Indicia of the Conspiracy


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The description of Trump's request to President Z on the Bidens' activities in Ukraine is a clear indication of the bias of the Media outlet.

What is undeniable is that there is the appearance of undue influence and political extortion in the public comments of a former Vice President, coupled with an absurdly-generous compensation arrangement with the former VP's son by a company under investigation for corruption. Maybe there is corruption there, and maybe not. Only a thorough investigation will bring the whole thing to light.

It is also a fact that the former VP is running for President.

But in the reporting of this request, and in the Media's description of it, this is not what one sees. It is invariably described as President Trump seeking "dirt" on a political rival/opponent. Period. They don't even mention the most relevant fact, to wit, the "political rival" is a former VP, who was personally assigned the leadership of the U.S.' relationship with Ukraine.

This is like reporting that a "Black" fellow named Barry O'Bama, who happens to be a terrible golfer, is often seen playing golf in country clubs where he is not a member. It leaves out the most important point.
I'm sorry ... we all knew The Donald lacked experience in government ...

He's a businessman and in business his actions are spot-on correct ... personally going after a cheating competitor ... government's different, he should have sent the matter to the FBI or State Department for investigation ... [hand wave] ... We the People wanted to know how a businessman handled the Oval Office and here's our answer ...

Lesson learned, let's just move on ...

Joe Biden got caught with his hand in the cookie jar ... now he's screaming papa doesn't belong in the kitchen ... stripe that boy's ass I say ...

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