Indiana residents fight city’s home-seizure plan

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I remember when the Kelo v New London decision came down from the Supreme Court stating that taking private property in order to build structures that would produce more tax revenue was "Constitutional" Republicans were aghast (as everyone should have been) by it. So I now have to wonder why a Republican mayor in a red state is moving to throw 350 families out on the street in order to tear down their neighborhood for a new development. Regardless of what SCOTUS says, this is an abuse of Eminent Domain and I thought Republicans were supposed to be the party of limited government and supportive of private property rights.

My house is not for sale Indiana residents fight city s home-seizure plan Fox News
That neighborhood could be deemed of historic significance. Built in the 40's to house the military, etc. there's some background there. That could stop the eminent domain move.

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