the original Christians you, dumbass. You're no Catholic and never was one. Dismissed
Prices of gasoline doubled under Trump in 2020 but you said nothing.

Why do liberals always lie?

Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 15-38-35 U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dol...png
Catholics are the original Christians

No shit, Sherlock.

My identifying as a recovering Catholic signifies my utter dismissal of the christian faith...

. You're no Catholic and never was one. Dismissed

Fuck you, you infected little twat.

I was baptized, received my First Holy Communion, attended catechism classes and received my Confirmation; the whole nine yards, all before I learned it was all bullshit...
No shit, Sherlock.

My identifying as a recovering Catholic signifies my utter dismissal of the christian faith...

Fuck you, you infected little twat.

I was baptized, received my First Holy Communion, attended catechism classes and received my Confirmation; the whole nine yards, all before I learned it was all bullshit...

Matthew 16:18. And calm down old man. You're not really that important. Just a dumb fck looking to argue...and a evidently a woman hater. Probably the root cause of your issues

60 year old virgin?
Matthew 16:18. And calm down old man. You're not really that important. Just a dumb fck looking to argue...and a evidently a woman hater. Probably the root cause of your issues

60 year old virgin?


I would be if I were married to you, that's for goddamn sure.

No, I was fuckin' at 17, kitten; my virtue stolen from me on my living room floor by a hot 17 year old brunette who could suck a golf ball through 80 feet of garden hose and rode me like a carnival ride.

And I can't think of a single woman I hate.

You're just upset because you realize you're nothing but a yeast infection with feet who can't justify the idiocy you've been posting...
Indiana's state Senate approved the legislation 28-19 Friday in a vote that came just hours after it passed Indiana’s lower chamber. The bill, which will go into effect Sept. 15, allows abortion in cases of rape, incest, lethal fetal abnormality or when the procedure is necessary to prevent severe health risks or death.

Indiana, you're blessed! Thanks for having the courage to stop the murder of innocents. I think that Heaven's angels are rejoicing that innocent people in Indiana will not have to suffer death before birth except when rape, incest, or the baby or the mother's death is imminent.
Roevember is coming. Let Indiana's women register to vote and shut this fascism down.

I would be if I were married to you, that's for goddamn sure.

No, I was fuckin' at 17, kitten; my virtue stolen from me on my living room floor by a hot 17 year old brunette who could suck a golf ball through 80 feet of garden hose and rode me like a carnival ride.

And I can't think of a single woman I hate.

You're just upset because you realize you're nothing but a yeast infection with feet who can't justify the idiocy you've been posting...

Go away old man. Seriously. If not I'll dispatch you to iggy
Go away old man. Seriously. If not I'll dispatch you to iggy

My, you say that as if you think I would really give a flying fuck. Seriously, get over yourself. No one gives a fuck about you.

But, yeah, that's what cowards do when they're as intellectually over-matched as you are. Do it. I promise I'll lose little sleep over your decision...
Prices of gasoline doubled under Trump in 2020 but you said nothing.

You made that up, and you did it very badly, like you do everything. I sound like every teacher you ever had, huh?
Roevember is coming. Let Indiana's women register to vote and shut this fascism down.
Teaching young women they must abort their child before becoming popular was a rite of passage 5 years ago. That's over, and it wasn't the "good old days," either, because abortion causes a living human being in it's earliest stages of development to be denied its right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness in another stage of its human development, doll, and that is a scientific fact, not fascism.
No, I prefer that women don't seek abortions.
Whaleshit and irrelevant. If you say you don’t like slavery but you want a slave market in your town, then you are pro-slavery, you son of a rotten bitch.

I also prefer that government keeps it's nose out of the decision.
So you want a useless government that just lets murder happen without consequence. Fitting, as you are a sociopath with violent impulses.
Diseased zealots like you are incapable of comprehending that. You need the government to run your lives for you...
Preventing and punishing murder is just such awful authoritarianism - to you, it seems, you imbecilic dickweed.

No, punishing violence isn’t “running your life,”idiot. If it were, you would be a psychopath who needs your life run - padded room or cell, pick one.

If it's illegal to murder babies, then why aren't abortion providers in Colorado or Hawaii being charged with murder?
I mean we can fix that, moron, but you don’t seem to even understand what you are arguing on any level and have truly lost the plot.

The fuck you don't, liar...
You don’t need to be religious to not support violence against innocent human beings, you fucktarded scumbag.
Whaleshit and irrelevant. If you say you don’t like slavery but you want a slave market in your town, then you are pro-slavery, you son of a rotten bitch.

So you want a useless government that just lets murder happen without consequence. Fitting, as you are a sociopath with violent impulses.

Preventing and punishing murder is just such awful authoritarianism - to you, it seems, you imbecilic dickweed.

No, punishing violence isn’t “running your life,”idiot. If it were, you would be a psychopath who needs your life run - padded room or cell, pick one.

I mean we can fix that, moron, but you don’t seem to even understand what you are arguing on any level and have truly lost the plot.

You don’t need to be religious to not support violence against innocent human beings, you fucktarded scumbag.

You're nothing but a diseased little twat who can't think for yourself.

You want your hateful religious zealotry forced on others and hate the fact that decent people won't have it. We want no part of your brand of hate.

How will you react when the government you so revere decides it's time for them to start making medical decisions for you or your loved ones? Because that will happen, and you're an even more ignorant little pinhead than I thought if you believe it won't.

Bottom line, shit-eater, it's not murder. Murder is an illegal act. Outlaw it. Do that, and then you can call it murder. Otherwise, button up your cocksucker and shut the fuck up...
This will help lower the number of unwanted conceived in america. Lower birth rate equals prosperity
You're nothing but a diseased little twat who can't think for yourself.
You’re a brainless drooling idiot.

You want your hateful religious zealotry
I don’t have a religion, you insipid ****, but I reserve my hate for what people do, nothing arbitrary like your hatemongering stupidity against humans based on their age.

No, I hate needlessly violent and selfish pieces of shit who attack the innocent - you stan for them.

decent people
You’re the lowest of the low, filth. Don’t ever confuse yourself for decent. Just FYAD.
You’re a brainless drooling idiot.


You're a fuckin' window licker, retard...

I don’t have a religion, you insipid ****, but I reserve my hate for what people do, nothing arbitrary like your hatemongering stupidity against humans based on their age.

Liar. You're a religious zealot...

No, I hate needlessly violent and selfish pieces of shit who attack the innocent - you stan for them.

I "stan" for them?

If you're going to attempt to insult someone's intelligence by calling them "brainless", you'd better make real fuckin' sure you're not putting your own idiocy on display...

You’re the lowest of the low, filth. Don’t ever confuse yourself for decent. Just FYAD.

Lowest of the low, yet of a higher station than you'll ever know...

Just PSMIC...

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