Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Only if that advice leafs to criminal acts.
No. The people committing the crimes are the ones responsible.

For example, Biden called Trump supporters “threats to democracy“ - pretty much calling us traitors. If a bunch of us jumped the White House fence, running toward the building, should Biden be indicted for his remarks that lead to a criminal act?

Besides, all Trump said was that he felt the election was rigged. In America, we used to be able to express our opinion.
You and Trump have been trying to cheat and steal the election from we the people who by majority voted for Biden, to fire Trump, for two and a half years.

Wake up! You all, are the Cheater's helpers! It's about Time to get right, with the truth.
Newsflash: the stuff Mr. Dementia did was much worse. MUCH
Yes, trump may have dementia but he's always been a criminal. I consider him worse than Benedict Arnold now. Pure ego driven to the point of forsaking the nation, that's insane.
You and Trump have been trying to cheat and steal the election from we the people who by majority voted for Biden, to fire Trump, for two and a half years.

Wake up! You all, are the Cheater's helpers! It's about Time to get right, with the truth.
Fuck off with that dishonest BULLSHIT.

No majority voted for Biden, that's why they stopped the "vote counting" for over a month, you retard.

If you believe a guy that didn't even campaign for the last 6 weeks of a national election got the most votes

ever in America and had the largest turnout ever (an impossibility in many cases) you're a dumbass and a half.

We're gonna get y'all right by the truth. False accusations by a government officer for political purposes.

This is bad, they're way out of the scope of what they should be doing and abusing power.

The 2020 election was blatantly cheated and this is them daring people to do anything about it.

If they do it to Trump, they're going to do it to everyone. (That means you too, eventually, cupcake.)

They're gonna get their wish, but it won't be what they had contingencies for.
Fuck off with that dishonest BULLSHIT.

No majority voted for Biden, that's why they stopped the "vote counting" for over a month, you retard.

If you believe a guy that didn't even campaign for the last 6 weeks of a national election got the most votes

ever in America and had the largest turnout ever (an impossibility in many cases) you're a dumbass and a half.

We're gonna get y'all right by the truth. False accusations by a government officer for political purposes.

This is bad, they're way out of the scope of what they should be doing and abusing power.

The 2020 election was blatantly cheated and this is them daring people to do anything about it.

They're gonna get their wish, but it won't be what they had contingencies for.
Sure thing. No one has any contingency for the toothless, geriatric, brigade.... 😄
Fuck off with that dishonest BULLSHIT.

No majority voted for Biden, that's why they stopped the "vote counting" for over a month, you retard.

If you believe a guy that didn't even campaign for the last 6 weeks of a national election got the most votes

ever in America and had the largest turnout ever (an impossibility in many cases) you're a dumbass and a half.

We're gonna get y'all right by the truth. False accusations by a government officer for political purposes.

This is bad, they're way out of the scope of what they should be doing and abusing power.

The 2020 election was blatantly cheated and this is them daring people to do anything about it.

If they do it to Trump, they're going to do it to everyone. (That means you too, eventually, cupcake.)

They're gonna get their wish, but it won't be what they had contingencies for.
One question then, half of those election heads in the states were republicans
Why would they go along with it , if it was a plot as you keep insisting without any proof.
No he didn’t. And the voters didn’t really decide. The media fed them information, and hid others, to manipulate enough useful idiots to vote for Biden. Even then, it wasn’t sufficient, and they had to halt the count in six swing states simultaneously - obviously planned - to truck in the harvested ballots.

That you think Trump tried to “overthrow our democracy” is a testament to the power of a biased media, censorship, and the lower caliber of Americans.
Sure that's what happened... Meanwhile in the real world. DocumentCloud Rudy admits to lying about election fraud.
So now if you have two advisors, each with a different opinion, and you choose to take the advice of the one Democrats don’t agree with, the DOJ will come after you and try to imprison you?
If you are looking until you find an advisor willing to go along you are responsible. WILLFUL ignorance is no excuse. The indictment by the way supports the "willful" bit by notes Pence took at the time. There's an exchange were Trump is literally saying to Pence he's "being to honest" because he's refusing to go along with the scheme.
One question then, half of those election heads in the states were republicans
Why would they go along with it , if it was a plot as you keep insisting without any proof.
It was Democrats in control in the swing states that did the fraud.

Name one it wasn't. NM, I could show you the proof of it, but it wouldn't do any good.
Okay. Tell me, FACTUALLY, where the first amendment freedom of speech is based on "good faith principles". After all, this is the most blatant violation. You are attempting to jail someone for their speech.

Go. Tell us about those "good faith principles" in the Constitution. Where?

He is not facing jail because of his speech.
The newest indictment identifies 6 unidentified co-defendants. Meadows could be one of them.
trump's only hope is he is elected president again, so he can squash all these court cases from proceeding against him. Just like the good Mob Boss that he is. That has been his way of surviving all these years. I call them the 3 Ds.

It was Democrats in control in the swing states that did the fraud.

Name one it wasn't. NM, I could show you the proof of it, but it wouldn't do any good.
Arizona, Georgia, spring to mind right of the bat as Republican controlled. But feel free to prove otherwise.
That's because your sad sack scrap book doesn't mean shit in a court of law you silly Cosplayer. 😄
trump is a career criminal. But that won't stop the repubs from pushing him into the nomination...where he will lose again. Cause...well...obviously repubs like to lose!
Arizona, Georgia, spring to mind right of the bat as Republican controlled. But feel free to prove otherwise.
The people who will be testifying against trump in both the documents case and the J6 case are people who voted for him and who wanted him to win in 2020. trump will push for an all out civil war, in order to save his ass.

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