Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

The people who will be testifying against trump in both the documents case and the J6 case are people who voted for him and who wanted him to win in 2020. trump will push for an all out civil war, in order to save his ass.
I don't know about a civil war. What I do know is that for his supporters none of it will make a difference. They are all caught in an impenetrable bubble. Found innocent, "he's innocent." Found guilty "he's innocent, and being framed" perfectly circular.
I don't know about a civil war. What I do know is that for his supporters none of it will make a difference. They are all caught in an impenetrable bubble. Found innocent, "he's innocent." Found guilty "he's innocent, and being framed" perfectly circular.
Just like their views on election. "We win, it was a fair elections. We lose and there was massive voter fraud."
Arizona, Georgia, spring to mind right of the bat as Republican controlled. But feel free to prove otherwise.
I was trying to.look it up. You're right about Ga. Az. Was a Democrat that's as far as I got
I knew he was wrong lus if he had real proof the whole world would know about it. There was none.
Hmm? One day(!) after the Archer testimony.

Jack Smith, getting ready to make his personal appearance, and attempt to make us believe this isn't completely political

But yeah, again, an indictment immediately following bad news for Biden a day earlier.

excellent....we can now litigate 1/6 to death.........the truth
Fuck off with that dishonest BULLSHIT.

No majority voted for Biden, that's why they stopped the "vote counting" for over a month, you retard.

If you believe a guy that didn't even campaign for the last 6 weeks of a national election got the most votes

ever in America and had the largest turnout ever (an impossibility in many cases) you're a dumbass and a half.

We're gonna get y'all right by the truth. False accusations by a government officer for political purposes.

This is bad, they're way out of the scope of what they should be doing and abusing power.

The 2020 election was blatantly cheated and this is them daring people to do anything about it.

If they do it to Trump, they're going to do it to everyone. (That means you too, eventually, cupcake.)

They're gonna get their wish, but it won't be what they had contingencies for.

Keep living in fantasy land.

trump's only hope is he is elected president again, so he can squash all these court cases from proceeding against him. Just like the good Mob Boss that he is. That has been his way of surviving all these years. I call them the 3 Ds.

This time he bit off more than he could handle.
I was trying to.look it up. You're right about Ga. Az. Was a Democrat that's as far as I got
I knew he was wrong lus if he had real proof the whole world would know about it. There was none.
we'll be able to litigate the shat oudda this.....lololol

discovery will be great
I was trying to.look it up. You're right about Ga. Az. Was a Democrat that's as far as I got
I knew he was wrong lus if he had real proof the whole world would know about it. There was none.
I simply remembered Rusty Bowers from the Jan 6th hearings, and Georgia is easy because of Trump's call to Kemp. Nevada also I believe but I'm to lazy to really look at it atm.
It was Democrats in control in the swing states that did the fraud.

Name one it wasn't. NM, I could show you the proof of it, but it wouldn't do any good.

Imbecile, 4 of the 5 members of the Maricopa County election board were Republican. Including the chairman. You're batshit crazy.
The people who will be testifying against trump in both the documents case and the J6 case are people who voted for him and who wanted him to win in 2020. trump will push for an all out civil war, in order to save his ass.
All that means is anyone who is still crazy enough to follow trump down that road will join him in prison.
I simply remembered Rusty Bowers from the Jan 6th hearings, and Georgia is easy because of Trump's call to Kemp. Nevada also I believe but I'm to lazy to really look at it atm.
He threatened that republican too.,nevermind, worked all night, going to bed. All this crap those trump supporters keep saying is just too much to keep up with when you're tired. Have a good day !
Keep living in fantasy land.

I can only assume that the long term effects of MAGA is the gradual deterioration of brain cells. This country is a country of rules and laws, not "Cause Donald said so." He had every right in the world to challenge the 2020 elections results. He did and he lost in court over 60 times. The only case he won was his challenge of how far the repub observers need to stand away from the vote counting. AND HE KNEW HE LOST, BUT HE KEPT LYING ABOUT IT.
He threatened that republican too.,nevermind, worked all night, going to bed. All this crap those trump supporters keep saying is just too much to keep up with when you're tired. Have a good day !
I know. it kind of makes me want to pull out the few hairs I have left on my head. There's reams of information in the public realm. Most of it from Trump (former) loyalists.

At the same time you come on this board,and you see theirs no end to the amount of easily verifiable misinformation the Trump supporters spew on here.

It's not so much the lying that bothers me. But it's how pointless or mindless the lies are. I always thought that before a person states something the person stating it should have at least a passing knowledge and an interested in being truthful, to guard against embarrassment if nothing else.

Boy was I wrong.

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